Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 43

“So how is everyone else? Coping well with you?” I asked gesturing for the rest of his cigarette.

“Good, great actually. Lyn’s lung collapsed about a year ago during a show that was kind of funny actually. And Steve’s had his second hip replacement. He jumped off the same balcony as last time.” He took a long drag before handing me the end of it. Bastard.

“Bet he’s major bummed. So I take it he wont be jumping off any balcony’s anytime soon so.” I laughed. I was the show when he was rushed to hospital the first time he had to get a replacement. He swore he’d never do it again, well I guess he broke his swear to me.

“Yeah but I’m still able to. Bu-ya!” he yelled and did a little victory dance. I had to laugh at him. When Steve left on his 18th Jimmy would bring me everywhere with him and taught me everything I know.

“Ladies…” Frank said walking up to us.

“It…” Jimmy replied sticking his nose up in the air.

I smiled and noticed Frank had half a packet of cig’s left. So naturally I took them, like any other mentally challenged person would. “Hey they’re mine!” Frank lit up trying to snatch them back.

“Naw ah. You have to provide for your ill wife Iero.” I smirked at him.

“Hold on there love. You married it?” I nodded as Frank reluctantly lit me up. “That midget?”

“Well duh, do you see any other midgets around here?”

“I thought I taught you better!” Jimmy exclaimed, all he wanted to do was wind Frank up and by the looks of it he was succeeding, “I mean c’mon J-Lo. Him? That little shit? Of all the midgets out there-”

“Motherfucker!” Frank yelled launching himself at Jimmy. I jumped in between them so no damage would be done. Poor little guy was in a bad mood today, so now I’ve to warn everyone not to joke with him today.

Jimmy turned past me and took Frank’s hand. “Congrat’s on the wedding. I hope you two have a long happy life together.” He said smoothly.

Frank yanked away his hand and just took a drag of his cig giving Jimmy a dirty look. “Man your still as fucked up as I remembered.”

“See I knew it wasn’t hard for people to remember me. I’m just so unforgettable!”

“So how am I related to you?”

I opened my mouth to reply but Jimmy bet me to it. “Your wife’s father’s sister’s son!” he grinned. Probably ‘cause he remembered how we were related. That and the fact Frank looked so fucking confused.

“Oh.” Frank replied like two minutes later. Then they both went into conversation about the ‘good old times’.

I wasn’t listening to them, I was to busy being in a complete daze. I was thinking about how my family ruined my possible date with Bob. When I went to ask him were we still having lunch he was already eating. Life was really unfair. I kept replaying the scene over and over in my head imaging what would have happened if Steven and Addi hadn’t have arrived.

Someone licking my face knocked me out of my daze. I whipped the spit off my face and turned to them. “Okay fuck faces who did that?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” Gerard laughed. When did he get here? They all burst out laughing.

I gave them all evils. “Fuck you guys.”

“Jim, Lyn’ll be here in a few so could you grab some of Bella’s things or her please?” Addi asked nicely as she approached us.

“I shalt take thou’s child and I shalt make it into thine slave. ” he replied putting on the thickest British accent. He grabbed Bella and started playing with her right away. “Hello ugly baby. Yeah you are just like your daddy!” he held her up in the air and she giggled away. I don’t know why Addi trusts him with a baby, I never did.

“Hey fuckers.” A chick yelled from across the lot. She looked so familiar yet I couldn’t place her. We all muttered a hi. “Where’s Add? Oh wait Bella is here that’s all I wanted.” She took Bella from Jimmy. Thank god ‘cause I was about to take her off him. “Oh I’m Lyn-Z by the way.”

I knew I knew her! “Yeah we know.” I smiled.

“Oh jesus Lou. I haven’t seen you in ages, I didn’t recognise you for a second. How’ve you been keeping?” she asked, letting Bella tug at her chain.

“Good, well now in all honestly last time you saw me I looked like shit. Time before that I was pretty wasted.” I giggled lightly. “So how are you? How’s Billie?”

“Great, I dumped him a couple weeks back. He was cheating on me.” She spoke with venom. “With his step-mother.”

“The bastard.” I gasped.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies but we’re still here and wanna talk about something decent.” Frank broke our conversation the little fuck.

“You never did like being left out of conversations much did you?” Lyn rolled her eyes.

“Nope.” He smirked.

I looked at Gerard; he was frowning and looking at Lyn. He only gave that look when he couldn’t remember something or he didn’t know what the hell we were talking bout. Then I noticed Frank looking at him, then whispered something into his ear.

“Really? How come I don’t remember properly?”

“Dude you were way to wasted to noticed anything except alcohol at the time.” Frank chuckled.

“I’m guessing you guys are talking about him and Lyn dating yeah?” Jimmy asked.

What the fuck? Why don’t I know Frank and Lyn dated? “You guys dated? How come no one ever tells me any of this shit?” I whined.

Jimmy came over and threw his around my shoulder. “Don’t worry love, I didn’t find out they were dating until I saw them fucking after a show we had a few years back.” I cringed at the image of Frank and Lyn fucking in my head. Jimmy flicked the side of my head. “Horrible mental image isn’t it?”

I nodded and looked in disgust at them. “Yeah it’s fucking gross.” The others started laughing. “Frankie why didn’t you tell me? You tell me everything!”

“I know but I didn’t think it was my place to say anything about It.” I pouted like a three year old. He walked over and hugged me. “I’m sorry I’ll tell you everything about everyone from now on okay?”

I nodded against him. “But next time you have to tell me when your fucking chicks I know.”

He pulled away and his face was full of confusion. “What? Wait what are you talking about?”

I frowned. Oh hell I was not going to fall for this twice in the same day. “You just said you slept with Lyn and don’t even try lie to me I saw you saying it to Gerard a few minutes ago.”

“Erm, Lou Frank never slept with her.” Gerard butt in. “I did.”

I gasped.

“I’m still here you know. So stop referring to me as a ‘her’.” Lyn sighed. “I’m surprised you remember Gerard. You always insisted on being wasted or stoned back then no matter what.”

My eyes were as big as dinner plates. Fuck, Gerard got around. We all starred at Gerard waiting for a reply. “Erm, yeah sorry about that.” His cell started to go off. Ah saved by the bell. “I, eh, gotta take this.”

He walked off and we all turned our attention back to Lyn. “Hey don’t look at me like that! I was stupid back then.” She handed a sleeping Bella over and stomped off in the direction Gerard just went.

“I guess nothing has changed then…” Jimmy muttered all our thoughts.