Status: It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Die

Chappy 17

So it’s been a month since Max was admitted to rehab and Ali got out. She’s been miserable. Like “I don’t wanna get out of bed but I have to” miserable. We’re all trying to keep her busy so she doesn’t think about it. Craig’s been taking her on dates, Tom’s kidnapped her a couple times for some Tom/Ali time. I took her shopping and we got our hair and nails done. Gerard and Mikey tried with no prevail. Hell, Frank even failed at making her happy. And he’s a ball of effing energy! She’s still miserable, though.

“Aaaaaaaaalllllllllllliiiiiiiiiii!” I said laying on her couch with my feet in her lap.

“What?” she asked sadly.

“Lets make biscuits! LETS MAKE BISCUITS!” I replied before giggling.

Craig walked in and gave me the weirdest look ever. “And they say I’m special…” he said shaking his head and walking out of the room.

I giggled some more and saw Ali was still sad. “Alejandra Rae!!” I said.

“Whaaaat do you waaaaaaaaant from meeeeee?” she asked.

“Dib's so mean to my master. He not nice to Zim. I seen it! Dib is bad!” I replied, quoting Invader Zim and giggling.

She didn’t even crack a smile. “Ali!” I said, “Why so serious?!”

“I want my Max back,” she replied sadly when Craig rushed in the room.

“Ali! Phone! NOW!” he said before rushing into the kitchen.

Ali and I looked at each other before walking into the kitchen and seeing Craig bouncing up and down like a little kid. “Ali, it’s for you. Talk on it!” Craig said.

“Okay?” Ali asked before picking up the phone. She put it to her ear and asked, “Hello?”

It was quiet for a second when she exclaimed, “Max! Oh my god! How are you?!”

Craig, with a smug grin, mushed us all out of the living room so Ali could talk to Max. “Let her talk to him. She needs it,” he replied.

We nodded before going to do our thing. I sat down in the living room and started watching Invader Zim when I saw a small child sit by me. I looked over and saw that it was just Leila. “Hello Leila,” I said.

“Hi Chessy!” she said before hugging me, “Is Mommy still sad?”

“No, honey,” I replied hugging her before sitting her next to me, “She’s talking to Max.

Wanna watch TV with me until Mommy gets off the phone?”

She nodded excitedly. “What’s your boyfrand doing?” she asked.

I giggled. She loved Tom. “He’s with his family right now,” I replied.

“Oh. Ohtay. You know what I think?” she asked.


“You and Tom should get married.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “We’re too young, honey.”

“But Mommy and Daddy are getting married. Mommy’s your age.”

“I know.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I know, Leila. Whenever you’re older, you will.”

“But I’m turning three!”

“I know, Leila.”

She crossed her little arms in front of her. “I still don’t understand.”

I kissed the top of her head. “You will, honey.”

We went back to watching Invader Zim whenever Meckie and Tom walked in the house. “Hello! It is us! You’re German lovers. Bow!” Tom exclaimed throwing his arms out.

I started laughing and Meckie said, “I do not know him.”

Tom pouted. “Gee, love you, too Bill,” he said.

I stood up and hugged the twins. “How are my two favorite boys?” I asked.

“Better now that I’m with you,” Tom replied before kissing my cheek.

“AWWWWWWW!” Ali said sticking her head in the doorway before going back into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes. “Good,” Meckie replied.

“Bill!” Leila said before running over and hugging his legs.

Meckie chuckled. “Hello, Leila,” he said.

She looked at Tom. “Tom!” she said.

“Leila!” he replied back to her.

“I don’t understand!” she said. Oh god.

“Understand what?” he asked.

“Why you and Chessy won’t get married!”

Everything went dead quiet. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, Mommy and Daddy love each other and they’re getting married. You and Chessy love each other. Why won’t you and Chessy get married?!”

Tom was silent. Ah fuck. “Well, you see, honey,” he said before picking her up, “Yeah, I love Chelsea. But we’re too young and we’re still in high school. Maybe in the future. What do you say, kiddo?”

She made a cute little kid thinking face. “Okay, Tom!” she said before hugging him.

He hugged her back and glanced at me. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed, “I have no idea.”

He shrugged as well. He’s gonna ask some questions.