Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.


Sunlight filtered into my room waking me from my dreamless sleep. A smile crawled onto my face at the memory of yesterday. The arm around my waist also reminded me of yesterday causing my cheeks to burn.

You see, yesterday, after the guys congratulated us for moving on in our relationship Reed and I went to my room. Sometime during the night when we were celebrating ourselves, Shane burst into the room and basically told us to shut the hell up since we were polluting young innocent minds. Let's just say, we stopped after that, too embarrassed to carry on.

"You awake Fire?"

"Yeah. We have to get up, school starts soon." Glancing at my clock I sighed as I realized that we only have an hour until school. Sometimes I wish I hadn't opted to take on a few extra years, but at least I get A levels out of this year.

"Do we have to. Let's skip today." Giggling slightly I nodded and shifted his arm so I could turn and face him. Snuggling into his chest I closed my eyes and tried falling back to sleep.
"Okay then, get up. We have things to do today." Reed pushed me off him and climbed out of bed leaving me rather confused, didn't he just say we were skipping school?

"But Reed! I wanna stay in bed." I whined much like a five year old would. How mature am I?

"Well, since we're skipping school I can show you the house we have. And maybe we can even move you into it." With a squeal of delight I threw myself out of bed and at Reed who was laughing at my childish Action. Whoa I really need to grow up a bit.

A blush crept to our faces as we realized exactly what we were wearing, our birthday suits.

"Yeah I'm just going to gt changed, or more rather dressed." We both said at the same time while rubbing the back of our necks in embarrassment. Yeah okay so we're going out, that doesn't mean that we don't find events like this embarrassing. It just makes it worse if you think of what happened last night at the same time. Oh that reminds me, I have to kill Shane today, I mean he don't even live here!

After five minutes we were both in the kitchen making breakfast, well trying to. We had ran out of cereal and I was meant to go shopping today after school, but that meant that we only had porridge and basically porridge and I have a love hate relationship. I love eating it, hate making it.

"Morning." Ollie all but growled when he stormed into the kitchen, searching the cupboards before slamming them shut.

"Please could you stop at the shop Reed." Nodding he kissed my cheek and left, he knew that I would have waited but I needed to talk to Ollie along.

Walking over to him I grabbed his arm and spun him so he faced me, I wasn't too gentle either.

"What the fuck is up your arse Ollie?"

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm just fine, fucking peachy!"

"Oh yeah and I'm the son of god. Ever since I agreed to move in with Reed you've been a right arsehole. Now I demand to know why!"

"You now what Sapphire, just fuck off. I'd rather not talk about this right now. Okay?"

"No! That is not okay! I want to sort this out now, I want get everything out in the open!"

"Well tough. I have band practice now and I would rather not waste my time arguing with a whiny child when I could be warming up my vocals. Now leave me the fuck alone." With that he ripped his arm from my grasp and stomped out of the kitchen leaving me behind feeling very hurt and confused.

All I could do was watch as he grabbed his coat and left. The hurt and confusion quickly turned into anger. Trying to contain myself I walked into Ollie's room and woke up the sleeping Chrissy.

"Chrissy. You have school love, you need to get up. Unless you want to skip with Reed and I." I said gently, shaking her ever so slightly.

"Yeah I'll skip, but I need to talk to Ollie. He was off with me last night."

"Tell me about it." I muttered before leaving her room.

Right about now I would love to take a walk. Seriously I would if it wasn't for the fact that I was going to look at my new house with Reed. I really can't wait, I mean I get to move in with my boyfriend. Yeah okay, I am only seventeen but why should age matter? I'm more mature than most my age anyway!

The slamming of the door alerted me to the fact that someone had turned up. Looking towards the door I widened my eyes in surprise.

"What the fuck have you done to Ollie! He's actually bawling his eyes out because of you!"
He growled menacingly at me.

"I haven't done a thing! He was the one that had a go at me! He goes in a mood with me and I want to know why! He has no right to be crying, I mean he was the one that was harsh on me." I was trying my hardest to keep my voice at a low level, but the volume was getting higher as my anger increased.

"It looks like you've done something to me! He turns up all angry and just breaks down! That doesn't happen for no reason Sapphire." Narrowing my eyes I stare at him, sparks of rage flew between us as he returned my gaze just as fiercely.

"You know what, I'll tell you what happened, I agreed to move In with Reed and then Ollie gets all pissed. I demand to know whats going on and he calls me a whiny child. So you tell me whats going on because I have no clue myself! Now don't come storming up to me, anger ablaze when you don't know the story."

Immediately his gaze faltered before he bit his lip in thought. Walking up to me he pushed me on the sofa before flopping down besides me.

"Now we do have a pickle don't we." He said to me all friendly making me laugh..

"Bipolar much?" Shaking his head he laughed along with me before dropping his head against the back of the couch with a worn out sigh.

"He gets on my nerves that boy. Seriously, he confuses the hell outta me! When's Reed getting back?"

"Not sure. Probably soon." Nodding his head we both fell into a comfortable silence, both thinking about what to do with Ollie.

So lets go through the facts shall we, Ollie went in a mood with me because I agreed to move in with Reed. Okay, that's all we know. Now let's go through possibilities,

One- He's just having a bad day and all this will be swept over by tomorrow. Yeah probably not.

Two- He enjoys having me around so the fact that I'm leaving makes him sad, although he tried to hide this by covering it up with anger instead.

Three- He secretly still loves me and Chrissy was just a distraction to get his mind off me and since he realizes that I'm deeply in love with Reed he is pissed off that I will never be his. Okay I did have a laugh at this one.

Four- Well okay I can't actually think of anymore so yeah, and all of the above are most likely wrong so once again we're stuck.

Reed arrived back at the flat, quietly shutting the door behind him. I was about to get up and greet him when Joe pushed me back down and grabbed Reed by the arm, pulling him back out the flat. Walking up to the door I pressed my ear flat against it hearing quiet murmurs.

"...yeah he loves her..." "...he's way over the top...ruined things with....your fault."

Stumbling back from the door in surprise I tried not to make anything of the words. I mean, I only did hear snippets, but does that Ollie can't...can he?

Quickly I situated myself at the dining table just as the door swung open. Both boys glanced at me curiously before Reed came and grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet.

"I have my mothers car for the day, so let's go show you this house yeah? You coming Joe?"

"Yeah why not. We won't be practicing today anyway, a certain someone is too distraught too."

Chewing my lips I thought over their words once more. Yeah he loves her Was he on about me?
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Ooh so whats going on here folks? Well I get at least one comment and you shall find out x
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