Bring Me Happiness


“My Lady!” shouted voices as footsteps were scattered across the floor.

“How is she doing?” asked Kakashi as he held Naruto back as the young ninja tried to get a closer look.

“Is she okay?” Gaara questioned Sakura as she tried her best to find out what was causing Ren’s sudden change of behavior.

“Gaara-san, this is the same girl from before, am I correct?” she questioned as her hands bred green chakra over Ren’s heart.

“You know her, Sakura-chan?” Naruto asked surprised.

“Yes, she is…” Gaara replied, as his eyes gazed down at.

“Don't....” Ren whispered through sweat and groans of pain.

“Ren-san..! Stay with me!” Sakura shouted, “Where are you feeling pain?”

Ren didn’t answer but groaned in a mournful away.

“She has a high fever; she needs rest but please prepare her some medicine…” Sakura instructed.

Gaara nodded, “Umi-san, please take care of her..”

The Kage’s servant nodded as she began to wet towels and place them over Ren’s warm forehead.

“Gaara-san, we understand if you would want us to leave…” Kakashi spoke, “We don’t wish to interfere…”

“No, it’s fine..” Gaara replied as he led them out of Ren’s room, “There is still a matter I wish to talk to you about…”

“What is it?” Naruto asked curiously.

“She should be better tomorrow, Gaara-san…” Sakura spoke as she closed Ren’s doors behind her.

“Please allow me to explain why I requested your visit,” Gaara began, “and I believe is the cause of my wife’s sickness…”

Gaara walked towards his office as they followed behind him, closing the door, he finally spilled the beans.

“This week, my wife was abducted and held captive… ” Gaara spoke, “The only way I was able to get her back was to agree to do something …that is to destroy Konaha….”

“What? Gaara! Why would you agree to do something like that!” Naruto shouted.

“The man who held my wife hostage, wore an akatsuki cloak…”Gaara continued, “It was…. Uchiha Sasuke…”

“Sasuke-kun!” Sakura shouted.

“What? Sasuke? No! That couldn’t be, are sure it was him?” Naruto asked, almost directing his questions to himself more than to Gaara.

“So Sasuke was here?” Kakashi asked.

“He took her in order to get me to agree to provide him assistance for his invasion that he plans on making…” Gaara explained.

“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura repeated again and again as her voice got quieter each time she pronounced his name.

“Where is he now? Did you stop him?” Naruto shouted in distress.

“Naruto, calm down! The Kazekage was in a very difficult spot, he couldn’t just capture Sasuke without risking his wife’s life who was already in danger! ” Kakashi scolded.

“Naruto…” Gaara spoke, “I hoped on telling you about this matter, I am unsure on what you plan on doing now that you have obtain this information…”

“…Sasuke….he..!” Naruto muttered in anger, “He said he…!”

“I will allow you think on your decision, but I suggest that you do not ignore this matter any further, Sasuke needs to be taken care of…” Gaara responded to his friend, “Please stay for the night and rest. Tomorrow let me know your answer…”

“Thank you for letting us know Kagekage-sama,” Kakashi smiled, “…Upon our decision, what is it that you plan on doing?”

“I won’t betray the Leaf Village if that’s what you’re asking but I would assist you in capturing Sasuke that is of course if you choose to do that…”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, “Kazekage-sama, the guest’s room have been prepared…”

“Please, rest..” Gaara said as he walked towards his desk, “I’m sorry about not being able to accompany you to dinner, but please enjoy your meal and get a good sleep…”

The room was quiet, as Ren tossed and turned.

“Miss Ren, I’ll be right back, I need to heat up some tea…” Umi spoke as she got up from the chair she had placed to watch over the Kage’s wife. After the servant left, there was a loud scraping sound, as a set of footsteps landed in Ren’s empty room.

A dark shadow stood over Ren, placing their hands over her and then taking her from her waist and head, they held her in their arms. Ren’s eyes opened slowly, allowing her to see the Uchiha before they rolled back shut.

“Gaara-sama! Garra-sama! Ren-sama, is missing!” shouted Umi as she rushed down the halls and into his office, “She’s gone!”

Gaara stood up from his desk as he looked at her alarmed, “What?”

“A man! She was taken by a man in a cloak!” Umi informed worried.

“Uchiha Sasuke!” Gaara growled.