Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

Glass heart.

We decided to head back to the flat straight away, the temperature was steadily dropping and my teeth were clashing together. Reed had taken of his jacket and wrapped it round me and I didn't fail to notice the goosebumps which had rose on his arms. His whole body was tense from trying to stop the shivers. So to sum everything up, he was being a big sweetie while trying to act like a tough guy. Well, he got the sweet part right.

"Reed, do you want your jacket? Your froze!" I exclaimed, pulling the jacket down my arms. Quickly his hands snapped forward and held the jacket in place.

"No. I'll be fine. We're two minutes away from the flat, literally. I think I will survive. Anyway, you need it more than me love." My heart skipped a beat at that one simple word, love. I'm in deep aren't I.

"If your sure." The rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence. Without me even noticing my arm had some how wove its way around his waist while his had wrapped around my shoulder. We must have looked like one of those cute couples from the movies, I certainly felt like it. I still marveled at how I had a guy like Reed! I mean come on people, this is my high school enemy, the person who made my life hell!

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me just as we reached the doors to the stairwell leading to my flat.

"I'm just trying to work out how I found such a great guy. It still seems like a dream to me to be honest." Chuckling at the end I looked up into his gorgeous eyes, they were filled with a dizzying amount of emotions but the main thing that shone through was happiness.

"The question you should really be asking yourself is how did a guy like me end up with such an amazing girl. I am so lucky to have you Sapphire." He moved closer to me with every word, his breath tickling my lips as he whispered my name.

Closing my eyes I moved forward towards his lips, happy to have such a great end to the day, well I was happy until some prissy bitch cleared her throat and tapped her foot impatiently.

"My god you two, tone it down on the PDA will you, it makes me sick. Oh and by the way, me and Phil are leaving now. Do we get hugs?" I took every fiber in my body to stop me pouncing on her and tearing her hair out. Oh yeah, I may have forgot to mention, she had her hair cut short, so now she has this layered bob and a fringe which she pins up in a quiff. It doesn't look too bad but it Does make her face look chubbier.

"Yeah sure. Phil, can I have a hug?" I asked but before he could reply I pulled him into my arms squeezing him tightly. Hesitantly he wrapped his arms around me before placing a swift kiss on my cheek.

"I'll see you soon Hun." With that he walked over to a thunderous looking Hope.

"Do I not get a hug Hope?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion and hurt.

"I don't want to catch a disease or something Sapphire so I would rather not."

"Don't be so harsh Hope. If anyone has a disease hear its you. Your more willing to spread your..."

"Reed! Please, this is my girlfriend your talking to." Phil interrupted.

"Yeah well I'm not going to stand by and watch your girlfriend talk crap about mine!" He growled, glaring at Phil dangerously, even though the look wasn't aimed at me I felt fear shoot through me.

"Oh but you'll stand by and let your girlfriend cut huge chunks of hair off people who haven't really done anything to them!" OK that was it. Walking over to Phil I swept my hand back and brought it across his cheek, the sound resounding through the stairwell.

"Phil shut the fuck up okay. I said not to let this relationship of yours get between us. Obviously you can't keep a promise like this. She has done plenty to me but your too god damn blind to see it! I knew this was going to happen but I was counting on this happening so soon." I snarled at him while he held his cheek in shock, hurt flowing through his eyes.

" On what happening Sapphire?" He whispered, the other two were watching us with curious eyes.

"On us drifting apart. On us not being able to be friends. It's obvious what you think of me. I'm a bitch right? i attack Innocent people. Well, when you open your eyes Phil come find me because at the moment your walking around blind, and I can't deal with that." With that I turned away, ignoring the two boys calling after me as I ran up the stairs. I could almost feel the smirk on Hope's face but it wouldn't do me good to attack her now, especially after what I have just said to Phil.

As soon as I was in the flat I slammed the door shut and stormed to my room. Picking up the glass heart with 'friends always' scrawled on it, I threw it with all my force against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. Phil had brought me that just before we went back to school. Reed acted over the top about it and ignored the group for two days before he realized it was just a gift of kindness. Shane then felt obliged to get me something, and so did everyone else. In the end everyone ended up buying each other gifts as a back to school sort of thing.

"Sapphire? Are you okay honey? Do you need to talk." Swinging the door open I grabbed Chrissy's arm and dragged her forcefully into the room before burying my head in her shoulder and screaming. My scream of course was muffled but Ollie still heard it and came stumbling into my room>

"What was that scream?"

"Phil is such a prick! I hate him! He can go die for all I care! I tell him I won't let that...that...that slag get in the way of us and he shoves it back in my face! I hate him! Seriously I hope he gets hit by a bus or something on the way home. No! Worse! I hope Hope that stupid little bitch goes and breaks his heart, because I'm sick of him! I am! And when he comes crawling back I'm not gonna spread my arms wide and embrace him, no...I'm gonna put him through so much fucking pain!" I didn't even realize there were tears flowing from my eyes or that I was marching round my room, all I knew was that I was beyond furious and that Phil was to blame.

"What happened sweetie? What has he done?" Lori asked tenderly, I didn't even realize she was here still.

"Well, Reed and I were in the stairwell erm, yeah, and then Hope came down and er, said they were leaving. She said are we gonna get hugs blah blah blah...things got bad There was this argument and Phil defended Hope while dragging my name through the dirt, saying that how was Hope so bad when I went around cutting huge chunks of hair off of innocent people! I had had enough, I walked over to him, slapped him, told him that when he opened his eyes to find me and left. So we're through. No longer friend. Because he is a fucking god damned prick that needs to rot in hell!" Screaming the last part I kick the bed post before flopping back on the bed holding my hand to my forehead.

"Look sweetie. I would love to say I'll go kick his arse for you but its best if I didn't. Your gonna regret breaking that you know." Indicating with her hand she showed me the pretty glass pieces which were glistening on the floor.

"I already do." I murmured, turning onto my stomach and burying my head in the blankets. Where was Reed? I needed his warmth.

Fifteen minutes had past and the flat door opened and then close quietly. Soft footsteps sounded on the carpet, slowly making their way to my room. If it's Phil I'm gonna punch his lights out.

"Sapphire, please open up. I need to talk to you." Phil.

"Piss off. I hate you. Go die. Your gonna get your heart broke. Your nothing to me." Short quick sentences, they are as painful as quick and hard punches, to the lower region where a boy keep his 'crown jewels'.

The door opened anyway and in came a very battered looking boy, his face filled with sorrow. I'm guessing this is Reed's doing. Remind me to make it up to him later. No not Phil idiots.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't want to hear it."

"...but I love her..."

"Your still blind."

"...but I need you as a friend..."

"I don't need you."

"...and I promise to not let her get in the way of us."

"You already have."

"Your not going to let this go are you?" He questioned almost pleadingly. He trailed off towards the end as his eyes landed on the glass in the corner. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"No I'm not. Your a liar. You hurt me Phil. ,maybe one day you will get a second chance, but that will be when your not walking around like a blind man."

"I'm sorry." He muttered once again before leaving. Finally I had gotten through to him. But as soon as he left the room I felt my heart drop a little. Even when Reed walked in and lay down with me, pulling me to him, I couldn't help but think that apart of me had walked away and had left with Phil.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK so this is a crappy little chapter to be honest but i haven't updated in a while and I felt bad. Should be getting back on tracks soon :)