Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

Cherry on the cake.

[A/N at the bottom very important, please read]
Groaning I rolled onto my side, all I could focus on was the pounding in my head. Somewhere in my mind I could remember everything that had happened, but the pain kept me from focusing on anything else, good job too. I mean, it wouldn't be good if I exploded in a fit of rage.

"Oh thank goodness! Finally your awake!" A voice only semi familiar exclaimed happily. Turning my head I looked at the girl, her green eyes bore into mine, worry clear as crystal through them. "We were so worried! Hope knocked you out that bitch! Chrissy tried to get Reed from his lesson but apparently an unconscious Girlfriend isn't a valid enough reason to skip class."

Despite the situation a chuckle escaped through my lips a I cautiously sat up. I was still lying in the gym but now it was empty and there was a team of first aiders surrounding me.

"Ah, he'll be panicking now. If it wasn't enough to be knocked out by Hope I'll be suffocated by my own boyfriend later he'll be hugging me that tight." Chrissy rushed into the gym then, she was out of breathe, clearly she had been running.

"Sorry, popped to the loo, I didn't want to go till you woke up but the Finn was being pushy and shooed me out of the gym. Stupid good for nothing..." A throat cleared behind her "...sweet and caring person!" She swung her arms around at her ending statement as if to prove a point which made myself and everyone around me laugh."

A first aider checked me over asking me if was still in pain and if I was feeling this...or that... or even... I would tell you what she was asking but I completely zoned out, her voice was too boring to listen to. They deemed me well enough to not go to hospital but advised me to retrieve my things and head home.

"We'll call you parents and they can come and pick you up love." The first aider who checked me over said. My stomach dropped a little as I explained to them my current situation, the pity that filled their faces made me want to Slap them, harsh i know but right now i don't want pity. Its not fair!

"I'll take her home, I know where she's staying because she's rooming with a mate of mine." Finn explained earning me disapproving looks.

"Isn't that a bit inappropriate for a girl her age?" Someone asked. I didn't care who to be honest.

"No. Their both the same age as me. It's complicated but I suggest you don't ask questions about something that doesn't concern you OK?" Finn grabbed my hands an pulled me to my feet. Chrissy and Grace were waiting outside the gym doors which was where they were shooed to while I was being checked over. Each one of them had little bit of my stuff. Chrissy had obviously raided my locker while Grace had retrieve my bags from the changing room."

"So sir, is she well enough to come back to lessons now?" Chrissy laughed. He had already demanded that we didn't call him that but we couldn't help ourselves. Plus the head teacher heard us calling him by his first name before and gave us along talking to on how it was disrespectful to call a teacher by their first name instead of by their surname. So from then we decided to tease him and call him sir. Great story I know.

"No I have to drop her off at home. Is Ollie at band practise today?"

"Yeah. Just drop her off at the flat though, that's where the practise is today. We'll see you later Fire." Giving both the girls a hug I started thinking about how weird it was that they only used my nicknames sometimes. It was like this big game, which name are they going to use next! OK, it isn't that big of a game but still.

The journey home was a quiet one, the only thing breaking the silence was nothing good has happened yet by we are the ocean blasting through the speakers. It wasn't uncomfortable though, it was nice.

When we arrived in front of the flats I gave Finn a quick hug, a peck on the cheek and sprinted into the flat. It was hammering it down with rain outside, I was surprised by how heavy it was since this morning the skies were clear.

Swinging the door open I let it hit the wall with a crash, successfully making the whole band in the living room jump with fright.

"Holy shit Sapphire! You scared the hell out of us!" Ollie exclaimed before lifting his arm up and eying his watch. "Hey, shouldn't you be in school?" Shaking my head I felt my eyebrows pull down in anger.

"Nope, I got sent home because of possible concussion."

"What happened?" He said before rushing to my side, his hands reaching out to touch my head before I knocked them away and shut the door which was still wide open.

"Well, Hope was being an overly jealous bitch as per usual and decided to do a move on me in dance which I was totally unprepared for, which meant she sent me flying, my head smacking against a bench and successfully knocking me unconscious. And that's all because Finn didn't get me moved from her fucking group!" Anger plastered itself onto Ollie's face as well. He muttered something under his breathe that sounded suspiciously like 'I'm going to kill him' before turning back to his band.

"Do you guys want to end here today?" Quickly I interrupted telling him how I wanted to listen into their practise. This earned me a smile from everyone.

"OK, so at the moment we're working on a new song and we want to know what you think. " Nodding my head I listened as they began to play.

Once again they were amazing, the world's flowed from Ollie's lips naturally and the bang behind him were in perfect timing. It was absolutely amazing, I never would have thought they would have been this talent after only a month give or take a few days. They've changed their name three times since they have been together. It's gone from Toxic Taste to Vengeance Squad (which was changed after Chrissy, Lori and I burst out laughing at the name) and now they're know as the nameless. I actually like it! Such a simple name but yet it fits them!

"That guys, was fantastic." I whispered at the end, to scared to speak normally In case I broke the atmosphere around the room.

Smiling widely they began packing up there equipment while I sat myself on the couch and resting my head back. The headache from earlier had returned and I was starting to feel really sick. It must have shown because one of the guys in the band kept looking at me from the corner of his eye, concern written across his features.

"Sapphire, look at me honey. Can you remember my name?" He asked walking over and sitting next to me."

"Yeah, wasn't it Joe?" Nodding his head he place a hand on my chin and lifted my face so my eyes met his. But it wasn't my eyes he was interested in. Scanning my face he bit his lip seemingly contemplating something.

"You have no chance Joe. She has a boyfriend." Another of the band mates, I think it was Gregor that said.

"Shut it you douche bag. I think she needs to go to a hospital Ollie. She looks drowsy, she's paler than when she first got here and her eyes are squinting because of the light. I wouldn't be surprised if she has concussion." Dropping his hands he went to pull me up but I resisted and shook my head violently, immediately regretting it when it made my head pound even more.

"Nah, I don't want to go. I'll take some tablets just if I fall asleep wake me up every hour or something. I'll be fine, I've been in worse situations and haven't been in hospital." I explained as my mind flew back to the night of my attempted suicide.

It was obvious that Ollie and the rest disapproved of my plan but the truth is that I have enough with hospitals, it would have to be threatening my life at this very moment to get me there.

"If your sure. We'll stay here until Chrissy gets home, then you can come with us to talk to..." I drowned out the voices at this point and instead starting thinking of a way to get back at Hope.

I vaguely remember when I was younger my mother telling me something along the lines of 'Two Wrongs do not make a Right but all I can think of in return to that at this moment in time is that revenge is the cherry on top of the cake.
♠ ♠ ♠
*So yeah this is fillerish but then not every chapter has to be full of excitement and evilness. Right, now I have something important to ask of you all. I'm going to start writing a new story and it's going to be called 'nerd in the limelight' or something along those lines, but I have my first chapter semi planned out but I need someone to check it over, see if they like it, what would they change and so on. But I want someone who will not be afraid to give me advise and what not, so please do any of you feel like doing it? If so please leave a comment :P Thanks x