Status: It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Die

Chappy 5

Well, I’m glad we didn’t go to the movies with them yesterday. We were all sitting at lunch now. Ali was talking about some girl hitting on Craig. In front of her. That girl was just asking for trouble.

Anyway, I was stuck between the twins…again. Meckie was animatedly talking about a show they were doing over in Germany over the summer next year. I think. I don’t know actually. I was too busy glancing at Tom and thinking about yesterday.

“Chelzers!” Ali said.

I looked over at her. “Huh?” I asked.

“Wow. You’ve been all kinds of zoning out. What did you guys do yesterday while we saw Paranormal Activity?” Haley asked.

Deciding to be a dork, I replied, “I’m going to quote ‘Friends,’ Mmmkay?”

“Okay? Which quote?” Ali asked.

I smiled the biggest smile and looked over at a grinning Tom before replying, “‘The sky is blue, Ross, and I had sex yesterday.’”

They all sat there confused as hell when Frank’s eyes widened to about the size of saucers. I think. I dunno. He don’t look too pleased, though. Uh-oh. Maybe I should have waited until it was just us girls. Fuck.

“Oh yeah! Get some!” Ali said.

“Thank you, Hopper,” Haley and I said just as Hopper walked past…again.

“What are you guys thanking me for?!” Hopper asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” Haley replied.

He shrugged and walked off. I looked at Haley before we started laughing. “Again, get some!” Ali said.

I blushed like crazy. “Shut up, Ali,” I said throwing my thing of string cheese at her.

She caught it and proceeded to open it. “Hey,” I said, “That’s my cheese. Give it back.”

She took a bite and said, “Nope.”

I did a frowny face and looked at Tom. “She took mah damned cheese,” I told him.

“I saw that,” he said, “What do you want me to do about it?”

I shrugged. “I dunno,” I replied.

He chuckled and shook his head before kissing the top of mine just as the bell rang for sixth period.


I laid down on my bed and was there for two minutes when Frank walked in. “Yes, Frankie? How may I be graced with your presence?” I asked.

He sat down on the end of my bed and was quiet. I looked at him confused as an awkward silence filled my bedroom before he asked, “Did he pressure you?”

It took me a second to realize what he was talking about. Excuse me, I’m slow. Don’t judge me. I shook my head and replied, “Never. He wouldn’t pressure me like that. Especially since he knows about Ronnie. But he wouldn’t do it regardless.”

Frank nodded. “Good,” he said, “Because if he ever does or gets you pregnant, I’m going to kill him in very violent ways.”

“I know, Frankie. He wouldn’t do that to me,” I said, “And you will not kill him in violent ways for that is illegal, rude, messy, and kinda mean.”

He sighed. “Fine. But I will kick his ass,” Frank said.

“I know, Frankie. Ach mein Gott,” I said laying back on my bed, “I’m so bored!”

“Why’s that?” he asked.

“I dunno! There’s nothing to do around here. I think I’mma go bother Ali for a bit. Unless she’s screwing Craig. Then I’m gonna go bother Gerard and Mikey. It’s fun bothering them. Maybe Meckie and Tom, too. I dunno,” I replied standing up and going to my closet for shoes.

I heard Frank chuckle behind me. “You are a strange child, sis. You know that?” he asked.

“Yus,” I replied grabbing my black and purple checkered Chuck Taylors and throwing them on, “But you love me, so it’s okay.”

“This is true. But you’re family, so I’m stuck with you,” Frank said.

I stuck my tongue out at him and I threw on my Joker hoodie. “I’ll be back later, kay?”

“Okay. Don’t get yourself in trouble again.”

“Hey. I was with Ali and Haley and all we did was try to open the corner fire thingy so we could play in the water. It was hot!”

Frank face palmed. “Just don’t do anything illegal, okay?”

“Fine bro.” I kissed his cheek and walked out of the house.


“Alikina!” I said knocking on the door, “Are you there? Chelzers is bored!”

The door opened and revealed a shirtless Max. “Hey. She’s not here,” he replied.

“Well fuck me,” I said annoyed, “I was gonna bother her. Oh well. I’m gonna go bother Gerard and Mikey. Later.”

I started walking away when Max said, “Wait. I’ll come with.”

I stopped and turned around to see Max throw on a shirt and close the door behind him. He walked over to me and said, “I’m home alone and bored.”

I shrugged. “Whatever. I might be going by Meckie and Tom’s later, though. You can come with if you want,” I said.

He smiled and nodded when his phone started ringing. He grabbed it and answered it. “Yo. Huh? Oh yeah. Hi. Yup. Kinda busy. With what? Laundry. Yeah. Gotta…huh? You’re what? Oh. Okay. I guess I’ll come by for a bit. Yeah. Later,” he said to whoever he was talking to on the phone. He hung up and looked at me. “Sorry. I gotta go. Friend of mine.”

I nodded, knowing damn good and well it was some chick he’s banging. “That’s fine. I think I’m just gonna hang out with Meckie and Tom for a bit. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Well, see ya.”


He started off in the opposite direction. I checked my phone for the time to see that I had a new text.

Tom: Hey baby. Are you home?

Me: Nope. You?

Tom: Yup. Where are you?

Me: Ali’s. was gonna see if she wanted to hang out, but she’s not here.

Tom: Ah. I see.

Me: Yeah. You busy?

Tom: Nope. Wanna come by? Bill and I were just getting ready to watch a movie. Warning you, though. It’s scary.

Me: Psh. It’s Meckie you have to worry about. I’ll come by.

Tom: Yay. I’ll see you soon.

Me: Okay :-*

Tom: :-*

I closed my phone and smiled as I started towards the twins’ house.
♠ ♠ ♠
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