Forever His


I opened my eyes just as the beautiful snowflake came down to land. It fluttered delicately in between us coming to a halt on the tip of my nose, which was probably red from the cold by now but it didn't matter. He leaned forward, with me still in his arms, and kissed the snowflake away, causing it to melt instantly. We stayed there for sometime; every snowflake landing on me was kissed away so tenderly it made my heart flutter. I was in pure bliss; it was heaven being with him.

"They are so beautiful; I wish I could be a snowflake." I whispered into his ear.

"You are much more beautiful than any of these. They can not compare with the beauty of you, my love." He stated, always so sure that I was beautiful. He was the only one to think that of me, so naturally I didn't believe him for some time but, now I did.

"I have a surprise for you, my beautiful little snowflake." He said to me, grasping my hand and placing a quick kiss on my lips that sent heat all over my body.

I was so nervous with him, not that he made me nervous; I just never knew what to do. All his signs of affection always sent me off, blushing and shying away. But he knew I loved him. I made sure of that, even if it had only been about 6 months. We were madly in love, completely head over heels. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

He was leading my through the beautiful forest, snow clung to the bare trees and ground making it a winter wonderland. It was so beautiful, pure white everywhere I looked. He was tugging my hand, urging me on farther. I wonder what the surprise is. I thought to my self. I gazed around at the beauty of snowflakes falling a around, making a cloud of white. I could barely see a few feet in front of me now but he knew the way.

He was always so sure of himself, always knew where he was going or what he wanted. Even how he felt, he just always knew. That's probably why loved him so much, I could never figure out what I wanted, but with him I didn't have to. I was considering this as we wandered through the forest, sheets of white covering the ground, freezing my feet through my sneakers.

I was starting to get really cold, we had been outside for some time now and it was getting darker. The trees no longer shimmered with the iridescent beauty of the cold icy snow. They turned into long claws reaching out towards me, like arms and hands of a human. Reaching trying to catch me looking evilly from where they hung from the tree.

"Where are we going?" I asked, willing my voice to not tremble.

He turned back to look at me, a sweet smile spreading across his face but something was off. It didn't look quite right on him, it looked strange.

"You will see, love." He said, his smile growing slightly wider. It made him look rather manic and unnatural. I brushed these thoughts out of my mind; he was perfect there is nothing wrong with him. He would never hurt me and I was foolish to ever think that.

I put a smile on my face and gave his hand a little squeeze, vowing to never think such horrid things about him. He was my one and only true love and I would not think such awful thoughts.

After a few more minutes we came to a halt in the middle of a field, it was lovely as you could see the stars starting to shine in the dusky sunset.

“Close you eyes beautiful.” He said taking both my hands in his and kissing each. I nodded my head in response and closed my eyes, promising not to peak. I didn't bother covering my eyes with my hands because they were so cold from being outside that they were numb.

They had turned a strange pinky blue color a while back so I just kept them in his hands, savoring the warmth. It was so quite in the field, like our own private world, just me and him. I could hear the rustle of clothes shifting as he stepped close to hug me.

"I love you so much, and I want you all to myself. I will never share you with anyone." He whispered, holding me tight and placing kisses all over my face and hair. "And I want to remember you how you are right now, my little beauty. You will be mine, forever."

He held me tight to him with one arm and I got scared. I flung my eyes open as his other hand reached up with a knife and came down into my back as he gave me one last kiss. I screamed out at the searing pain as he struck right through my heart. I fell down to my knees, still in his embrace.

He laid my dead body down in the perfect white bed of snowflakes. He had made me his, forever. Never to love any other or experience anything after his last kiss, I would forever be his.

My blood now staining the beautiful winter wonderland, turning it from beautiful to imperfect; ruined.

"Goodbye, my beautiful snowflake." He said, before walking away from my cold dead body.
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ok so, this may or may not suck but...If it does tell me! I would love any criticism to improve my work.

And I know it's been done before! But I live for Cheesiness.

"Little Things in a New Perspective" Contest