Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 6

Jepha and Brandon were walking along in front of me. So I took my opportunity to jump on Jepha’s back.

“Hey. Did you miss me or something?” he laughed grabbing onto my legs, so I could stay up on him.

“Yes terribly.” I replied kissing the back of his head. Brandon made a face. “Aw don’t worry darlin’ I missed you to!”

He laughed and shook his head. Jepha and I decided to go, em, public ‘cause it was too hard to find random places to fuck. Hell I don’t think we’ve even done it in a bed yet.

Jamia asked her boss, who I now love, for two weeks off. And he gave it to her. Not that I could get anywhere near her. She was either doing S//C merch or Frank.

“You coming to watch My Chem with us in a while?” Brandon asked slurping his coffee. I swear everyone in bands drank a fuck load of coffee, but Mikey is the worst. No exaggeration.

“I guess.” Man did Jepha’s hair smell good today. “I’m to comfy to go anywhere else.”

And at that moment I got dropped flat on my ass. The guys started laughing their faces off. Jepha reached out to help me up. I refused and pouted like a three year old. That’s when I started getting in everyone’s way but I still refused to get up. Not even Brian’s offer of a kiss or raise would get me up.

“Lou c’mon get up. I’ll give you a raise.” I shock my head. “Eh Jepha’s credit card. My credit card. Everyone credit card?” I still shook my head at his offers. Brian bent down to my level.

“A kiss on the cheek?” he whispered.

I bit my lip. Damn was that a tempting offer. “Are you sexually harassing me?”

“No I’m not.”He blushed slightly and left ‘cause someone was calling him.

Next thing you know I’m on someone’s shoulder with their nice ass in my face. “Hey um, Mr. Nice Ass. Could you like let me down please? If not you leave me no choice but to set Frank Iero on you-”

“Shut up Jen. I’m just moving you because your in the way.” Bob grumbled. Wow he seemed pretty pissed at me. I suppose being a suborn bitch wouldn’t help either.

“Well I take the nice ass comment back now.” I huffed. “Now let me down goddammit!”

“Frank needs you.”

“He has my best friend isn’t that enough?” I muttered. I turned my head slightly to see who was behind Bob. I noticed a familiar pair of trousers so I let my hand explore the area. And got a moan of satisfaction before my hand was whipped back out.

“Not now.” Then Jepha’s body disappeared while my head got a whack off the door. Not that it would change any of my permanent brain damage.

Frank started pacing the room like a mother waiting for her sons to come back from war. The second Bob left the room; Frank stopped walking and started talking. “Listen Lou I really need your help.”

I grabbed his cigs from the table and lit one up. “Fire away.”

“I love Jamia and-”

“Wow. Wow. Wow.” I stopped him. “How can you love her? You barely know her?” I took a drag and waited for a reply. He sat down and looked start towards me and bit his lip. “Tell me.”

“I was going out with Mia three months before, eh, Jay-” he paused and looked away. “That’s why we broke up. Then last year at the start of Warped Tour I meet her and asked her did she want to manage Skeleton for me, she agreed so I guess while she was working with me things just sparked. Ya’know.”

Great I fucked up Mia’s relationship. What type of best friend does that?

Frank sighed, “I want to propose and I need your help.”

I got up and hugged him tight. “I’m sorry Fwankensteine.”

“It wasn’t your fault. “He hugged me back. “So I take it you’ll help me get Mia off your hands?”

I nodded. “Race you to the stage?” he got up and ran before he even agreed. “CHEATER!”

*During the show*

“Um medic dude, is Bob’s head meant to be like that?” I pointed to the large lump on the side of Bob’s head. He sighed and handed me an ice pack while he rushed to a kid with a bloody face.

So I walked casually out on stage and Mikey shouted to me as I walked by him.

“What are you doing out here?”

“I’ve to give Bob head-” I shouted just as the guys stopped playing. A few whistles came from the crowd and a ‘your in there Bob’. I blushed and quickly pressed the ice pack to the pear shaped bump on Bob’s head.

“Nah dude she’s with Jepha.” Gerard told the person. “Would you like to meet are bus driver?” he turned to me and I shock my head violently as Toro and Mikey dragged me up to Gerard.

“Everyone say hi to our bus driver Jenna-Louise Margera.” The crowd roared at him. I could see why the guys used to get pissed before they got on stage. “She is the best bus driver ever. She get us very were even if it doesn’t mean we’re on time. That’s kinda why we played late today.”

I hit him hard before going to walk off stage. I was stopped and handed a mic. I swear I gave the mic the filthiest look I could give. “Hi. I hate these guys. Erm any eh questions?” I threw the mic into the crowd and a chick caught the mic.

“Why do you hate them?” she asked being pulled out of the crowd by event staff.

“I don’t hate them, hate them. I just dislike certain members. Mikey is okay ‘cause he doesn’t know I was the one that broke his phone not Frank. Toro rocks my sailor chick socks, the guy even fixes my cuts. Bob is cool; he has good taste in drinks and cigs. Frank is stealing my best friends so no comment. And Gerard. Oh were do I begin. Never let him near your things people. That’s all I guess.”

I looked the side of the stage Jamia, Alicia, Worm and Donna were laughing while Brain buried his head in his hands. I shrugged and look around the stage and handed the mic back. “Oh yeah have a good time!”