Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.


I was trying desperately to fill in the blanks of the conversation earlier. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but to me it sounded as if Joe was telling Reed that Ollie loved me. Confusing much?

But could it be true, or is it just my over active mind trying to come up with the most dramatic scenario it can possibly invent, I mean, It's not like I've Had enough drama in my life is it (insert sarcasm here).

"What you thinking so hard about? I mean, all this thinking's going to make you explode!" Joe chuckled from behind me.

"I'm thinking about my argument earlier. You know I'm not going to apologize right?" Reed and Joe both sent each other knowing glances before shooting me disapproving ones.

"You know Sapphire, It wouldn't be so bad if you forgave him, right now he's feeling a little..."

"We're here!" Reed cut in while Joe sat looking horrified with himself, I'm guessing he almost said a little too much. Stupid boyfriend cutting in.

Sighing I climbed out of the car and stared at the house in front of me. To be honest it was absolutely beautiful, it was a two story house, the bricks a red-brown colour and little vines climbed their way up the wall, curling just underneath the bedroom window.
Golden brown leaves lay across the floor, the tree's laying bare and cold. The grass glistened with little water drops, each drop glistening like diamonds, it had rained while we were in the car.
The window frames were wooden, the white paint chipping off of them looking slightly grimy but still it looked perfect.
Surrounding the whole garden was a waist high fence painted a deep red matching the roses the grew centimeters away from it.

All three of us stood stunned as we gazed up at this magnificent house, I was first to regain my composure as I realize this house would cost way to much. If we were to buy it then surely we wouldn't have enough money to furnish it and keep the bills paid.

"Come on Fire. The woman's already inside waiting for us." Grabbing my hand he pulled me up the cobbled pathway and into the house. The inside just as spectacular as the outside with its high walls and wide spaces. Something about it seemed so familiar that it left me holding my breathe.

"Good morning sir. Now, I understand that you have three other houses you would like t view as well?" It was more of a question than a statement, not that I really noticed since my eyes were fixed on the giant fireplace which sat in what I guessed to be the living room.

"Ah, I see you have found the study. I have to admit that this is one of the most spectacular rooms in he house, it's open, it's light and there is a large window just inside which leads you outdoors. At night the view is just..." Trailing off at the end I understood that this place was far to amazing for words.

"Reed, we'll never be able to afford this. We still have to furnish it and everything, maybe we should set our sights on something lower."

Even I could hear the longing behind my voice even though I desperately tried to hide it. Joe was gazing sadly around realizing that I may be right but Reed just stood with an n ear to ear grin on his face.

"But Sapphire! I've already brought it fool! I was getting Lydia here to do me a favor. Lydia is Joe's new girlfriend!" Gaping at them all I screamed loudly before running round the house, frantically searching every room to take in what I now own. My heart was hammering in my chest as happy tears spilled over my cheeks.

Running back to the entrance hall I threw myself into Reed's arms and kissed him with such passion that everything faded but the two of us wrapped in each others embrace.

"So yeah, still here!" Both Lydia and Joe yelled at the same time making me break the kiss.

"And this is our house!" I replied with a smirk, while they both rolled their eyes, yet again in sync Creepy or what. Suddenly something dawned on me. "Hey! You all tricked me! You were all in on this." Glaring at them they all burst into hysterics at how slow I was. Mumbling under my breathe I excused myself and decided to look in the one place I hadn't been yet.

"Wonder how big our loft is." I muttered as I climbed up the stairs searching for the loft. Once I found it I pulled the loft door hatch (I used this pole which I found in a cupboard) and I climbed up the unstable ladder which descended far from gracefully from the hatch.

Quickly I scrambled up them, fearing every step I took, I never was fond of ladders, they always had the tendency to collapse as I was climbing up them. That's just what I call bad luck.

Once in there I was surprised to see old boxes littered ever where around. Slightly curious I rummaged through some to see old kids toys, old clothes, the works. Suddenly I came to a halt, memories slamming into me so hard that it was too hard to catch my breath, so hard that the tears slipping from the corner of my eyes went by unnoticed by myself.

"Sapphire?" Lydia called up to me, concern lacing through her voice.

But I didn't respond, I couldn't. This was all because, from the box labeled photographs I pulled out a wooden frame. A beautiful girl with mousy brown hair and deep blue eyes clung to her laughing mother, their features so identical it was so obvious they were related. What my eyes were fixed on was the small bump barely appearing from just under the older woman's red jumper.

My mother was pregnant when that bastard killed her?

We lived here?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh interesting twist, bet you all saw it coming lol! Sorry for the long wait and the crappy chapter but school has me weighed down so you know. Sorry again for the wait! Please please please comment. Thanks to those who did for my last chapter, it made my day! Seriously guys it did. Thanks for Reading x