Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 36

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

Man that was some funny day. Bob, the poor guy, got the shit taken out of him earlier by the guys.

I wonder why he was watching me get changed? Maybe he’s a perv or he likes me. I shook my head. “Don’t be so stupid.” I muttered to myself.

I looked out of my bunk I smiled as I saw Gerard with his arm hanging out of the bunk along with his head. I giggled and looked over at Bob’s; it was lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. You could tell he was still playing the play station. Him and Frank are the worse addicts on the bus. If I had my way he would be with me sleeping in my bunk.

Turing over I drifted to sleep with fantasies of me and Bob floating around in my head. Thin Lizzy ‘Whiskey In The Jar’ blasted into my ear causing me to jump up and smack my head off Frank’s bunk. Falling back down I answered the damn thing.

“Hey, what’s up?” I heard a familiar male voice say. Since it was half fucking three in the morning I hadn’t a clue who the fuck was talking to me.

“Who’s this?”

“Oh jeeze thanks you’ve forgotten me already.” He laughed. “It’s Jepha.”

I smiled and closed my eyes half asleep. “Sorry it’s early and I’m tired.” I hadn’t spoken to him since Taste Of Chaos tour. Last I heard he was going steady with a chick that did sound mixing on their last album.

“Shit I didn’t wake you did I?” he asked.

“No, no.” I bit my lip I could never lie to him about the smallest things. I giggled a little. “Yeah you did.”

He laughed, “do you want me to go?”

“No it’s okay. So what are you calling me for? Phone sex?”

“That was my first thought but then I thought ‘hey maybe we should actually talk on the phone for once instead of having sex.’” He chuckled. This was probably our first normal phone conversation, it was always phone sex before this. All of a sudden he stopped. “I need to talk to you.” He said in a more serious tone.

I bit my lip and tried to think of what I did wrong to him or anyone really because he only spoke in a serious tone when someone did something wrong and it scared me sometimes. “Go for it, I’m all ears.”

“I mean face to face. Were are you guy stopping next?”

“What have I done wrong?” I blurted out slightly trembling.

“Nothing why would you think that?”

I frowned. “But you just said you need to talk to me face to face!”

“Yeah ‘cause I haven’t talked to ex-girlfriend in fucking months!” I could tell he was smiling down the phone but the way he said his words. “So do you want to meet up sometime? I’m in New York for a couple of weeks if you’re around…”

I gave him the names of the venues coming up and talked to him a while longer before I had to go. “Sweetie I may go I’m falling asleep here.”

“Okay I’ll see you soon, don’t forget about me. Night hon.”

“Nighty night Jepha.”

I fell asleep and woke up a couple of hour’s later feeling like complete shit. I stumbled out of my bunk and walked into the guys. I was greeted by Frank who handed me my two Prozac’s along with a can of Red Bull. “I could get used to this husband.” I smiled, walking by kicking his ass in the process.

“No problem.” He said kicking me back.

I popped my pills and took the cookie that was in Gerard’s mouth.

“Hey I was eating that!” he complained.

“I know.” I began eating it. “What time is it?”

“Half eleven.” He said grabbing the cookie back. “Motherfucker you ate most of it!”

I stuck out my tongue out and told them I was going to talk to the techs before the show but they all fucking shouted at me. Fucking hell I can’t do anything around here anymore. “WHAT?!” I screamed in frustration.

“Your wearing your pj’s and they’re kinda see through.” Mikey said gulping down the coffee. Fair play to the guy for talking to me when I’m like this, he’s no the most confidant guy on tour.

“SO!” man I needed anger management soon. He shrugged so I walked off the bus in a little hissy fit bitching about them. A roadie whistled me at and I nearly shouted the whole venue down. I didn’t know why I was so moody lately, maybe it’s the Prozac I’m on..

“Jeeze Louise take a chill pill.” A voice shouted.

I glared over in the direction of where it came from my face softened as soon as I saw my big brother and his family standing by the barriers. “What are you doing here?” I asked hugging them all through the barriers.

“Oh you know any excuse to get off work.” Steven smiled. “So you gonna let us in or do we have to but tickets?”

“I’ll let you in just as soon as I find Brian, I need passes to let you guys in.” I replied bending down and looking through the barriers at my sleeping niece in her buggy.

“Lou don’t wake here.” Addison said like she was pissed off.

I nodded and turned around to see Brian walking towards the venue hall. I ran up to him and jumped on his back.

“Aw come on. I’ve got stuff to do. Go play with Frank.” He groaned.

“Nope you gotta gimme three passes for Bella, Steve and Addi.”

He sighed. “Fine I’ll give them the passes. Would you like to remove yourself from my back?” I shook my head and he muttered to himself as he walked to the barriers. He handed them the passes and gave them directions to get to the bus. Brian pulled me off his back but I jumped back up.

“Lou.” He whined like Frank. I laughed evilly as he started walking.

“Aw great first Bob steals are fans and now Brian. Fuck sake.” Frank yelled across the parking lot.

“He can’t help it if he’s sexy, Iero.” I exclaimed, planting a nice big wet one on Brian’s cheek.

“Ew, there was no need for that!” Brian squealed.