Bring Me Happiness


“Stupid! Your so hateful! I hope you choke on this!” Ren complained as she brought up a tray of food to Gaara's office.

“Who is it?” Gaara asked at the knocking sound on his door.

“Who else, your not that important!” Ren shouted from the other side of the door.

“I don't wish to see you,” Gaara dismissed her.

“Like I want to see your face!” Ren yelled annoyed as she slammed the door open, “It's your food!”

“Agh,” Gaara sighed annoyed, “I'm busy...”

“I don't care, you have to try this! Temari said if you don't like it then I have to keep making it over and over again until you do, so stupid!” Ren mumbled.

Gaara gazed up at her and then down at her hands, “So you made this?”

“Unwillingly, I wouldn't want to make food for you, not even in a million years!” She replied with a frown.

“It looks ugly, make it again.” Gaara stated before he continued on his work.

“You didn't even try it!” Ren pointed out with a twitch on her left eye.

“I don't have to, I know it taste bad by looking at it...” He replied simply.

“Why can't you make your own food! Stupid men and their whole men are better then women crap! I bet you've never made a single thing in your life!” Ren muttered annoyed as she walked out.

“You were quieter when you weren't my wife,” He whispered irritated.

“Well, you've always been a jerk..” Ren mumbled back.


Ren stopped and looked back, “What?”

“Make sure you make a lot because there will be guest today...” Gaara informed Ren as his gaze fell upon her but he quickly drew back his stare, “So make sure the food doesn't taste horrible!”

“Don't worry, I'll make sure yours is the only one that is poisoned..” She replied as she stuck her tongue out.

“When our guest arrive, you can't be acting like that or else people will suspect..” Gaara warned.

“Whatever.” Ren brushed his warning off as she head back to the kitchen where Temari was waiting.

“Well, what did he think?” She asked.

“He didn't even try it! That piece of shi-!” Ren complained but Temari cut her off.

“Hey!” She whispered, “You can't let anyone listen to you talk like that! Everyone thinks you two married out of love!”

“Tsk. Do you know how hard this is? I hate him so much!” Ren whispered back to her,”I pray that he will choke on this delicious food!”

“You know the day of your wedding, you were so depressed but today you seem to be much better..” Temari told her with a half smile.

“It's because I don't know how long I will be married to that man. I don't want to make myself miserable, that's his job..“ Ren responded distantly.

“Your a good sport!” Temari laughed as she patted Ren's shoulder.

“And I will wait for the day until I get to see him die!” Ren concluded in a dramatic voice.

“Okay, he's my brother you know!” Temari scolded at her joke.

“Well he said that I had to make a lot of food because we are having guest...” Ren explained.

“Guest?” Temari questioned. Then her lips formed a huge smile, “Gaara is going to be inviting your parents to dinner, I just know it!”

“My parents? Really!” Ren asked excitedly, “But he's so mean, he wouldn't do that!”

“Who else is going to be coming over? I bet he feels bad and that's why he's doing this, Gaara is a jerk but he's a good jerk...” Temari vindicated.

“He is a jerk!” Ren laughed.

Placing the tray of food to aside, that which Ren had previously brought over to Gaara, she excitedly waited for Temari to tell her what do do.

“Okay, so what should I make?”

Gaara, on other hand, sat in his chair as he heard the ticking clock.

“Gaara, you have guest,” Kankuro informed as he knocked on the door.

“Please come in,” Gaara replied, leaning back on his chair.

“Hey!” exclaimed a voice in joy, “Gaara, how have you been? Long time no see!”

“I've been well. How about you, Naruto?” Gaara said as he rose from his chair.

“I heard you got married Kagekage-sama,” Kakashi spoke.

“What? No way! Gaara is too young for that!” Naruto interrupted.

“It's true. I am married.” Gaara responded with a slight smirk.

“Is she-?” Sakura asked but then stood quiet, trying to rephrase the question “Where is she?”

“Yeah, I want to met her!” Naruto added.

“Guys, that isn't very polite,” Kakashi spoke.

“It's okay. You guys will be able to meet her at dinner..” Gaara explained.

“So what was the reason you asked us to come over, huh? What was so important?” asked Naruto.

Gaara sighed, “When I tell you, you have to promise not to jump to into reckless ideas and don't rush things!”

“Well, what is Kazekage-sama?” Kakashi asked curiously, “To want only Team 7 to come from Konaha...”

The knob twisted, making a loud noise, causing Gaara to stop his words from leaving his lips.

“Dinner is ready, Kazekage-sama...” informed Termari's servant, “Please allow me to escort you all to the dinning hall...”

“Sweet! Food!” Naruto grinned happily as he walked beside the women , “I'm starving!”

“Naruto...” Sakura scolded as she followed behind him.

“Kazekage-sama, please forgive my rude students” Kakashi apologized as he walked beside Gaara.

“No, you must be tried from your long journey, please allow me to show some hospitality to you all,” Gaara replied, “Please stay for the night before you take your leave back...”

“Thank you, we appreciate that,” Kakashi nodded, “But I do wish to know what was it that you wished to tell us in person...”

“I will,” assured Gaara, “I won't let your journey go to waste.”

Finally reaching the dining hall, Temari's servant opened the doors to reveal a beautifully placed dinner set on the table.

“Please enjoy your meal!” shouted Ren excitedly as she greeted everyone as they all entered at once in the room with her smile, gleaming brightly as the sun with a hint of refreshment of ocean waves. The window’s sunlight cast a shadow over the room as it began to hide in the sky once she realized that who she had been waiting for never arrived; she was mistaken.

“Thanks!” Naruto shouted joyfully as he took his seat without permission.

“-!” Ren's face quickly changed as she tried to keep herself from falling down by holding on to the glass table.
“Are you okay? Madam?” asked the servant concerned as she rushed to Ren's side.

“Hey, are you feeling sick?” asked Naruto worried, looking over towards her.

“I...!” Ren muttered as the tears began to rush towards her eyes.

“Ren...!” Gaara said firmly, stepping closer to her.

“Ren-sama!” The maid shouted hysterical as she caught her from fainting on the floor.

“Your not feeling well, please go on and rest..” Gaara responded, trying to keep his cool.

“No, I’m fine! Please...” Ren managed to say as she tried to regain her energy.

“Who is this, Kazekage-sama?” Kakashi asked as he observed the way Gaara looked at her.

“My wife.” Gaara simply replied without hesitation, not bothering to look at him.
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