Bring Me Happiness


Her ultramarine eyes flashed open as the bunch of ninjas stood before her; there on that white balcony that was established to have it connect towards the main building of the village.

The whole village began to surround the area. Her long bright blonde hair danced as the wind raced quickly but died instantly once it reached the balcony. Her soft paled face looked around paranoid as people began to push each other, slightly but strongly. Each of them wanting to get a closer look.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Sabaku! This is the day that we will announce the new Kazekage!" Spoke one of the elders.

"Please step forward and accept your place as the Kazekage"

At that moment, a ninja who was standing on the side, stepped forward. Shori's heart sank, while the crowd grew silent.

"I now pronounce you, Sabaku no Gaara as Kazekage!" The two elders said in union.

There was only less than ten people cheering while everyone stood confused.

Shori's insides tighten, and she felt a sharp stab throughout her quivering body.

"Monster! Murder! We cannot let this thing become Kazekage!" Screamed her father, having other people join him. Soon a handful began to raise a riot.

"Respect the Kazekage!", "How dare you!"

And before the young girl noticed, the crowd began to mosh and fight each other violently.

"Stop it! Stop it!" yelled the two elders but no one listened.

Suddenly, Shori was tossed, having been slapped and kicked around before her face met the ground. But that was nothing compared to what they were doing to the children and pregnant women.

"Do you all not know how to act?” Boomed a firm voice. Everyone froze as the sand began to cover human bodies.

"He's going to kill us!" Screamed a woman.

"Get him! Kill him! Do you want to be killed? Grab him!" screamed Shori's father as a group of people began to climb and jump on the balcony to grab hold of the new Kazekage.

"Enough!" he said raising is voice. Filling the sky with people who wanted to oppose him.

Struggling to sit up, Shori's eyes over flowed with tears in fear, as she watched the tailed beast.

"Help the children and women," He ordered to his two assistant ninjas, Temari and Kankuro.

"Are you okay?" asked Temari as she helped women from the ground, while Kankuro carried off injured kids to the hospital.

"If you all wish for a demotion then I suggest you just stand there" The Kazekage warned the medical ninjas along with regular ninjas. And like ants, they all scrambled around, trying to help.

"Miss, you’re going to have to come with us! This is the Kazekage's orders," said a ninja as he tugged on Shori's arm. She shook her head violently, trying to pull away.

Gaara's eyes observed her.

"Please Miss!" He begged. Shori quickly sank her teeth on his hand. And as he screamed, she took the chance to run and hide.

After a few hours had pass, and the sun was beginning to go down and there were no more ninjas looking for her.

"You can come out now," said a voice. Shori's body jumped up slightly by the suddenness. She observed the figure; that shadow that was talking to her.

"You don't have to be afraid,” The voice continued. She was beginning to wonder how she was caught. Wasn't under the stairs to the Kazekage’s building a good hiding spot?

"Are you hiding because you did something wrong?" The man asked. She raised her eyebrow and quickly crawled from under. Brushing the sand and dust from her average looking kimono as she shook her head at his question.

"I won't ask how you managed to squeeze yourself under there," The man said with his deep voice.

With a huge grin on her face, she looked up to properly introduce herself.

Sabaku No Gaara....

Her eyes widen so much that they were almost popping out while her whole body froze with a fading smiling. The Kazekage stared at her confused but quickly got the message. His eyes sadden, "If your afraid then run"

She took a step back as her eyes began to turn red, having tears form around them.

"Gaara! Kankuro has finished questioning the men!"Temari called out from behind him. Shori turned around quickly and ran away, taking the Kazekage's advice.

Her footsteps left an imprint on the sand as Shori made her way to her house from the store. As she carried a bag of food on right hand, she tried to block the blazing sun with her left as she stretched it out, towards it.

"Hey, look at that!" laughed a voice. The little girl ignored it and concentrate her attention to the sun.

"Grab all her money!" shouted another voice. And then, she heard people running towards her, brushing the sand everywhere almost blinding her eyes.

"Give us all your money! Spill it!” They yelled, surrounding her. She looked around confused and the tears began to fall.

"No! Leave me alone!" She yelled as she tried to race pass them. They grabbed her and began to tear at her clothing.

"Where is the money?" they asked as they pulled here and there.

"Let go! Someone!" She screamed with all her might as she tried pulling away.

At that instant, the men began to yell, "AH!"

"You’re in the way...." Muttered a deep voice behind the twirling sand. The girl's eyes widen having blood spilled all over her as she fell on her knees.

", red! RED!" She repeated over and over, staring at her shaking soaked hands. The little boy walked over her, looking up she met his eyes.

"Sabaku no Gaara...!" She whispered before she fainted.

Closing her eyes shut, Shori tried to push that memory from her head.

"You say you’re afraid but yet you come back," Spoke his voice. Her eyes flung open as she jolted.

"Why did you come back?" Gaara asked as he stared at her with arms crossed across his chest. Shori gulped and stared back at him frighten.

"Are you so afraid that you can't even talk?” He asked.

Shori's eyes began to get watery, ever since that day she could no longer speak anymore. It had all been a huge shock to her.

"Why are you not saying anything?" He said a bit more loudly. She bit her lip and stepped forward gathering all her courage.

And with a jump she ran towards him and began to punch his chest with all her fragile might. Gaara was taken by surprise as he just backed up a bit but said or did nothing in return as he just waited until she was done.

Tears over flowed her face and she opened her moving mouth, making it seem like she was screaming at him, though nothing came out but saliva.

"Did I do something wrong?” He asked a bit taken back as he stared down at her. Looking up, she noticed how close she was and quickly pulled away. Touching her throat, she slid her fingers to the end of her chin and opened her mouth.

"Are you mute?" The Kazekage asked. Shori smiled bitterly and pointed at him with a frown. Moving her hands around the air, she tried to copy how he controlled the sand. Wiggling her fingers she touched her whole body, trying to tell him what had happened when she was younger. Gaara stared quietly until she finished her story.

When she was done, the night sky was filled with the Kazekage's laughter. Shori stared at the young man confused and watched him.

With a small smile Gaara looked up at Shori, "I'm so sorry but, I have no idea what you are trying to tell me!"

Shori couldn't help but grin, realizing what a fool she made of herself.

That night, the stars glittered brightly as Gaara asked her to tell him another story again and again. Regarding her pain and sadness, she was happy to make a friend even if she did consider him a demon.

"What is your name?" Gaara asked as she walked inside his office. Her eyes sadden, knowing that he could never know. Finally, after a long time of silence, the Kazekage looked up from all his paperwork.

"Oh,” He muttered lowly, "It's you"

Shori smiled at his mistake of asking. She walked closer, moving her hands, trying to tell him something.

"What is it? Is something wrong?” He asked as he got up from his desk.

She shook her head, and started all over again. She touched her chest and then touched her eyes and then pointed at him.

"Do you..."He said confused as he narrowed his eyes, she grinned again knowing he would not be able to figure it out.

"You want to help me?” He asked as he pointed at his paperwork. She shrugged and nodded. Shori just wanted to be near him.

"Sit down; separate these by this logo on the top, and these are by color. Do you know some basic geography? These here are separated by country," Gaara explained as Shori nodded while she looked at each paper.

"And when your done, hand them to me so I can sign them" He said taking a seat and continued signing and reading the paper stack he already had.

The hours passed by and the room stay silent. Gaara looked up at Shori.

"Your very quiet...."He smiled. Shori was too busy with her task to listen to him.

"Do you have a name?" Gaara asked, this time Shori also looked up.

She nodded and tried explain but failed.

"Do you mind if I give you a nickname then?” He asked as he watched her fail.

She smiled and nodded. "Let's see...."

"Sachi...?"He asked. Shori tilted her head.

"Don't like it?” He asked worried, she smiled and clapped her hands.

"Yes? No?" He asked. Shori nodded at his first word.

"Then, you're Sachi, happiness...." The Kazekage stated.

Shori's face was gleaming with joy, not only by her new nickname but because she had always thought of Gaara as a monster. She was now seeing that he was kind and gentle human being.

She got up and bowed properly.

"What are you doing?” He laughed slightly.

She brought her hands together and bowed again, asking for forgiveness.

"Did you do something wrong?” He asked, "Don't bow before me..."

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Gaara, we have captured the person who was planning on killing you" Kankuro said as he opened, the door.

Gaara narrowed his eyes while Shori looked at him concerned.

"Stay here." He ordered as he walked out the door. Shori's eyes looked at the closed door, and something inside of her began to hint that he should not be alone.

Gathering much courage she ran out there and found him. He was standing on that white balcony again, Kankuro at his side. The night stars weren't much help because Shori could not make out the figure who was tied down.

As she walked closer, she was now able to hear what they were saying.

"Tell the Kazekage what your intentions were!" Kankuro ordered.

"To kill him and take him out of rule! The sand doesn't need a killer for a leader!" shouted a familiar voice. And as Shori reached up the balcony, her eyes sprang wide open from shock.

"Why have you come, when I told you to stay?" Gaara asked as he turned around to look at her. Shori quickly ran up to the arrested man.

"Sachi, what are you doing?" He asked as he watched her touch the man's face.

"That's your daughter you been talking about?”Kankuro asked alert. Shori's father laughed.

"You’re not mute!" Kankuro shouted as he roughly gripped on Shori's wrist. Shori shut her eyes in pain as she tried to break free.

"What are you doing? Let go of her!" Gaara ordered as sand began to surround his brother's body.

"Gaara, she has been lying to you! She can talk; she has been helping her father all this time. They want to kill you!" Kankuro informed.

Shori shook her head and looked inside Gaara's eyes.

"Let go of her!" Gaara ordered again.

"If, it's not true then tell me why the building across from us will explode?" asked Shori's father. And at that moment, there was a huge bang close by.

"She just came from there! It took her some time before she got here!" Kankuro told Gaara as he pulled Shori.

She continued to shake her head and glanced at her father. He was smiling secretly and so it hit her, he father did not want to die alone. He was willing to have someone kill off his daughter as well as him.

Gaara walked over to Shori, "Is it true?"

With all her might she opened her mouth, "Nuh-no...!"

Gaara closed his eyes and Shori coughed up blood as the tears in her eyes ran down her pink cheeks, falling on her knees.

He had made his sand go through her heart, "Traitor...!"

Shori's body shook as she fell onto the ground but she struggled to smile, reaching her arms out to touch his face.

"My daughter, my daughter! You monster! She was innocent!" screamed the man as he cried. Kankuro looked at him confused, "You lied!"

Gaara fell to his knees.
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