Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

The note.

"Ahh miss Hush. Glad you could join us today. How longs it been since you've last turned up for school?" My form tutor, Mrs. Johnson, spat at me clearly annoyed.

"It's been about a week sir. I'm really sorry, it's just I've moved house and we had to get settled. The head knows everything and he's put me down as an explained absence. He told me to explain that to you." She was clearly irritated by my smooth remark as she turned her ack away from me and began writing furiously on a piece of paper in front of her. My my she has got angrier since the start of the year.

Hope and Katelyn were staring directly at me as I wondered towards my seat at the very back of the room, everyone else was completely unaware of me. Well everyone but Danny who looked like a complete wreck if I'm being honest.

Since there was an empty seat next to him I ignored my usual place and collapsed in that one instead. Silentlye looked at me with these lifeless bloodshot eyes before he turned his head away and focussed intently on the classroom door instead.

"Danny? What's happend?" I asked sternly, I was going to get it out of him whether he liked it or not.

"Sapphire, please just don't ask."

"No Danny. You look like shit to be perfectly honest and I want to know why."

"Fine. Katelyn and Hope have said some things about me to the rest of the group and I found out last ngiht when someone confronted me about something. I've been up all night trying to sort out a load of shit out and now I'm shattered and confused and mainly hurt. Ever since Katelyn has drifted closer to Hope she has become a plain bitch and I can't see why I was ever friends with her in the first place." He sounded so plain that it actually made me feel sorry for him. I knew he was a nice guy to begin with since he stopped Katelyn from jumping on me. Everyone else was more than happy to let us fight for the entertainment.

"Danny I'm sorry..." Just then the bell rang declaring our next lesson. "...look if you need to speak to anyone or want anyone to sit with find me at lunch. Your more than welcome." With that we both rose and headed towards our next lesson.

Mr Leonadus greeting me enthusiastically asI entered the English classroom, a wide smile was on his face as he announced our task for the lesson.

"Okay class, now your all in my class this year since you have a high ability in English. Now the task for today is to write a poem. Now it can be about anything as long as it Rhymes and as long as it is sad. Now the best one gets a fiver so get writing now!" As soon as he was finished he walked over to me, pulled up a chair and sat facing me. "Sapphire? Is something up at home? I mean you haven't been in for the last week."

His concern made me feel good. He was one of the teachers that was constantly on my case when i turned up at school with bruises. I guess he knew the truth but didn't want to pressure me to act on it. After all, most abused children don't want others interfeainf since it only makes things worse for them.

"Everythings fine sir. I juat moved house last week and needed time to settle. Everythings fine though."

"Oh you moved house. Is it nice? You still living with your parents?" Yep, just as I guessed, he's concerned something happened.

"No. Something happened and I was forced to move away. But I moved in with my boyfriend."

A small smile appeared on his lips as he noticed my eyes glass over with pure happiness. Nodding his head he roase from his seat before casting his eyes down towards me.

"If you ever need to talk you know where I am." I have to admit that a teacher saying that to you is slightly weird but it made me feel happier non the less.

The lesson passed and it was my turn to read my poem in front of the whole class. As I stood up and faced veryone they're eyes were on me waiting expectantly. Hope merely looked bored out of her mind, she just sat there playing with her nails, obviously uniterested.

"Okay, so this isn't really inspired by anythign in my life but more what I've witnessed in others lives. It's easy to guess what its about so yeah..." clearing my throat I grasped the paper tighter in my hands as if it were going to erase my embarasment.

"I would love to say that I love you
that I could hug you until your black and blue
but I cant keep the truth behind the lie
for I am in love with some other guy
I know thats like poison to your veins
and im the reason why your black cloud rains
but like a plaster i did it quick
so the pain hurts less with that one fast rip
I know right now that you feel like dying
but instead you just cant stop crying
but what is the point when I know that one day
my lies will catch up on me anyway
so for now I can only apologize
for not feeding you on all those lies
for telling you the truth right away
to save you from more pain another day
im sorry for all that time I spent
dazzling you with my heavenly scent
but the thing I am most sorry for
is that it is I that you adore."

Everyone sat stunned as they took in my poem. Hope even looked slightly shocked although she tried to cover her expression with boredom.

Turns out my poem was the best in the class and I was rewarded with a five pound note. Smiling I walked to my next lesson and before I knew it lunch had arrived.

Walking over to the group table I sat down and oticed everyone once again in a stony silence. I sat confused before I sighed and reluctantly asked them what was up.

"You know what Sapphire don't act stupid." Chrissy growled.

"I'm seriously not acting stupid so just fucking tell me!" My patience had vanished since I honestly didn't know what was up with everyone.

"Oh? You don't know? Then what's this?" Slapping a folded piece of paper on the table I read it and felt myself feel sick with what I was reading.

In front of me was a note in mine and I' assuming Danny's handwriting completely slagging everone around the table off.

"I never wrote this guys. I swear! This is the first time I've ever laid eyes on it." Everyone looked unconvinced, even I was confused to why the words were in my handwriting.
"Fine, don't believe me. But why the hell would I slag you guys off when you've been nothing but good to me. Your just being fucking idiots right now." On that note I slung my bad back on my back and stormed from the room cathing Katelyn's eye on the way out. A smirk played on her lips and I knew they were still out to get me.

"Sapphire wait!" His voice stopped me in my tracks since it was the very last person I expected to come after me. And I demanded answers.

"What do you want..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I got one comment for the last chapter which I am thankful for. Lets try aiming for two this time?
So who do you thinks chased after her then?