Status: finished, but you're still welcomed to read it!

I Fought Them All Off Just To Hold You Close And Tight

"... even rock stars need sleep."

"You guys rocked tonight, babe," Lyn-Z said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. Lookign up inot my eyes, she said, "Let's get out of here, hhmmmmm? Get a hotel room, maybe make a kid or two. We'll be married before you know it. Might as well get the whole package."

I smiled weakly and said I'd rather not. "I'm wiped out sweety. I'm just gonna go to sleep in my bunk tonight. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand. Hehe, even rock stars need sleep."

We kissed goodnight and she left the dressing room.

I sighed and ran my tongue over my lips. The taste from her kiss had replaced Frankie's. Damn. I walked into the building parkign lot and onto or bus.

"Heyy," Mikey said whe I came in. Frankie was asleep in his favorite grey sweats and Black Flag t-shirt on the one couch, Toro and Bryar were playing that stupid, dorkey Donkey Cong game with the drums, and Mikey was sitting on the other couch with a StarBucks latte and his laptop. "What's wrong dude? You look really off," he asked as I sat down.

I shrugged. Like I was gonna explain everythign to Mikey. Like he would understand.

Frankie groaned and roled over in his sleep. There was a strand of hair in front of his nose that moved back and forth with his breath. I studied it as I sat with Mikey for a while.

Eventually Bob and Toro stopped playing the bongos and went to bed. Mikey said goodnight and folowed them inot the bunk area. I went into Frank's bunk, grabbed his blanket, and went back out into the living area, and placed the blanket over him. He sighed and rolled over to face me.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hi," I mumbled back. Frank's eyes looked red and out of focus. "What were you smoking?" I asked. My tone wasn't angry or disappointed, but flat. He hated that more than emotion. I hated it when Frankie did drugs.

He sighed and sat up. "A little weed."

"So you're pretty high right now."

"Not really. I didn't smoke the whole joint."

"It doesn't matter Frank Anthony. Brian got pissed at me when I did this shit. He'll be just as pissed if he finds out about you."

Frank looked at his feet and sighed, "I know."

"Why?" was all I could say.

"Nothing really. Nothing you need to worry about."

"Well .... g'night Frankie." I turned to leave, but he grabbed my shirt and looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes.


I sighed. "... sure."
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pretty stupid chapter, i know. but you'll understand why he's doing drugs later. hehe please comment and subscribe! love ya guys!