Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.


The whole gang was meeting at the flat tonight and I couldn't help but feel really nervous. Reed hasn't spoke, or even looked at me since the incident at lunch.

"Cool down Fire." Ollie smiled at his really bad joke while I just rolled my eyes and began cleaning the living room to calm myself. "So what actually happened today to make you so nervous? You haven't told me anything."

Sighing I collapsed onto the couch and put my head into my hands, my elbows resting on my knees.

"Fine I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't storm off. Or get mad. Or anything." Looking at him he sat down next to me placing his hand on the top of my leg soothingly, it was nothing romantic. Looking confused he nodded to show me he promised so I continued. "Well, in form class the other day Hope asked her friend Katelyn to cause a scene with me. And she did. We got into his full blown argument until she tried to punch me. Her friend held her back but then the teacher sent us out. So I told the girls this at the girls night and we arranged to get revenge. So we did. We cut out this square in her hair. It was a pretty big square. /\nyway, we didn't tell the guys because we didn't want them involved, well they found out. Hope came storming up at lunch in tears and started shouting at me, the whole time I was acting innocent. When she left Reed was saying how I shouldn't have done it, how it was really mean and stuff so I said who is he to judge me after everything he did to me. He stormed off, Phil following him. Shane forgave me for not telling him though. And well, since then I haven't spoke to Phil or Reed." Ollie just sat there blanked faced for a moment, while I was telling him the story he had removed his hand from my leg making me worry about continuing. But I had already got so far so I went on.

"Well, I'm not too bothered you didn't tell me. More that Chrissy didn't. But since it was just between you girls I'll look past it. Anyway, the guys are coming over tonight so I'm going to suggest talking to them then. Phil doesn't hold a grudge for long and Reed...well, he loves you. He'll forgive you, even if it was a low blow."

"Oh way to make me feel better." I muttered sarcastically making Ollie laugh as he stood up to answer the door which someone was hammering furiously on.

At the door I could hear the boys explaining how some ow all of them had forgotten their keys. It happens. To us anyway. I just sat on the chair, leaning back and playing with my fingers sheepishly. It's not like I had done much wrong in the first place, we all just seemed to have made a mountain out of a mole hill.

After five minutes of arguing at the door the guys finally walked in, each of their girlfriends hooked onto their arms. The only people missing from the group was Phil and Chrissy. Chrissy was at her mom's having dinner, or tea, or whatever you want to call it, but she was turning up later. As for Phil, who knew where he was.

"Saffy!" Shane yelled engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Saffy?" I questioned when he released me.

"You know your names Sapphire, well the start sounds like Saffy." Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at him I just giggled and sat back on the couch which Shane had just pulled me from.

I could feel Melinda's and Chrissy's eyes burning into me, it was obvious they were worried. They think its partly their fault Reed's ignoring me, but Its not. Its mine.
Quickly my eyes flickered over to my boyfriend to see what he was doing, to see if he was secretly glancing at me too, but what I saw made my heart ache. He was over having a laugh with Ollie and Shane, both of whom looked like they were holding something back.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I held back the tears, I had cried enough already for a whole lifetime, it made me feel pathetic and weak. Lori sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling em to her as much as possible. I felt so bad for her, her dad was dying yet it was me that was being comforted over something so stupid! I guess that's what made me pull away from the hug and walk over to Reed.

"Shane, Ollie. Piss off." Smiling like idiots they skipped over to there girlfriends and Finn,, who was with the girls the whole time. How had I not noticed him? "Reed we need to talk. Do you agree?"

He looked shocked at how demanding I was being, usually I was the person that waited for things to sort themselves out. I really was changing wasn't I.

"Yeah we do. But right now I'm not sure if I want to talk." He retorted while glaring viciously at me. Now that hurt.

"I don't give a shit whether you want to talk or not to be honest, I want to sort this out now." The glare left his face and instead was replaced by surprise. I had never been this demanding before.

"Fine. You start."

"Alright, I want to say I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did, I shouldn't have used the past against you since you've been so good to me lately, but at the same time I believe that I was right in what I was saying. You shouldn't have judged me, I mean, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get involved, I didn't want you to stress. And I also believe that you had no right to tell me what I did was harsh when she's plotting against me."

"To be honest Sapphire I still think what you did was mean! You cut off her hair all because of something so small! OK, so you didn't tell me, I don't really give a shit about that, you have your secrets just like everyone else in the world, but what you did to Hope was a little over the top." OK so now I was going to do something I was sincerely going to regret late, now however I was going to make me feel so damn good!

"Need I remind you of the time you put chewing gum in my hair and I had to cut my hair all because I looked at you in the 'wrong way'?" Disbelief shot through his eyes and he was quick with his remark.

"Oh my god Sapphire! Are you thick! You've just apologized and now your doing the same thing in which you apologized for!"

"Yes because your being a fucking prick!" By now we were both full on yelling at each other and the room had fallen silent. Everyone was staring at us with sympathy pity. They all thought of us as the model couple and now the 'model couple' are trying to rip each others throats out.

Just as Reed was about to answer a key sounded in the lock and the front door swung right open. Phil walked with a girl attached to his arm. That girl was none other than the queen bitch herself. Hope.
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Sorry for the delay, umm, bad chapter. Sorry. Please comment and subscribe. Thanks for reading x