Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

Dancing for the boys.

Lights were flashing, the music was pounding, the stench of sweat and beer swam through the air, filling me nostrils with the unpleasant scent.

Alcohol was strictly forbidden since we were on school grounds but the teachers gave up the search ages ago and settled with the 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' rule. The head teacher disappeared ages ago and decided to turn a blind eye to whatever was happening in the school hall. Since there was no supervision random people off the street were turning up and it was that packed that everyone was practically pressed up against each other both on and off the dance floor.

"Any second now the band should be on!" Reed whispered in my ear, just loud enough so I could hear him, kissing my cheek he backed away from me slightly and faced towards the stage where sure enough the band were walking onto the stage and setting up their equipment.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our first show! We were scheduled for many before this but due to misfortunate events we haven't been able to perform, so you lucky lot get to see us for the very first time. You must be feeling well special right now! Now I'm pretty sure that you've heard enough of me now so if we can get you to scream loud enough then we shall begin!" Ollie shouted into the mic, he was really good on stage, so comfortable and at home.

Answering his calls the crowd began to scream.

"I can't hear you!" He called out into the mic making them scream louder than before, the level almost deafening.

"1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4!" The drummer screamed calling the band in.

The first song I can pretty much say couldn't have gone any better sound wise, the only problem was that Ollie seemed to have lost much of his confidence as soon as he started singing and it was obvious that the crowd noticed their uncomfortableness because they weren't moving around as wildly as they were before.

Chrissy spotted me through the crowd and her determined eyes locked onto mine, I instantly I knew her plan so rushing from Reed's side I weaved my way through the crowd and Chrissy joined by my side. Making our way to the very front we hopped onto the stage much to every ones confusion and stood either side of it like statues until the end of their second song. Smiling at Ollie he nodded slightly confused but called the band in for the next song anyway.

I could feel my heart racing through my chest at a million miles an hour and my palms had broken out in a cold sweat. Taking one deep breath, in through the nose, out through the mouth, I punch the air with my right fist at the exact moment Chrissy did. And that was it, everything in the room faded and blurred into nothingness around me, all that I could hear was the music echoing in my ears, all I could see was Chrissy at the side of me and Reed at the very back of the crowd, with a wide smile on my face I twisted to the beat of the music both Chrissy and I perfectly in time. I can't say that all the moved we performed were strictly PG but you could feel the excitement in the air with every second we danced. The band loosened up and you could see Ollie dancing along with us, well sort of anyway, while the rest of the band swayed with their instruments or just ran around like crazy idiots. They were amazing.

When the final beat of the song hit the room I fell to my knees with my arms outstretched towards the sky suddenly coming back to my senses. The crowd were going wild! Their screams were so loud that I'm surprised I'm not yet deaf or that they hadn't yet lost their voice.

"Thank you so fucking much guys! You've made our night, we've got a few more songs to treat you tonight before we hand you back to our DJ! Can we have a round of applause for these two wonderful ladies who just danced for us?" Ollie screamed into the mike to receive even louder cheers than before, giggling slightly I jumped off the stage and grabbed Chrissy's hand dragging her straight to the girls loo's.

"Oh my god! Did we just do that? Tell me we just did that!" Chrissy screeched right in my ear, but I barely heard because the only thing I could concentrate on was my stomach which was turning horribly. "Sapphire you okay? I mean you look kinda green." Her voice was laced with concern as she placed her hand on my head.

"Yeah I'm fine, just need to splash some water on my face and I'm good." And cold water made a hell of a lot of difference. I don't know what was up with me in the first place, whether I have stage fright or just because It was because of how how it was in the room. It didn't matter though because I felt better with the cold water so I guess I can shut up about it now.. so yeah.

"Come on we need to find Reed."

"Oh he's meeting someone at the drinks table and said to keep you away for a few... oh shit." Slapping herself she bit her lip and tried blocking the doorway.

"Move Chrissy now otherwise I'll tell Melinda who really broke the mascara stick the other day." Wide eyed she stepped out the way and even went as far as opening the door for me.

"It wasn't me that told you! You got that?" Smirking slightly I left the toilets and went in search of the drinks table which I remember being somewhere at the back of the room.

The sight before me confused me a little, Ollie was stood with a man that looked to be in his early twenty's, why would he try and hide something like this from me? I don;t mind if he talks to other people, it's not like I'm obsessive over who he does and doesn't talk to.

Walking up to him I planted a kiss on his cheek and wrapped my arm around his waist, both guys looked at me with wide eyes, Reed's wide with being caught out and this strangers eyes wide with shock, with confusion and also with happiness.

"This is Sapphire? This is my sister?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry sorry sorry, I've been really behind with both my stories on here and I can only hope that you accepy my apology and forgive me. From now on I can't promise updates will be regular because they most likely won't be but I will promise to update as much as I can, as soon as I've caught up in school I will post more here, but I've once again moved school and now have work to catch up on, eurgh! Check out some of my poems if you haven't already :P
Ask me anything :) << If that doesn't form into one of those link things I'm sorry and I'll work out how to do it eventually lol!