More than a Reflection


I was sprawled out on my bed staring up at my lime green ceiling, trying to see pictures in the random, black splatters on it. Kind of like watching clouds, only tougher. I could hear my best friend, Lyndsey, ticking away on my computer’s keyboard at my desk. The two of us were waiting for our boyfriends to pick us up for our double date.

“Looks like that boyfriend of yours is getting even more attention than we thought. First he’s featured in the news everyday, and now he’s all over the internet,” Lynds told me. “Not that he needed help in the popularity field.”

I sat up and crossed my legs, facing Lynds. “Oh really? Good or bad?”

I heard Lyndsey let out an annoyed sigh before swiveling in her chair. “Why don’t you come see for yourself, lazy?”

“Nope. I’m glued to the bed,” I replied with a grin, earning me the usual eye roll from Lynds.

Lyndsey couldn’t help but chuckle at my antics. She’s always been like this; always being the more mature one because she’s older but knows how to kick back and have a good time as well. She’s probably one of the best friends you could ask for too.

“Anyway, since you’re ‘glued to the bed’,” she began using air quotes, causing me to giggle, “it’s a little bit of both. The sites supporting him are much more interesting though.”

My curiosity being too much to handle, I walked over to the desk and peered at the screen. I narrowed my eyes and twisted my face into a disgusted look. “The sites are only there because on the internet they can stay anonymous. The people that made these sites would probably never say that stuff out loud. Bunch of chicken shits if you ask me.”

Lyndsey snorted and closed the window. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready? The guys will be here soon.”

I groaned. I’m a very lazy person, plus I hate putting together outfits and stuff. I’m not one for dressing up either, but since we’re going to a fancy restaurant, I should probably find something a little dressier than jeans and a tank top. “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I grumbled, slumping over to my closet. I shuffled through all of my clothes until I found my famous little, black dress.

After laying it on my bed and tossing my shirt toward my hamper, the door bell rang. “Got it!” I yelled, dashing passed Lynds who had attempted to answer the door. I bolted down the stairs, almost tripping in the process, and halted in front of the door. With a big grin plastered to my face, I pulled the door open.

Instead of seeing my wonderful boyfriend standing on my doorstep, I came face to chests with Adam and Doyle, Lyndsey’s boyfriends. Yes, Lyndsey has two boyfriends; both of them know about each other and neither of them mind so it’s all good.

I scrunched my nose as I tilted my head up to look at them. “You aren’t Light,” I whined, stating the obvious.

“No, no we’re not.”

I eyed both men for a few seconds before stepping aside to let them in. Lynds had the whole chocolate and vanilla thing going on with Doyle and Adam. Doyle, standing at six feet- half a foot taller than Lynds- is like a fine dark chocolate, well his skin is anyway. That is the only delicate thing about him. His muscular body is accentuated by long black hair that he keeps tied back in loose ponytail. His looks are brought out more so by the aura of power that surrounds him. Doyle isn't human, he's one of the fey. I didn't know what that implied until I met him. He's not pure anything, like I had expected. He's part phooka (which in the Celtic mythology is a shape-shifter) and part hell-hound. Most of the time, to limit the attention he draws, he takes a human form. However, I find it funny that even in his human form, he has pointed ears like Legolas. I called him that once. He had no clue what I was talking about.

Adam, Lynds other boyfriend is the opposite of Doyle. He's the same height, but he has a little bit less muscle and a California, sun-kissed tan. His hair, not as long as Doyle's, is dark brown and just past his shoulders. He's a werewolf. Lyndsey has an obviously obsession with non-human beings. I’ve always wondered if he feels slightly emasculated when around Doyle. Maybe not though; with Doyle being a fey, I suppose Adam could hold the whole “faerie” thing over him.

“Where’s Lynds? And why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” Doyle wondered as he shut the door behind him.

I blushed and was glad I was at least wearing a bra. “She’s upstairs and I was changing thank you very much.”

Without another word, the two marched passed me and up the stairs. I huffed and followed, pulling my bedroom door open and closing it behind me. I assumed Lynds had attacked them with hugs the second they stepped in the room because the three were currently engaged in a super group hug.

I cleared my throat causing them all to snap their attention to me. “Can you guys take your hug fest somewhere else? I need to finish changing and what not.”

The guys both groaned but headed for the door and exited the room. Lynds grinned at me. She always got extra perky when Adam and Doyle were around. It was rather hysterical. “You should hurry up. We still need to stop at my house so I can get ready too.”

I nodded. “I will. Just answer the door when Light gets here.” Lynds saluted me before following her boy toys out of my room. I slipped out of my jeans and put the dress on just as the door bell rang once again. I smiled to myself and ran to my closet again, pulling out my wedges. I was so glad I would be going on a date with Light, even if it was with Lynds and her boyfriends. The two of us haven’t really gotten to do much together since his life-changing experience.

After applying make-up, I descended the stairs once again to join the others. I smiled brightly as my gaze landed on Light. He was basically the ideal high school senior with amazingly good looks, popularity, athleticism, and to top it all off, a genius and top of the class. I’m sure just about every girl would kill to be me.

“It’s about time you got here Light!” I scolded with false anger. “You know how impatient I am.”

Light chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. “I had things I needed to do, you know. Besides, you weren’t ready anyway.”

“That is true…” I muttered, hugging him back. “And I guess creating a perfect world is a time consuming task…”

Light pulled away and pecked my lips. We smiled at each other as I stared into his brown eyes, his light brown hair falling into them slightly. We were interrupted by Lynds clearing her throat louder than needed. The two of us turned to the other three. They seemed slightly annoyed, which made me want to laugh, but I didn’t.

“You know, normally this wouldn’t bug me, but since you all can see me, a hello would be nice.” I stood on my tip toes to see over Light’s shoulder and to look at the speaker. It was none other than the shinigami (god of death) Ryuk.

I grinned at the creature most would call hideous and waved. “Hello Ryuk! Sorry I didn’t say anything before.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, waving me off. “Where are the apples?”

“Kitchen.” Ryuk cheered in his subtle, shinigami way and floated through the wall to the kitchen.

I bet you’re wondering what a death god is doing in my house. So, I’ll start from the beginning. It all started not too long ago when Light found a notebook lying on the ground at school. He picked it up, figuring someone had dropped it. What he didn’t know though is that everything was about to change for him.

Upon further inspection of the notebook, he found a list of rules that came with it. The notebook was called the Death Note and anyone whose name is written in it will die within forty seconds of when the name is written. Also, the person’s face must be in the writer’s head while writing the name. He also found that conditions of death could also be written if recorded within six minutes and forty seconds. If this is not specified, however, the person will just die of a heart attack. Thinking it was just an elaborate prank, and tested it on a criminal that was announced on the news. When the criminal died in forty seconds, Light decided to rid the world of evil, creating a perfect, ideal world.

A few days later, a creature appeared in his room, announcing that he was the shinigami Ryuk and would be tailing Light until he died or relinquished ownership of the Death Note. The only people that can see or hear the shinigami attached to a Death Note is anyone who simply touches it.

Now we get to the question of why can we all see Ryuk? Well, the day after Light used the notebook, I noticed he wasn’t quite himself. But I suppose you wouldn’t be either if you just killed a guy. So, being the determined, caring girlfriend I am, I managed to get it out of him (it took a lot too, believe me). After explaining the rules and such, he let me touch the notebook and lo and behold, Ryuk appeared before my very eyes. As far as Lynds and the other two go, they had a lot more convincing to do than I did.

“So Kira, your girlfriend and I saw you have internet fans now,” Lynds stated from Doyle’s lap. “Do you think that L guy will ever catch you?”

“As long as he doesn’t get a hold of the notebook, no. Otherwise, he doesn’t have any hard evidence against me,” replied Light.

Lyndsey just shrugged. “We’ll see. Don’t take this the wrong way but that L guy seems to know what he’s doing.”

“And so does Light!” I announced excitedly. “He will not fail!” If you couldn’t tell already, I approve of what Light is doing and Lynds, Adam, and Doyle don’t really care.

“Anyway,” Adam said loudly, obviously annoyed, “can we get going?”

The rest of us agreed, so I called to Ryuk to tell him we’re leaving. Ryuk fazed through the wall again, carrying a bag of apples. The rest of us shook our heads then we all loaded up in the car and headed for Lyndsey’s house.

When we arrived, the six of us filed inside, me and the guys congregating in the living room while Lynds went to change. I laced my fingers with Light’s and laid my head on his shoulder. As usual, Adam and Doyle were silent. The only person they really ever talk to is Lynds unless they have to talk to someone else. However, Light, Ryuk, and I engaged ourselves in conversation while we waited.

Everyone’s gaze was wrenched toward the ceiling yelled out. We all rushed up the stairs in fear that something happened to her. To our relief, we found her sitting on the bed with what appeared to be a hand-held mirror that was still wrapped up.

“What the hell Lynds! You scared the shit out of us!” Doyle shouted as he and Adam rushed over to her, engulfing her into a hug. Ryuk was laughing manically behind Light and I, obviously finding our worry amusing.

Lynds kissed them both on the cheek giggling. “Sorry guys. But Mo! Look at this!” She held the mirror shaped package out to me.

I took it from her. “It looks like a mirror to me,” I stated turning it, over in my hands.

“Oh but this is no ordinary mirror!” Lynds announced, sounding like those eager salespeople on TV. “This is a foe glass! Or at least that’s what the woman who sold it to me tells me.”

Light raised an eyebrow at her. “So you haven’t tested it?”

Lynds shrugged. “I’m not sure I want to know who my enemy is. I figured Mo would be the perfect person to test it.”

“Aw, you were thinking about me!” The two of us grinned at each other. “I’m gonna try it out now!”

Light placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. His amazing brown eyes were shining with concern as he stared into my blue ones. “Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want you to freak out or anything.”

I smiled reassuringly and hugged him. “Everything will be fine Light. I mean really. Who could my greatest foe possibly be? The cheerleading squad?”

Light chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “You never know. But if you really want to, I won’t stop you.”

“Good, ‘cuz I was going to do it whether you liked it or not.” I kissed his lips softly before beginning to remove the brown paper from the mirror.

Everyone in the room was silent, save for a few snickers from our shinigami friend. It made me wonder if he knew something we didn’t. I could tell Light was thinking the same thing, for he kept sending questioning glances toward Ryuk.

Eternities seemed to pass before I finally tore the last piece of paper off of the mirror. If you didn’t know any better, that’s exactly what you’d think it was; just an ordinary, fancy mirror that was used by rich kings and queens or whatever fantasy your mind would come up with for the mirror’s past. But, as all of us in the room knew, this mirror not only showed your reflection, but also the image of your greatest foe.

I took one last look about the room before gazing into the reflective glass. Lynds looked eager and scared at the same time. Adam and Doyle just looked like they didn’t care, but I swear I saw a glimmer of curiosity in their eyes. Light, whose hands were still gripping my shoulders, had a nervous look on his face, but he was curious too. Finally, my gaze fell on Ryuk. He looked as he always did with his big grin on his face. He was still chuckling though, and I had to fight the urge to ask why.

Finally, I averted my eyes down to the dark, smooth surface of the glass and tightened my grip on the handle. I had to admit, I was a little nervous. At first, nothing seemed to happen; all that was there was my reflection. Then, a blurry image began to appear next to my head. My heart began to beat rapidly as my foes face became clearer. My eyes grew wide at what I saw and my mouth hung open slightly.

“Who is it, Moriah?” Light whispered, his grip on my shoulders tightening.

I replied to him in a voice so quiet that I wasn’t even sure if I had said anything at all, but just moved my lips instead. I wasn’t even sure if I did that.

“What?” everyone asked in unison.

Instead of answering, I turned around. Light raised an eyebrow at me then followed my actions. His eyes widened with realization. “Ryuk.”

I heard Lyndsey gasp from behind us as she turned her gaze to the shinigami. Ryuk had pulled his own Death Note out and was flipping through the pages, still laughing to himself.

“Ryuk! What are you doing?!” I shouted hysterically. I’m too young to die! Especially of a heart attack!

Ryuk shrugged, then answered, “I’m a shinigami. I write your name down, I get more years added to my lifespan. Sorry kid, but I don’t want to die because I was too lazy to write in my Death Note like the rest of the shinigami.”

I stared at the death god disbelievingly. “But…but…I gave you apples!” was the best argument I could come up with.

“And they were very juicy.” His writing utensil was now on the paper. His hand started to move, no doubt writing my name in the Death Note.

It was Light’s turn to argue now. “Ryuk this is insane! There are billions of people in the world and you pick Moriah?!”

“Yeah!” Lynds added angrily. “She treats you better than Light does! Why don’t you kill him?!” Light glared at Lynds, who just shrugged and grinned.

Ryuk finished writing and I felt myself pale. “I told you before, I’m on neither your side or L’s, Light. Just doing what a shinigami has to do.”

Thirty more seconds. That’s all I had left to live. I pulled Light, Lynds, Adam, and Doyle into one last group hug. Twenty seconds. I then turned back to Light and hugged him with all I had. Tears fell from my eyes, down my cheeks, and onto his chest. “I love you Light!” I sobbed before passionately kissing him one last time.

Five seconds.

I pulled away. “I love you too.” Light pulled me into his chest again just as the forty seconds was up. I waited for the chest pain of a heart attack to come, but it never did. Seconds passed, which turned into minutes, and nothing happened. The whole room was silent.

Finally, Ryuk’s laughter filled the room once again and all eyes shot to him. Light scowled. “Ryuk, may I see your Death Note?”

Still chortling, Ryuk held the note book out to Light who flipped to the proper page. His eyes darkened as he read what was written. Still a little shaken up, I peered down at the page. Suddenly, I started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone, besides Ryuk and Light, was giving me a questioning look.

“What did it say?” Doyle, Lynds, and Adam asked in unison.

“Paris Hilton,” I managed to choke out through my giggle fit. “Ryuk, that was a bastard move on your part.”

Lyndsey fell off the bed in laughter. “Seriously?! Ryuk you are now my favorite shinigami!”

Light tossed Ryuk’s Death Note back to him, still looking bitter. I embraced him again with a sweet smile. “Aw, c’mon Light. You’ve got to admit that was pretty funny. And you did get an amazing kiss.” I winked at him, causing him to blush slightly.

“Yeah…well…” stuttered Light, trying to think of some excuse. “Alright it was funny…even though it scared me.” The last part was a quick mutter that only I could understand. I giggled and kissed him again.

“Okay, okay. If we’re done with the practical jokes, can we go now? I’m starving,” complained Adam rubbing his stomach. We all nodded and headed out to the car, leaving the foe glass behind.