Bring Me Happiness


Ren stood on the roof for what seemed like hours although it was only minutes. She couldn't move her body. Ren was stunned by her own actions as regret steeped into her heart. When she finally found the strength to move, she made her way back to the master bedroom, only to realize that Gaara was missing from the bed. The covers were thrown around on the bed and unfolded.

Ren panicked, first believing that she was tricked by Sasuke and wondering if Gaara was taken hostage but then she noticed the lights on from the Kazekage’s office. Her heart began to speed up.

Did anyone see me? Is Gaara okay?

Ren slowly moved towards the light, making sure that she did not cause noise. When she reached the doors, she saw dozens of books scattered on the floor, bookcases thrown onto the floor, papers were covering floor, and the window drapes were torn off, with holes and patches on the floor as well.

“What happened?” Ren whispered.

“What did you do?” asked a firm voice. Ren looked up at the voice and found Gaara, covering his left eyes with the plan of his hand while the other hand stayed beside his side in a clawing position,

Ren’s heart stopped.

Did he see me? Does he know what I did?

“What did you do?” Gaara repeated again with a growl.

“I….” Ren began but then suddenly sand surrounded her. Ren did not notice when her tears began to fall. Her heart pulse speed up, she thought she own body would cause her own death.

The sand quickly wrapped around her body and tighten around her neck, lifting her up.

“Stop!” Ren begged but Gaara’s scrunched up face seemed like it would not reason.

This is it...I’m going to die like this?

The sand quickly moved tighter and tighter around her neck and her wrist. Ren could feel the lack of air but could not scream or cough as the sand moved around her mouth. The sand covered every inch of her body, lifting her up, only leaving her tearful right eye exposed. Ren’s oxygen level dropped to nothingness and Gaara dropped her weak body to the floor before he crushed her.

Gaara breathed heavily. Flashbacks of his beloved Sachie drowned his memory. He stopped and Ren’s body dropped onto the floor. Gaara shivered, trying to control himself.

What am I doing?

Gaara looked over at Ren’s body and began to panic.

What did I do?

Gaara’s heart began to race, thinking he had killed her.

“Sachi…..I...” Gaara said but then caught himself, understanding that they were not the same person but they looked so alike, “You...”

Gaara reached over to touch Ren’s body and she felt cold. Gaara backed away and quickly called for help. Guards quickly rushed over. They stopped dead on their tracks and noticed the mess on the floor along with sand on the floor. The guards stared at each other before proceeded.

“Is everything okay, Kazekage?” They asked. Gaara looked around ashamed before asking them to bring a medic for his wife. They nodded and rushed out. Within seconds, two medics began to examine Ren.

“I want to know if she’s still alive….” Gaara stated.

The medics looked at one another before they checked Ren’s vitals and used their medical ninjutsu to help stabilize her.

“She’s going to be okay but she won’t be awake until an hour or so” The medics explained, “Would you like us to move her to your bedroom or to take her to the hospital to rest?”

Gaara shook his head, “Leave her there….”

Everyone looked concerned but did not question their Kazekage. They nodded and quickly left.

After an hour, Ren regained conscious. Her eyes flashed wide open and her heart began to race.

He’s going to kill me!

Ren jolted up and screamed but there was no one in the room. The books, the papers, the window drapes and everything else was all cleaned up and in place. The windows were covered in new drapes, the floors looked clean and even shined. There was no trace of sand anywhere.

Ren scanned the room. There didn’t seem to be any signs that she was attacked by her husband. Ren touched her neck and felt the tenderness on her skin. She quivered in pain.

She lifted her wrists to eye level and noticed bluish bruises on them. She sat there for a while, feeling every single muscle in her body ache in pain. Ren could not help but cry. She cried in fear, sadness and relief of being alive.

I hate him….I hate him so much…