Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

Back to school.

Sapphire's POV

Ollie had left for band practice before I had even woken up this morning, unfortunately for me Chrissy had left with him because he was going to drop her off at the school some time during the practice. Possibly through one of the breaks.

So that left me on my own, meaning I had to walk to school on my own and sit on my own until the group found me, well that was if they found me. Sighing I walked over to my wardrobe and dragged out my new school uniform. We didn't have one last year but the school all of a sudden thought we would all look smarter if we all wore the same thing. So now I have to wear, a black knee length skirt, a white blouse, a black tie and a black blazer. I look as if I'm going to a funeral. For once I've actually stuck to the rules and brought a knee length skirt, but it's a pencil skirt and it has a slit going half way up. I think I look quite good to be honest.

Heading into the bathroom I brushed my teeth and gazed at myself in the mirror with a smile. For once I actually looked pretty, I'm not being vain or anything but I actually did. My skin was clear, my bright blue eyes glowing with happiness and my Chocolate Brown hair fell in gentle waves to the middle of my back. It had grown a lot over the holidays but I was thinking of having cut short again, to just below my shoulders. But the striking difference about me was there was not a single bruise or cut anywhere on my body, and it felt good. In fact I felt like a whole new person.

Stepping back out the bathroom I grabbed my school bag and headed out the door. For once instead of taking the newly installed lift downstairs I actually walked down the stairs. It woke me up more and it made me feel good about myself, less lazy. Yes you could say I'm in a rather optimistic mood today, but who wouldn't be when they finally realize that they can finally get on with their life. That they can live without fear and they actually have a house they can call home. Well more like a flat in my case but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying.

As soon as the outside air hit me I took a deep breath in and started the long walk towards school, well I say it's a long walk but it only takes me half an hour. On the way I looked around the streets, occasionally getting a glimpse into others front windows, and suddenly I felt my good mood deteriorate slightly.

Through the windows I saw happy families, mothers and daughters laughing and joking, fathers kissing their wives on the cheeks before heading out to provide for the family. It pulled at my heart to think I never had that. That even when my mother was alive we were living in constant fear of my father finding us, and eventually he did. And when he found us he killed my loving, caring mother and himself in the process. I'm glad he's dead, he took the biggest part of my life away, but I'm mortified he took my mother with him. But there's no time to dwell on the past, as my neighbor once said to me before handing me over to my adoptive parents, 'Heal the past, live the present and dream the future.' I only remembered her telling me that the other day, it confused me at first, but now I understand.

I still have to heal my past, and that will take time, but I am living my life now and I have plenty of dreams for my future, all over them involving myself and my loving boyfriend Reed. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. A pair of arms wound themselves around my waist while I was still walking and a pair of lips kissed my cheek softly.

"Hello babe, where's Chrissy?" He asked, his voice still sleepy. He never was the morning person.

"Oh she went to band practice with Ollie, he's dropping her off at school I think. Did you sleep well?" Reed hadn't been sleeping well recently, he had nightmares whenever he fell asleep so he was up two three times a night. He went to the doctors for sleeping pills the other day and used them for the first time yesterday.

"Yeah I did thanks. Those pills are really strong though, I was completely knocked out after like ten minutes. But I got through the whole night which is good, wish I had a few more hours sleep though." We both laughed before entering the school gates, I hadn't realized I had been walking for as long as thirty minutes already.

"Well my night was very disturbing, I had to listen to my music to be able to fall asleep, and I won't be able to even look at Chrissy or Ollie tonight. I swear Lori won't be the only pregnant one soon, and speaking of Lori, she was very emotional last night. She rang me up and was crying down the phone at me saying how Finn was irresponsible, how he couldn't even put the cap on the toothpaste. Her hormones are out of control!" Reed was laughing the whole way through my story, slapping him on the arm I glared at him playfully.

"Sorry but sounds like you had an eventful night." Shaking my head I smiled at him once more before spotting Phil and Shane wondering through the crowd, looking very uncomfortable in their school uniforms which of course were already customized to look good. Their shirts were hanging out, their ties hanging loosely and Phil had a studded belt hanging loosely around his hips. I jumped up and down waving frantically trying to get their attention, gathering just about everyone Else's attention before theirs before Shane finally spotted me and dragged Phil over with him.

"Bonjour my weirdo's!" I greeted them, engulfing them in a hug which they returned with enthusiasm, squeezing me half to death. "Hey, hey guys. I've had enough near death experiences without you trying to suffocate me too." I giggled before pushing them away.

"Yeah whatever, hey have you seen Melinda? I was looking for her before we spotted you."
Shane asked confusing me, Melinda doesn't come to our school, she goes to the one on the other side of town.

"Erm no. Shane, she doesn't come to this school, you should know that since you are her boyfriend." Rolling his Grey eyes he explained.

"Yeah I know she doesn't come here stupid, but she's not got school until tomorrow so she said she would come meet me. But she hasn't turned u...oh no wait, I see her. See you later." With a hug off me he jogged away before running and capturing a very out of place Melinda in a kiss. They were so sweet together.

Grabbing Reed's hand and linking my arm with Phil's I headed towards my locker, getting curious glances off all the students in the surrounding area, I was almost confused as to why until I remembered I was the quiet, unpopular kid. The freak. Oh and that I was bullied by the people who I was pulling along with me.

When we reached my locker I untangled myself from them and shoved my school bag into it. I wouldn't need it until later. I mean it was first day back, we won't do any work, we'll only get new books which they will keep in the classroom until we get homework and we'll watch some stupid movie in each class or play some ridiculous game. It's pointless even coming in but it's suspicious if you don't turn up on the first day and they immediately expect you've been skiving. So no-one does.

"Can I put my things in your locker babe? I can't be bothered to go to mine." Reed asked me sweetly. Nodding my head I reached my arms up and fastened them around his neck. Pushing his bag into my locker he slammed it shut and looked down at me, a twinkle in his gorgeous deep brown eyes. "Thank you. What can I ever do to repay you?" He asked dramatically. For a second I pretended I was thinking of something.

"Well, I suppose a kiss would be a sufficient payment." With a smirk he lent down surprising me by kissing me on the cheek making me glare at him.

"What? You didn't say where!" He defended himself making me laugh.

"OK then, let me rephrase. Well, I suppose a kiss on the lips would be a sufficient payment."

"Well you are a greedy one aren't you?" Chuckling he lent down and pressed his lips gently against mine, sending a warmth through me.

"Miss Hush! Mr Heartman! No PDA on the school premises!" Mrs bullock our Math teacher shouted making half the corridor turn in astonishment. It was still amazing to the rest of the school that Reed and I were an item. But I'm not overly bothered, after all, it's still amazing to me too. What did I do to deserve a guy like this?

"Sorry miss." We muttered before separating ourselves from each other, my cheeks a tomato red while Reed was just smirking. Phil made fake gagging sounds behind us. Quickly I turned and slapped him lightly behind the head.

"Since I know who you like it should be me the one gagging, but I'll refrain." I whispered in his ear making him turn as bright a shade of red as myself. Still no one but me knew of Phil's crush and I still found it really sweet that he liked her, even if I did hate Hope. She was a bitch and a drama queen that needs to get a life.

Speaking of Hope I haven't yet seen her around, but then it is only the start of the day and she is in most of my classes so I will see her. Unless, fingers crossed, she's moved school, but I highly doubt that my luck spreads that far. It's weird to think that only a few weeks ago she was my best friend and now I hated her guts, it's not all too surprising though, ever since I became friends with the guys I felt myself drifting away from her. I mean, we rarely seen each other and when we did our conversations were short. We would sort each others troubles out and then leave, we never had fun. So, if we hadn't had that argument that split us apart we would have drifted apart fully eventually, but maybe we wouldn't be enemies. Who knows?

Reed started pulling me along the corridor much to my confusion, only when I noticed the other students hurrying around did I realize the bell had rang and that we needed to head to class. Stopping outside my room he pulled me into a hug and planted a quick peck on my lips.

"I'll see you later sweetheart. And if Hope gives you any trouble let me know." With a wink he back off. Quickly I hugged Phil before walking into my form room and sitting in the very back corner. Hopefully I'll stay unnoticed until the end of registration. But wishful thinking never gets me anywhere.

The classroom slowly started to fill with tired eyed students, some slightly more awake than others, most likely because of the wonderful invention I like to call coffee. Hope had walked in near the start, with a quick glare in my direction she sat down near the front, as far away as possible from me. I sighed relived, thinking that I would get the row to myself. I mean, there were always spare seats and I was the girl everyone used to stay away from. Or that used to be the case however, today I was proved wrong on that point when a girl only slightly shorter than me sat next to me.

She had light auburn hair and bright green eyes, her lips were covered in a cherry colored lip gloss which was the only make-up in sight on her face. When she placed her hands on the table I noticed her nails were short and stubby and were also painted a jet black, the polish old and chipped.

"Hey I'm Katelyn. Your Sapphire right?" Without even sparing her a glance I nodded my head, my eyes focused upon the teacher who had just walked into the room. "Cool. Can I ask you a question?" This time my eyes flicked over to her before tilting my head in puzzlement, she took my reaction as a yes. "Okay, why of all people did you date Reed? I mean, he was a twat to you." My eyes widened at her bluntness and suddenly I had an insane need to protect my reactions.

"I'm dating Reed because I love him and because he has helped me through so much. The things that happened in school was just a major misunderstanding." I smiled slightly at the though, there was no misunderstanding, we actually hated each other, but no one else needs to know that.

"Oh OK. But he has had a reputation with girls, so aren't you worried he'll chuck you aside too?" Her voice was too sweet and that's when something clicked, she liked Reed. Anger flared up in me and I was only just able to conceal it, even if I did speak through my teeth slightly.

"No I'm not worried. He knows a whore when he See's one and they just aren't his type. Even if he did date them in the past. He's put his past behind him now though."

"Has he? Looks like he still dates whore's to me." That's when I couldn't take it anymore, abruptly I stood up, my chair clattering to the ground behind me.

"Right, you listen to me you stupid bitch, I am not a whore unlike yourself, your the one that's after others boyfriends. You will stay away from Reed, from Phil and from Shane. None of them need a slut like you clinging to their arms." She was stood too now, the whole class was focusing on us, the teacher too stunned by the fact that I was even speaking to another pupil to shout at us.

"My god Sapphire, I bet you don't even like Reed! He was a twat to you and suddenly you love each other! I bet your just using him to climb the popularity ladder, well I can tell you it's not gonna fucking work! I'm on to you." Despite the situation I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at her statement, it made it sound like some cheesy action movie.

"You are so stupid! Seriously you are! You know what, fuck you, I don't need to give you reason's for what I do. I'm not a child and your not my mother so back off. Just because I can keep a stable boyfriend whereas the longest you can keep a guy is one night and that's in your bed does not mean you can treat me like crap." I told her, my voice low and dangerous. And by the look on her face I had struck a nerve. From the corner of my eye I saw her raise her fist slightly and luckily for me so did the kid in the desk in front. Quickly he leaped over the desk and just as she was about to swing he pinned her arms behind her back, that's when my teacher snapped back to reality.

"Katelyn! Sapphire! Out of my room NOW!" Her voice wavered in certain places, she was livid, she couldn't even keep her voice under control.

As I was walking out the classroom though I could have sworn I saw Hope send Katelyn a thumbs up and Katelyn replied with a wink and a smile. I had just been set up by Hope, she was hoping for me cause a scene and just like she planned I did. Trust me though, I am going to get her back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back guy's! Sorry if this wasn't too good, but I'm easing into the story slowly, but you have already had some action. Lucky you!
I don't know how regular updates will be but I will try and do as many updates as I can. If you have read this but haven't read the prequel you might want to go back and read it but it isn't necessary (Sp?). Its completely up to you.. Oh and the title of this is actually fitting to the story just to let you know. And if you know any awesome quotes that I could use in this let me know, because I feel in a quotation mood today and I plan on using as many quotes as I can in this story, I've already used one in this chapter. Yay!
Please leave a comment. Thank you for reading x