Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

Everything Happens For A Reason.

It's been a few weeks since our revenge on Hope. She's been fuming ever since, every now and then she'll cast a dark look our way only to have us smile sweetly in return. The video of her being covered in paint quickly made it's way onto the school computers and Hope became the laughing stock of the school, the excitment of it all quickly slowed down however and now once again she is queen bitch.

Chrissy and Ollie revealed to the group a few days back that they hit a rocky patch in their relationship, apparently Chrissy feels as if Ollie is paying much more attention to the band than to her, Ollie however feels that that is a complete lie and that she'sjust been avoiding him. Whatever the case it's made her skip school and funnily enough I'm actually starting t get concerned about whether or not she'll pass her exams with all the work she's missing out on. I'd be happy to help her catch up but with the amount of work she's missed it's going to be impossible for her to reach all the deadlines for coursework and such. Basically she's screwed up bad. But this is Chrissy, I just know she'll find a way around it somehow.

Phil has been avoiding us since the paint 'accident', but with my keen eye I can see that he's growing apart from Hope, every now and then I can see him watching our group with a llonging look, I know that before long he will be back but until then I'll keep watching him. I know everyone else is missing him too, he made his choice however when he chose Hope over us.

Reed grabbed my hand under the lunch table and smiled at me softly. We were about eight months into our relationship Lori is roughly about six months pregnant. You could see that Finn was getting really excited, they already had furnished the babies room and everything.

"I love you Sapphire Hush." Reed breathed into my ear sending tingles throughout my body.

"I love you too. You're being awfully sweet today you know?" A knowing smile played across his face and I knew he was either up to something or after something. Instinct told me it was the latter. We hadn't got to spend much time together lately since school was over taking my life while Reed tried to juggled between his job and school. Everythings a bit hectic lately, it is only a few weeks away until we do our exams though. We have every reason to be panicking right now.

Just as Reed began to lean in for a kiss my phone started ringing in my pocket, groaning he pulled back and let me take the cool.

"S'up?" I asked after checking the caller I.D. It was Chirssy.

Instead of an answer I was greeted with a rounf of tears and deep breaths as she tried to contain herself, immidiately I started asking her what was wrong, concern and worry flowing through me.

"Sapphire...'s Lori, she's in hospital. She.. she.. get down here now!" Chrissy choked. Instantly I felt sick, was her dad gone? Did she get herself hurt.

Informing Shane and Reed what was happening we ran to the car and Reed sped to the hospital. The whole way there my heart was beating furiously in my chest while a lump stuck in my throat. My eyes stayed dry but worry was clouding my mind and I had to stop myself speaking so I wouldn't collapse into a puddle of tears at a complete loss with myself. Right now Lori needed me and I didn't know why and it was killing me!

Shane called Melinda on the way to the hospital and she promised she would meet us there. She seemed calm enough on the phoone but I bet right now she was racking her brains just like I was trying to find out what the problem was before I even got there. I came to the conclusion that It couldn't be Lori's dad, I mean, Chrissy would have been able to tell us on the phone, I mean she wouldn't have been as upset. But does that mean Lori is..? No. I will not let my thoughts drift in that direction.

As soon as the car stopped Shane and I leaped out while Reed searched frantically for a parking space. We all but sprinted to the reception desk and barked at the nurse behind it to give us directions to Lori's room. With a stern look she shook her head and glared evilly at us both.

"Right. Calm down this instant. You can not go visit a patient all worked up like you are."

"Oh cut the crap and tell us where she is." I rolled my eyes and told her in my most demanding tone. She seemed fazed and told us the room number with a sigh before getting back to work straight away, this time she seemed angry with herself. Must remeber to apologise later.

"Chrissy what's going on!" I cried as I launched myself into the room.

"Lori, she fell down the stairs... and... and..." Once again she fell into uncontrollable tears and was in no condition to tell us what was up.

"We lost the baby." Lori told me dry eyed.

Looking at her I felt my heart drop and tears sprang to my own eyes. But I refused to cry. One look at Lori told me that right now she needed us to be strong. She had placed a mask on her face, one that said she wasn't concerned, but the blank look in her eye and her emotionless face told me everything I needed to know. She was heart-broken. Every piece of her soul was shattered into tiny pieces and it would take more than just superglue to put her back together. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain she's covering up right now and I can honest to god say I never want to experiance it.

It took me a moment to realise Finn wasn't in the room. Anger flared in me until I realised there was probably a perfect explanation as to why.

"He said he was going to get us some drinks. That was about an hour ago. He's cut up bad, he tried to hide it from me, you know, pretend he wouldn't cry and whatever. But as soon as he got out of the room I heard him crying." Lori avoided my eye as she said this, she knows that I can tell she isn't as together as she seems.

Reed came walking sadly into the room at that point, a puffy eyed Finn trailing behind him, two drinks in his hand.

"Here you go sweetheart, I got you a hot chocolate, I know how much you love them. Sorry it too so long, huge qeue" Smiling weakly he handed her the cup and she pecked his lips in return.

"Thank you babe." She said while giving him a weak smile of her own. It was actually painful to watch the two of them act as if nothing was wrong when something so clearly was.

"Guys, we're going to leave you alone for a while. We'll go back to mine, come over later if you feel up to it." I offered while knowing they would have no real intention to do so.

"Yeah we'll try. I'm going to visit my dad while we're in here. He'sbeen asking about me. Knows what happened. He was very upset about it but said everything happens for a reason. I just hope he's right." Sighing loudly she turned and burrowed her head into her pillow, that's when I saw the first real tear slip, and that's when I dragged everyone but Finn out the room.

Later that night Shane, Melinda, Chrissy and Ollie all joined Reed and I in our living room. We all had fizzy drinks (Non-alcoholic for once) and toasted to the lost baby. We had all cried over it, even the boys. It was soul crushing to think about how Lori and Finn lost something that they loved so much already when they hadn't even set eyes on it.

"I have to agree with Lori's dad. I believe everything happens for a reason." I said making the room fall quiet to take in my words.

"Why would you believe that after everything you've been through?" Melinda whispered, scared to bring up the past that she had only heard about.

"Yeah I'm wondering the same thing. You went through such a horrific time." Shane injected, his eyes haunted as his mind flashed back presumably to the night they saved me when I was stabbed.

"Well think of it this way guys, if my mum had never had died I would never have been adopted. Which means that I would have never hadmet you guys. Maybe there is a reason why I need to be with you guys. I mean you all said you changed when you met me, and I can tell that your old victims are exstatic that you're no longer after them."

They remained thoughtful for a while before Chrissy piped up.

"I guess you're right, but why's Lori's dad got cancer? Why did she lose the baby? Why did Phil date Hope? If everything happens for a reason why did all that happen?" Without missing a beat I answered skillfully leaving them all in a stunned silence.

"You know, before Lori's dad had cancer her family were distanced from each other, never spoke to one another or anything like that. But when he was diagnosed it brought them altogether. It taught them not to take advantage of life. Maybe that's why he has cancer. Maybe when the baby was born it would have problems, maybe something would happen to Lori while she was giving birth that lead to her death, leaving Finn to traumatized to look after the baby proply. And Phil dating Hope, maybe at some point she'll lose him and come to realise that she need someone in her life. Maybe that's why they're dating. But you know what, these are just possibilities. These are just my beliefs. You don't have to believe them too but sometimes I only have my beliefs to hold onto you know."

Nodding slowly they seemed to be deep in thought over the conclusions in their heads. I could tell straight away that they were won over and they switched to believe the same as me aswell.

"Hon, I am so tired right now. Can we kick them out?" Reed feebly whispered before yawning widely. I think the others just took the hint at the gesture and slowly they leaked out the house with small goodbyes and a hug each. Looking round the room to my dismay I found it a total state. With a small sigh I began picking up the mess but Reed shookhis head and pulled me into his arms.

"We'll do that tomorrow. Now lets go to bed and sleep. It's been a long day and you shouldn't be worrying about anything else right now. Now come on." Smiling I kissed him gently before pulling away so our noseswere touching. Keeping my eyes closed I felt his breath was across my face and the tension seem to disperse from my body.

Folling his lead we walked up to our room and I fell asleep fully clothed in the safety of Reed's arms.
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:( Aww I felt bad writing this chapter but it had to be done, cause everything happens for a reason right?