Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.


My lips parted with shock and with loss of words. What do you say once you're introduced to the brother you never knew you had?

"I have a brother? Well I knew my dad wasn't who I thought he was but... a brother?" My words came out in a rush sounding breathless, this was a hell of a lot to take in.

"Yes you do, well half brother but to me it's like the same thing." This stranger said, a grin spreading widely across his face.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I studied his face. He looked nothing like my mother obviously, I mean we had different mums, but I could see some of my features across his face. We have the same face and the same lips as weird as that sounds. His hair colour's a chocolate brown like mine so that must mean both my parents had the same hair colour.

Walking forward I flung my arms around his muscular chest and hugged him close to me, inhaling his scent and memorising everything about him. Returning the hug eagerly we stood there for just a few minutes wrapped up in the strong embrace, an air of happiness, shock, confusion and relief swirling around us.

"Reed, thank you." I said to my boyfriend.

"You don't need to thank me darling, I did it because I love you. Now come on, I'm sure you too want to get to know each other and where's better to do that than at the house?"

Instantly agreeing I grabbed both boys house and dragged them from the school, everyones accusing eyes turning to us and looking upon me in disgust. Two boys? Seriously? You could see it in their eyes. Luckily from me those idiots were far from the truth.

It didn't take us long to get to the house, the car was filled with an easy chatter while Reed and my brother got to know each other. I sat in a comfortable silence just observing the two together. They were so easy going and I knew they were going to get along just fine in the furture, well that's if this night goes well and I countinue to see my brother, whos name I've learnt by the way is Harry.

"This house is amazing! How long did you say you lived here for?" Harry asked in wonder, his eyes searching the house with approval.

"Not long at all really. The only reason it looks so great is because our friend's helped and we had money saved up. We paid for it all without borrowing money aswell." Harry looked impressed by that and smiled widely at us both.

"I have to say, since you're both still in school that's pretty amazing!" Both of us laughed slightly and nodded in agreement, we decided just for now to leave out the part that Reed might leave school and get a Job some place.

"Come on, we'll sit in the living room, do you want anything to drink, a beer? Wine? Water?" Shaking his head he followed us and sat on the plush sofa, his eyes searching the room landing on a photo of my mother and I.

"You're mum was very pretty. I can see why my dad fell in love with her. It's a shame really, his choice in women went downhill rapidly after her, I have to say the way he talked about your mother when I was little makes my mum seem like a bitch in comparison. Not that she is...all the time." Chuckling slightly I had to nod in agreement.

"My mum was a great woman, it's such a shame she got involved with such a twat. He ran her over you know, my step-dad that is. She went out to get me some pancake mix or something, I can't remember proply, but instead of my mother coming to pick me up the cops came to the door, both my mum and step-dad were killed. My life went shit from there."

"What do you mean? You look happy enough?" Despair went through me at his words knowing I would have to tell him my story sooner or later. And I woud rather choose sooner than later.

"Well, I was rehomed. With two people who had been tryilng for a baby, but the poor woman kept losing the babies. She had one still born and the other were lost only a few months into the pregnancy. After about a year with them they started taking their frustrations out on me. First it started at just verbal abuse. Calling me useless, ugly, a bitch. But then the physical violence started."

Harry went pale at my words, his eyes were wide with horror. As I countinued with my heart wrenching story he started to cry silent tears, his saddness overwhelmed me and Reed had to leave the room so he didn't have to relive the horror of working over me when I was stabbed, without the boys I would be dead now and he hated that thought!

"Shit Sapphire! I have those boys to thank for so much. Dad will be so relieved to know you've got such great people taking care of you. Speaking of which, he knows where I am tonight. Reed found us at our house. My dad... our dad, is so nervous about meeting you. He acually cried for the first time in years since he found out about you. He's sworn off drink aswell. He's a single parent of course and the last few years have been rough, my mum's been in and out of the picture since you left. I met you're mum when I was young. I can't remember her much now to be honest, mainly what my dad told me about her. My memory of her was mixed in with the whores my dad was with after. I haven't had a bad childhood but seeing my dad just go downhill is upsetting."

"How sad! My mum only ran away since she was scared. She never mentioned you in her letter surprisingly. I wonder why. But she knew that I would seek you're dad out once I read the letter." Chuckling slightly Harry looked at his watch and hsi eyes widened.

"Bloody hell. Sapphire I have to say, as much as I have enjoyed tonight I'm going to have to love you and leave you. It's like, 12:50 right now. And erm, our dad will be worried."

"Okay then, I'll show you to the door. I've had a great time, I'm glad we got the chance to meet." Smiling I gave him a hug. Nervously he pulled away and stuttered a question.

"Hey, erm, if you ever want to, we can meet up again. I left my mobile number with Reed so if you want to you know..."

"I would love that."

He walked halfway down the drive befor turning round and focussing his eyes on mine. A serious look crossed his face.

"Reed's a great guy Sapphire. But if he ever hurts you I won't stand for it. Hold onto him though. You're very lucky."

Turning he countinued down the path and vanished into the night. Shutting the door I went on a cleaning spree, I dusted the whole of the downstairs, washed the dishes cleaned the floors. I didn't need to do the dishes by hand and I didn't need to dust everything since it was pretty much already spotless, but I needed time to think. The whole house looked almost as if someone suffering from OCD lived here once I finished, I looked on it with a proud satisfaction however.

It was 01:30 by the time I had finished cleaning and was drawn into the living room. Standing in front of the fireplace I crossed my arms and just stared at the picture of me with my mother. The smile on her face warmed the soul, laughter lit her eyes and I looked so happy that it seemed like I was living another life. She was a beautiful woman and was so care free, I didn;t realise I had started to cry until Reed's arms folded round his waist and his head rested on my shoulder.

"Come on Fire, let's got to bed. You''ve had a exciting day so lets not end it with tears. I love you."

"I love you too." I sighed before twisting in his arms and pecking him on the lips.

I stood listening to his heart beat for a while before I felt so tired I couldn't stand for much longer. Reed sensing this picked me up in his arms making me giggle. He walked us to bed and placed me on it gently before lying down next to me. Stripping his top off for him I threw it on the floor before crawling under the blankets. Copying my actions Reed lay next to me. I fell asleep with my head on his chest listening to the soft lullaby of his beating heart.

The last thing that run through my mind was: Harry's right. I am so lucky to have someone like Reed in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys this is pretty bad but I need to get used to writing this story again. Lol!
I don't know when I'll next write but I will try so hard to get on.
Look at the info on my profile page to know why theres a delay.
Thank you so much if you have stuck with me and countinue too, it makes me soo happy.
Love you all x