Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

The paint a thon.

Wednesday. The day that marks the middle of a school week. Since we had Tuesday off to recover from the amazing concert Ollie's band set up it meant there was a lot of catch up work to do. Because although the teachers so obviously enjoyed themselves they wanted to punish us for the hangovers they had the next day. As if that was our fault! We didn't shove the drinks down their neck! Well, we didn'y to all the teachers anyway.

"Sapphire so glad that you are joining us." My english teacher snapped, clearly in a bad mood.

"I'm not even late." Was my instant reply. Immidiately they tried to give me a detention but on epissed off glare in their direction had them backing down. I don't know why, maybe I just looked all monster like, or maybe I didn't wear any make-up, hell that would have even me running from myself!

I didn't fail to notice the burning eyes staring at me through the whole class. I knew it was Hope trying to get a rise out of me or something but I couldn't give a shit anymore. She was a bitch and everyone knew it. And I was getting revenge on her later anyway so there was no need to be bothered by it. Oh yes you heard right, I'm going to once again humiliate Hope. Oh but get this, I now have Danny's help. All the girls opted out thsi time, mainly because Melinda was going to a baby Scan with Lori and Chrissy was spending some time with Ollie today. Yes that does mean she's skiving. Reed and Shane know that I'm going to get my revenge on her but they decided to just sit back and watch. They preffered it that way unlike the rest of the group. I'm pretty sure that if Finn wasn't a teacher he would have wanted in on our plan.

As I wondered to maths I started to think about how it was all going down, how we were going to get Hope to where we wanted her and how we were going to make the thing look accidental. Since we were hoping to get her in front of quite a few people we have to make ourselves look innocent, otherwise there is the problem of trying to explain ourselves. And since I'm apparently the wannabe popular girl I can guess that most people are more likely to believe Hope than they are me. If they see it with their own eyes however they can make their own judgement. As I was walking I bumped into the one person I need to see.

"So how are we going to do this?"

"So we'll ask Phil to meet us outside to help us paint the floor and we can say if he wanted to he coulld bring Hope, that you wanted to mend your ways with her anyway. Then..."

"Yes. It's all perfect, you're a super genious Danny!" I cried before pulling him into a sufficating hug. "I've gotta go, I'll see you after Maths dear!" I yelled back at him as I was running down the corridor.

Maths went so slow, but luckily Phil was sat in front of me. Since it was too risky to talk to him I wrote a note. This was working out even better because now he had proof that I wanted to 'mend my ways' with Hope.

Hey, Danny and I was wondering if you wanted to come help us paint the slabs for the charity paint 'a' thon. You can bring Hope if you want. I really want to mend things with her. :)

Yeah sure. I think Hope will come along. I'll see what she says. I'll see you later. x

"Miss Hush. Stop flirting and get on with the work!"

"I wasn't flirting sir I was organising the Charity Paint a thon. Sorry." Luckily for me it was an actual thing incase I hadn't mentioned that. Everything is going just swell. Ew. I just said swell. Since when do I say swell. I really need to get a hold of myself! SOMEONE SLAP ME PLEASE?!

I could feel the excitment rising in me as it drew ever closer to lunch time. It got to the point where I could no longer sit still in my seat. Danny noticed this of course since we were both in the same lesson before lunch. It was the beloved french lesson. He sent a knowing smile my way and had to bit his cheek to keep from laughing. Hey it's not my fault I look forward to things like this!

As soon as the bell rang I launched myself out of my seat and grabbed Danny's hand dragging him outside. Reed and Shane decided to seat themselves a little bit away from where we were and were going to record the whole thing so that they could link it up to the school computers later. So maybe they like to sit back during the actual let's get revenge stage. But once that bit was done they would do anything to piss the teachers off and this would for sure.

"Sapphire! Danny! Hope said she'd come help to, she read the note, I hope you don't mind."
Phil called to us.

"No of course not." Moments later Hope came walking out, a smug look written on her face, a look that clearly read 'I so knew you would come crawling back.' Smiling I looked down at my paint pot and noticed it was half empty.

"Danny, can you go fill this up please, it's only got half left and you know we need a ful tin." Nodding he grabbed it from me and stood up, only when he stood up he hooked his foot round Phil's dragged him over, pretended to stumble himself and the half full tin of paint went flying all over Hope's new, and designer, clothes. He stood their looking dumbstruck, I mean it was a lot of paint. When I say a tin I mean a tin taht's big enough to paint you're room. Yeah. That's quiet a bit of red paint. We made sure it was pretty coloured though. Nothing like a murkey brown to set the mood.

"Shit Sapphire I am so sorry!" Danny said loudly enough to turn heads.

A collective gasp was heard as people began to notice her. She just stood silently fuming in the paint, it was dripping from her hair, pooling in her shoes. She looked a mess and at that very moment I had to bite my lip to stop myself from bursting into a fit of giggles.

"You silly bitch. You planned this didn't you! You ruined my outfit you stupid little whore!"

"That's not fair now is it Hope, I mean, Sapphire's doing the charity paint a thon, she only needed more paint!" Someone from the crowd called with a wink in my direction. So maybe they knew the truth but maybe there were more people than I realised that were sick of Hope.

"Yeah, and it wasn't her, Danny accidentally tripped over Phil! You're just being ridiculous!" Another spectator yelled.

Stamping her foot and sqeeling in protest Hope stormed off inside most likely to the toilets. Phil looked at me trying to look dissapointed but the corner of his lip twitched every so slightly, I knew he was fighting a smile!

When I looked behind me Shane and Reed were in stiches, theywere most likely playing the movie over and over on the phone, they were bright red from laughing and tears were streaming down their eyes. I guess this was going to be great footage to put on all the school computers!
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Short but it's like 02:20 and I have school tomorrow :/ well today actually lol!
So I'll write again soon x