Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 38

“So we bringing Bella to the park?” Jepha asked while he bounced Bella around on his knees. Honestly him and Frank were having more fun than they ever since she was here with us.

“Hell yeah, it’s Central Park of coarse we’re bringing Bellie Wellie.” I cooed at her. Jepha laughed. “What?”

“Bellie Wellie!” he chuckled.

I hit his leg and took Bella off him. “Shut up. Get her stuff ready while you’re at it.”

He got up in search of her buggy and baby bag. Frank walked by us and started cooing at Bella.

“Who’s my favourite niece? You are! Yes you are Bella, yes you are!” Bella gurgled as a response. “And who’s your favourite uncle? It’s me uncle Frankie, yes it is!” he tickled her while she dribbled all over his hand.

Frank gave Bella his phone and she began whacking it off my knees as hard as she could. Jepha walked in with the buggy under one arm and the baby bag slumped in his arms. “Did he just say uncle?” he asked. It was a strange thought Frank Iero a weird child trapped in a mans body was some child’s uncle. We both nodded. “But how?”

“You don’t want to know man.” I hit him hard. “Ouch, what? It’s true.”

I ignored him and turned to Jepha. “I’ll tell you on the way to the park.”

He didn’t reply just nodded and walked off the bus. I slipped a clean outfit onto Bella and went out side to see Jepha struggling with the buggy. I smiled and rest her on one hip and did the buggy within seconds.

“How the hell did you do that?!” he exclaimed scratching his head.

“Magic.” I whispered.

“Hey where you guys going?” Bob asked.

“Central Park. Put that out around the baby.” I said the second I smelt the smoke form the cigs. I strapped Bella in turning to see Bob putting it out on his hand. “What are you doing?” I flicked it away.

“I was putting the cig out.” He said plainly.

I rummaged though the baby bag and pulled out baby cream. “Give me your hand.” He did so and I rubbed cream into the burn. The fool, it could get infected and make his wrists worse. “Now don’t do that again.”

“Yes Mommy!” he smirked cheekily as I put a Barbie band-aid on the burn. “Oh how manly, now I’m going to have to show off to Frank.” He said in a monotone voice.

“Mother f-er.” I said.

He smiled. “I’ll see you three later.” Bella opened and closed her hand it was her way of waving bye to Bob.


I wasn’t sure about Bella or Jepha but I was having a blast, I hadn’t had this much fun in years. Well apart from the other week playing pranks on the roadies with Worm, but lets not get into that. As soon as Bella fell asleep we were able to do adult things.

“Come on go faster dammit!”

“I’m going as fast as I can.” He gasped.

“If you don’t go faster I’ll whip your ass!” I threatened him.

“You kinky bitch.” He laughed. I kicked the back of his knees and he fell to the ground taking me with him. Guess the guy can’t handle people kicking him on the inner knee while giving piggybacks. “You whore.”

I laughed. “Yeah that would be me.”

“Right.” He rolled onto his back but made sure I stayed onto of him. “Are you really? Huh are you?” he tickled my sides. I was gasping for air. “Tell me you’re my whore and I’ll stop.”

I wouldn’t have said it only he found my ticklish spot and I began screaming from laughter. “I-I’m y-your who-whore.” I yelled through the laughter.

He stopped tickling me, but I didn’t trust him so I grabbed his wrists and held them above out heads. “Well this is interesting.” He chuckled.

“Shut up.”

“No you shut up.” He replied sticking his tongue out like a five year old. Now I understood why him, Bella and Frank get on so well.

“Make me.”

“I will.” And he did ‘cause our lips were locked but I pulled away.

“We shouldn’t do this.” I whispered but I couldn’t help kissing him back. And we kept kissing until someone above us ‘ahem’ed.

We both pulled away and looked to see three chicks and two dudes standing over us.

“Can I get your autograph?” the tallest chick asked. I sighed and got off Jepha, Bella whined. I thanked god and attended to her. This way I wouldn’t have to answer they’re bitchy comments and questions.

“Hello baby you hungry?” I looked in the baby bag for her bottle but I couldn’t find it anywhere. “Jepha where’s her bottle?”

he looked away from the deep conversation he was having to us. “It’s under the buddy. It should be still warm there’s a couple of towels around it.”

I pulled it out. “Thanks.” I set Bella sitting up on the picnic mat thingy and the tall chick gave us a filthy look as I gave Bella the bottle. “Sorry do you have a problem?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“What are you? His wife?” she spat.

I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh so did Jepha. We locked eyes and he nodded as he smiled. “No actually I’m his girlfriend and this is his daughter.”

She scoffed. “Whore.”

“Yeah my whore.” He winked. I laughed as I remembered earlier.

The chick stomped off and another chick ran off after her. The little stuck up brat.

“Don’t worry she’s my ex-girlfriend.” He told the three that were left.

“Is that you guys daughter?” the purple haired guy asked.

“Nope this is my niece.” I said. “Do you want me to take a couple of photo’s of ye with Jepha?” after the photo’s we headed to Starbucks with them. They were pretty cool.

“Weren’t you in the accident with My Chem a couple of months ago and lost a baby?” Purple asked, ironically his hair colour was also his nickname. I nodded and handed Bella a spoon to play with. “Was it true you were eight and a half months pregnant?”

“Yeah I guess.” I muttered.

Jepha spat out his coffee and began choking on what was left in his mouth. “I’m sorry, what now?”

Oh fuck not now…