Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 40

*Bob’s POV*

We could hear Jen screaming at Jepha, she’s a bit scary when she’s pissed off and she’s a little sad. It would be coming up to Nathan’s 3rd month anniversary and she was uneasy about everything.

We were all outside smoking when Jamia and Alicia came back. “What are all the non-smokers doing out here?” Alicia asked suspiciously. I’d say the question was more directed at Mikey than the rest of them.

“Lou and Jepha are fighting.” Matt told them.

“I know you’re a chick baby and you comfort each other but just leave it for a moment.” Frank said pulling Jamia towards him. I sighed looking at them. If only I had that with Jen. But in my life ‘if only’ never worked.

The shouting had stopped about half an hour ago. I nodded at Jamia and Alicia who walked on to the bus with me close behind them.

Jepha was sitting on the sofa running his hands through his hair. “You okay?” I asked, I’m not exactly the best person at dealing with emotions. He didn’t say anything back but Alicia sat down beside him and began rubbing his back.

As she did that Mia and me found Jen and Bella asleep in the back lounge. “Will you get her cot ready for her please?” Mia asked, gently trying to remove Bella from her hold.

I nodded and moved down the hall, half way down Jepha looked like he was on the verge of tears but I didn’t say a thing. Mia walked in a couple of minutes later with Bella changed. “Should we leave her in the back lounge?” she whispered setting Bella gently down in the cot.

“No. She’ll be in pain for days after if she sleeps in that shit hole.” I replied. When I got to the back lounge she was still asleep. Damn she looked cute. I slipped off her runners and hoody before picking her up. I couldn’t help but to kiss her lips before I lifted her up.

It was the most awkward thing to do without making noise. I don’t even know how she got in here with Bella in the first place.

“Need a hand?” Mia asked standing in the doorway.

“Yeah move that crash cymbal before it crushes my nuts.” I said seriously, she just frowned. “The one nearest me.”

She moved it and by some miracle I got out of the tiny area without falling over or banging into something. After I managed to get her into her bunk I sorta walked in on Mia and Frank in a make out session.

“You guys go out I’ll keep an eye on Bella.”

“Are you sure? ‘Cause we could mind her…” Frank Iero; possibly one of the worst liars ever when it comes to trying to get laid without persisting it.

I held up my hand and dug around in my hoody pocket with the other. “Here, it’s the red one on the corner.” I threw the keys at them. “Knock yourselves out.” They greatly accepted and left within seconds.

After flicking through every channel at least six to eight times I realized the guys probably were on the tech’s bus. Actually I only noticed about twenty minutes ago Jepha and Alicia were gone as well.

I was half asleep on the sofa but every move that Bella made I woke up to check on her. Being a teen parent would suck, looking after a baby twenty-four seven while trying to get on with school.

I sat there for another while eventually settling on CSI or some crime murder investigation thing when Jen walked in yawing. “How long have I been asleep for?” she asked leaning in over Bella.

“ ‘Bout an hour or something. You can go back to sleep if you want, I’ll keep an eye on her.” I offered.

She shook her head as she yawned again. “I wanna watch Jungle Book.”

I smiled. “What are you? Four?”

“Three actually!” she smiled and popped the video in. “Get it right next time Bryar.” She giggled plopping herself down beside me.

“Mind if I lean on you for a sec I’m not feeling to great.” She asked half way through the movie. I had to pull a pillow onto my lap before she set her head down.

“You okay?”


“You sure?” I asked shifting the hair out of her face.

“Yeah I’m okay. I think I’ll get some water.” She got up and went towards the kitchen. As she did that I looked over Bella again to check her. She was just like her godmother adorable.

Next thing I heard was a massive bang, I thought it must be Mikey or Ray tripping over the step. But when I looked I saw a totally different scene. Jen was lying on the floor.

I never ran so fast to anyone as I did to her…