Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 37

I noticed that Addison wasn’t as lively as she was at Christmas. “Hey guys why don’t you find Matt and Fred to let Steve play a few cords?”

“Yeah sure. ‘mon Toro.” Frank said getting up with Toro and Steve in pursuit.

I glared at the other three men sitting down. “Oh yeah we’ll go too.” Mikey informed basically dragging the other two out with him, god bless the kid he really could tell what to do when I gave him a glare.

It was just me, Addison, Jamia, Alicia and a sleeping Bella left. The second the door closed I turned to Addi. “Okay spill what is up with you and my brother.”

She looked at Bella and sighed. “Nothing I’m just tired from the flight.”

“Aw come on Ad, I’ve know you for as long as Lou and I’ve never seen you this down before.” Mia piped up.

“It’s nothing.”

“That’s complete bullshit and you know it.”

Tears formed in her eyes, oh no this can’t be good she never cry’s like ever. “I think I’m pregnant again. But I’m not ready for another one. I mean we’re getting married in like three months I can’t be pregnant. Plus Steve’s to up with fucking work to be around anymore. And when he is around it happens to be five in the morning waking us up. He gives out when he’s pissed or sober we fight over the smallest of things for no reason. I can’t fucking stand it anymore. I just don’t want it like this anymore.”

Being chicks we began comforting her with tissues and rubbing her hair back out of her face.

“Pet what do you mean you think you might be pregnant? Have you taken a test yet?” Alicia asked handing her another tissue.

“No. I know I should but I’m to scared. I can’t be a whale for the wedding.”

“Sweetie you have to take one. When’s the last time you had your period?” I asked holding her hand.

“F-four. Four-” she began crying harder.

“Weeks or days?”

“Months.” I looked to Mia, what the hell were we meant to do?! Bella started to stir in her seat. Addison went to get her but I got up.

“I have her, you stay here.” She nodded as I picked up Bella placing her on my hip. I walked into the small bathroom and began looking through the press finding a pregnancy test. I walked back out to them and handed the test to Addison. “Take it now.” I said softly.

She took it still looking scared; she got up and went into where I just came from. Us four sat in silence as we waited for her to appear again. “Can someone look at it for me, I can’t do it.” She called.

All three of us got up at the same. Alicia picked up the box. “We’ve to wait three minutes before it will say anything.” Then she looked at her watch. “Okay I’ll check it in two minutes.”

We were waiting once again, this time I was not going to let silence take us over. “Do you want me to give out to Steve for neglecting you? I mean I can get pretty nasty.” She let out a little laugh and nodded a little. “Okay I’ll talk to him after the test. Can I bring Bella to Frank the poor child needs some company.” Jamia hit me. “Ouch what was that for?”

“He’s not a child he’s a grown man that YOU married, whore.” I smiled I did deserve that. “Who happens to be slightly mentally challenged as well as vertically.”

“You married Frank?” Addi sniffed, ops I might have forgotten that minor detail.

“Yeah long story short, they went drinking and gambling in Vegas. They ended up getting married and tattoo’s of each others names.” Alicia replied glancing at her watch. “I’ll show you the tape, it’ll make you feel good about not getting that drunk.” She stopped and handed the test to Mia.

Mia bit her lip and tried to hide a smile. “Honey you’re pregnant.”

Addison’s expression was excitement, confusion, anger and joy all within a matter of seconds. “I am?” she nodded. “I’m having another baby.” She cried in joy. We smiled.

I waited until they got mine and Frank’s wedding video out, I took Bella with me didn’t want to scare the poor baby so young. I only realized I was still in my pj’s when I got whistled at by a roadie. Only time they ever whistle really.

Before flipping them off I spotted the guys walking onto the tech bus. “Hey Steve!” I yelled and every single one of them turned around. Stupid retards. I walked over and pulled him away. “I need to talk to you.” He looked bewildered. “Now.”

I handed Bella over to Frank; he gladly accepted the little bundle of dribbles. As soon as I had him alone I began verbally attacking him. “I hear your neglecting your family. Care to tell me about it?”

He sighed and lit up his cig. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No not half. So tell me why is Addi so sad all of a sudden.”

He shifted uncomfortably against the bus. “It’s the wedding and baby stuff getting to her.”

“Oh really because from what I hear your never around and when you are your pissed out of your brains.” I snarled at him. He may be my brother but he could be a really idiot sometimes. “Tell me what the fuck is going on between you two.”

“People change..”

“So your telling me you don’t love her anymore?”

“No, no I do. It’s just everything is so different now with work, Bella and the wedding. Sometimes I just can’t cope with it all.” I could see the hurt in his eyes. “I just wish things could go back to the way they used to be.” He whispered.

“Well they will be okay if you try. Do you even know why your future wife is upset lately?”

he shook his head. “I think its stress.”

I closed my eyes and thought for a second before opening them again. “Steve, she’s pregnant.”

A happy face appeared under the mask of sorrow. “Really? We’re having another baby?” I nodded. “Wh-why didn’t she tell me?”

“She’s terrified because your never around anymore.” I said plainly. “When’s the last time you guys talked properly?”

“Christmas week, when you had to mind Bella so we could get your present.” He smiled. “But we ended up having sex in loads of changing rooms.”

I smiled, the asses never even got me a present just a half bottle of Jack Daniel’s they found in the press. “How long you three staying for?”

“Five days.”

“Great you two can stay at my place while I mind Bella on tour.”

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea-”

“Come on I’ve had loads of experience. I can do it. I mean how long do I get to spend with my niece?”

He eventually agreed with me and want off to have a much needed talk with Addi. I walked onto the tech bus to see Frank and Bella both, yes both a grown man and baby, sitting on the table laughing their asses off.

“Lou we broke your husband and niece.” Matt exclaimed from the sofa. Most of them had beers in their hands, except Gerard.

I smiled. “Frank you’ll be having a blast for the next five days because Baby Bella is staying with us.” I said as I lay across all the techs and band members on the sofa.

“No way!” Frank giggled just as someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.” we all said in a monotone voice.

“Hey guys.” Jepha said before I tackled him to the bus floor with a nice big bear hug.

“Jephie pie I missed you.” I cooed as the guys snickered.

“Erm thanks this is new to me.”

“How so?” I asked slightly confused and not willing to get off him.

“Last time I was on a bus floor with you neither of us had clothes on we were having sex and ten other people weren’t watching us.”

I quickly brought my knee up to his dick and he groaned. The other guys ‘ooed’. “You don’t say the ‘s’ word in front of a baby, got that?”

“Yeah.” He barely croaked. I looked to the other guys and they all nodded with wide eyes.

“I’m glad we have that sorted.”