Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

In the toilets...

Hope was just wondering past the girls bathroom when I escaped from class. I would have been right behind her had I not got stuck behind some annoying high pitched plastics, both of whom were complaining how Reed was gorgeous and how they wished it was them that he was dating not me. Needless to say when they saw me they looked like deers in headlights, and when they saw their boyfriends they looked as though they had seen a dead guy rise, say hello, and then wonder off to sit on a park bench and read a paper. Yeah, you can see their faces now can't you.

"Hope! Wait up!" I called out, desperate to make her stop. Luckily enough for me she did, her face a stone cold glare as she turned and looked at me. Beside her a group of girls stood with their arms crossed tightly over their chests, their faces just as dangerous as hers yet a lot less intimidating.

"What do you want? Have your friends ditched you? Are you crawling back to me?" She mocked, her voice pouring with a false sweetness.

"Nope. Never in a million years would I crawl back to you Hope. Your a bitch. Get used to it. But I did however want to have a little chat." Everyone in the halls were slowing down in pace now, talking lowly to their friends so that maybe they can hear a little of what was going on.

"Yeah sure. Let's chat then."

"In private. Let's not make the whole school think that our business is their business." Her eyes roamed the corridors quickly before finally her steel gaze faltered and she flicked her head in the direction of the girls bathroom. I had to fight hard to keep an unneeded smile off of my face. She would only change her mind if she knew it had made me slightly happy.

As we walked in the bathroom I lean against a close toilet door and tapped a rhythm to myself, searching for words. Everything had been planned out but as soon as I actually confront her my words fail me. It's irritating to say the least but luckily enough for me Hope has a few words she wished to say herself.

"What has gotten into you Sapphire? Ever since you started hanging round with those boys and Chrissy you had completely forgotten about me. You hardly hung out with me anymore and the only time you did speak to me it was about your bloody problems!" Everything from the way she was standing to the gaze in her eyes told me that she didn't actually care, that the only reason she was asking was because she lost a follower.

"Nothing got into me! You could have came over whenever! You didn't need to be invited over or asked to come over. Are you stupid! If you were that good of a friend you would have realized that I would have had you over whenever! And as for the only speaking about my problems, that's all you cared about. It's as if my vulnerability and my problems made you life better! So don't go giving me crap Hope! If anything it's you that drifted away from me." A flush sounded from somewhere behind us going unnoticed by both. A girl timidly emerged from the cubicle to go and wash her hands, her black hair shielding her face.

"Your only making excuses. It's clear that you like Chrissy more than me. You hadn't known her that long at all and you go off with her. Do you know how much that hurt me?" For a moment she sounded so innocent, so vulnerable, I almost had to convince myself that it was a trick, but luckily I saw through it.

"You know what hurt me? The fact that you were able to play with my emotions. The fact that, you acted sympathetic when my adoptive parents were abusing me, that you acted as though you cared. But really you couldn't have cared as much as you made out if you leave me because of Chrissy. You never even tried to get to know her. She could have been a friend of yours too if you had given her a chance. Oh sorry, I forgot, you only stuck around long enough to see if the boys would fall down at your feet. When you found out they didn't you gave up and left, leaving probably the only true friend you had behind." She actually looked fazed by my words for a moment before she regained her composure, her body tensed and she leaped for me, her hands aimed for my throat.

Suddenly she landed flat on her face and a very guilty looking Melinda stood behind her, where she was the whole time, with her hands covering her mouth as if pushing her was an accident.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I mean, I didn't mean to, it was completely an accident, i was just going towards the door and my hands reached for you like a magnet! It was very strange. I'm so sorry!" Melinda sounded so sincere that I actually had to bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

"Who the hell are you!" Hope spat, venom covering her voice once again.

"Me? Oh, I'm Shane's girlfriend. I snuck into the school to come and visit him but I desperately needed to pee, so you know, I came in here and then my hands started to play up." Once again I found myself holding back my laughter which was getting harder by the minute.

"Melinda? how nice to see you! Shane should have art now if I'm not mistaken." I said, acting as if I was giving her a vital piece of information.

"OH! I'll just go there now. You coming Chrissy?" Chrissy was stood behind Hope, a small smile playing on her lips. Tucking something into her pockets she skipped up to Melinda and nodded her head, quickly she hugged me while whispering a quick, 'watch her as she goes out' in my ear, before she grabbed Melinda's arm and dragged her out of the toilets.

"If I'm right I would have guessed you planned them to be here so that they could hear me being bitchy about them. Too bad it didn't work. Now adios bitch, I have better places to be." With that she turned, her hair flicking out behind her.

I chocked back my laughter, a strange sound coming out instead when I saw what Melinda and Chrissy had done while I was distracting them.

The back of Hope's hair had a square cut out of it in the middle at the bottom. It went from in between her shoulder blades up to the top of her neck. How she hadn't noticed what they were doing baffled me. I suppose we were talking quite loud so she never would have heard the scissors, but surely she would have felt it. Maybe we were just too wrapped up in the argument. I mean, I barely noticed they were there and we set the whole thing up.

Also, besides the hair she had paint splattered across her back. I know I'm gonna get in the shit from this but I did try and object to the plan but Chrissy and Melinda were hearing none of it. In the end they did convince me it was what she deserved and I did participate, so I am as much to blame as she is. And to be honest, now that I've done it I feel much better. Much happier since I have revenge for the hurt and the drama she causes. All I know now though is that break time is going to be Very eventful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is out late and is short but I'm going to get another chapter out today and I'm going to make it longer.
And please please please (!) Will more of you subscribe. I have one person who is a regular reader at the moment and I really wish there was more of you.
It makes me sad to think that I have only got two comments and they're both from the same person, ex specially since I had like, 21, 22 subscribers for the prequel.
But other than that, how did I do?