Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 5

*Jenna-Louise POV*

Okay we’re all sitting around board shitless when Bert comes up with an idea to play ‘Turn ‘Em On’.

I’d no idea what the hell this was. But seeing as it was Bert McCracken, it was obviously something dirty.

And by god was it. The aim of the game was to get your partner on a boner without touching their area, and you were timed by someone else.

So we all got paired up; Frank and Jamia, Bert and Gerard, Alicia and Mikey. So Jepha and me were stuck with each other. What made it worse was that we were first.

I started kissing his shoulder making my way up to his ear. No one could see that side of his face so I decided to tell him a nice little story.

“I watch porn regularly, its mostly lesbians ‘cause its hott. I get so wet watching chicks make out.” I glanced down his body.

Nothing. Well his eyes were closed. It was a start.

I went into detail about these chicks ‘I love’ to watch making out. After about a minute he was aroused. Ha I love that word. Aroused.

“Wow that’s gotta be a record!” Mikey said as i sat back down. Jepha probably went to jerk-off or something.

We did two and a half more rounds before I decided to get some sleep. Some of us had to get up at an ungodly hour to drive.

Mikey and Alicia disappeared after the first round. So only me Mia and Frank went to the bus. While Gerard stayed on The Used’s tour bus.

Jepha grabbed my hand just as I reached the door. He left a small piece of paper in my hand.

‘Tents in 10!’

I spun around and he winked closing the door after him.

“Hey J-Lo. Why the hell are you grinning like an idiot?” Mia asked me.

“‘Cause my bestest buddy has a thing for my second smallest buddy.”

Both their faces changed colour in the glowing light of the streetlights. Ha I knew it!

“I’m going for a walk suckers! Actually no sucking please.” I giggled jogging over a few tents.

As I got there I realised there were three of them. So I decided to pick the old fashioned reliable way.

“Inny. Minny. Miney. Mo. Catch a Tigger by the-” Jepha came up be hind and whispered ‘the first one.’

Spinning around we locked lips instantly. We giggled as we tried making our way towards the tent without breaking the kiss or falling over.

He pushed me up against the wall of the unstable tent. And it ripped under our weight.

Neither of us cared so we just carried on stripping each other. I yanked at his pants and boxers while he ripped off both our tops.

The second my skin touched his I shuddered. He slide himself into me and we began making out like porn stars. Not that I’d know anything about that.

After we reached our climax. We lay there butt fucking naked in dirt. In fall. And it was freezing, so I started to shake slightly.

Jepha noticed. “You cold?” I nodded against his chest. “I know something that will warm us both up.”

I reached up and kissed his lips. “Less talk more action!” then we fucked..twice more.

Fast forwarding a few hours later.

I was walking back to our bus when Gerard jumped out and whispered ‘boo’. Which scared the living shit out of me.

“Don’t do that!” I said hitting him on the chest.

“Make me!” he laughed, taking a drag of his cig. And looked at me, squinting. “Do someone have sex hair?”

“NO!” he laughed harder as I pulled up my hood, heading for the door. But he stopped me.

“Frank and Jamia were about to have sex when I walked in about ten minutes ago. So I presume they still are.”

I shrugged. “Put me on your shoulders.”


“I wanna see in. Duh!” I explained.

“I can’t do that. They’re having sex for crying out loud!”

“Your point is? Look sweetie I’ve seen Jamia and Frank naked before-” I would not like to comment on seeing Frank naked. “Hell I was Mia’s first kiss! Now let me either watch or go in.”

“Nope.” I ignored him and went for the door anyway. We struggled to get in with Gerard holding me back. Which resulted in Gerard sitting on my chest.

“Get off ass hole! You’re hurting my damn tits.”

“So.” He didn’t care. So I punched him hard in the balls and pushed him off.

He was holding his dick with both his hand. Calling me a bitch every few seconds. But he was in such a way that I couldn’t get in the door.

“I hate you.” I grumbled as my phone went off.

Gerard grabbed it. “’Had a grt time. x’ Aw Lou who did you fuck?”

“No one.” I grabbed the phone back. It was most likely Jepha but I didn’t have his number so guessing is always good. “Its just a friend. I was asking him what was his holidays in the Caribbean like.” Liar.

He shrugged and sat up straight, smoking. I rested my head on his leg and went into a peaceful sleep. And in the morning I would awake in pain.