Status: finished, but you're still welcomed to read it!

I Fought Them All Off Just To Hold You Close And Tight


I held Frank as tight as possible. This wasn't good. This wasn't RIGHT. I new that his eyes had been damaged, but ... blind? No. I wasn't going to accept it.

"G-gerard," Frankie choked into my chest.


"I'm scared."

"I know ... I'm sorry."

"Guys!!!" Ray care rushing back into the room ahead of Bob. Behind them was some guy in a white coat that I figured was the long needed doctor. I didn't loosen my grip on Frank.

"Hello," the white coat guy said. "I'm doctor Legopanthis, and from what I can tell, our suspicions about Mr. Iero's eyes have come true."

Frank just cried harder at that statement. I tightened my grip on him and said urtly, "Is this perminant? Is he going to be able to play guitar, or read, or even see ANYTHIING ever again?!"

Dr. Lego something smiled kindly and said, "Of course he will! This is onyl temporary. We just need to do a bit of constructive surgery-"

Frank lifted his head up in the doc's general direction and sqeekd, "S-surgery?!"

"Only a bit of lazer eye surgery. You might even be able a little in a couple hours. After the treatment though, you may need glasses for reading and what not."

Everyone shared a sigh of relief and nodded a couple times. Dr. L (I shortened it because it's easier) said to holler if we needed anything else, and left. I rocked Frankie back and forth in my arms. he steadied himself after a couple uneasy breaths and looked up at me the best he could. He trailed his fingers over my face until he found my mouth.

"What're you doing Frank?" Mikey asked from the corner. He removed his hand and sat back from me. I glared at Mikey, annoyed that he'd ruined the moment.

The rest of the day (or eternal night for Frank) we tried to help Frankie improve his eyesight. Maybe two hours after the doctor left, Frank said, "It's brighter. Ray is sitting on the edge of the bed. i can see his 'fro."

Everyone jumpped for joy at that comment. Mikey went and got some paper and made home made flash cards with the alphabet and numbers 0 to 10. Frank didn't do to bad on them. Everytime we went around he did better.

At one point I looked out of the window. It had been cloudy all dy, but as I continued to stare into the sky, a single beam of light came parading through the grey gloom. I thought to myself, God, or whatever's up there, thankyou. Thankyou for saving the love of my life from eternal darkness. Thankyou.
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yet another update. teehee hope ya like. for all of those people that were worrying their brains out, you don't have to anymore. love ya guys please comment and subscribe if u like it!!!!