Hot Box The World

Hot Box The World

Laughing, I shook my head as she sucked the smoke out of the bong a cough leaving her lips as the large puff of haze was blown into the face of a girl beside her.

"Fucking watch it." She hissed at her only to cause her to shake her head and laugh, her hand wrapped around the bong, her long fingers pressed against the fogged glass as she passed it to Jeremy.

I knew I was staring at her, I didn't mean to but the way her mouth wrapped around the opening, her fingers moved along the glass, it made my leg twitch and my mind wonder.

"Yo bro hit that shit." Shaking my head slightly I looked beside me at Jeremy, laughing he passed me the bong, his hand over the large hole.

Pushing his hand away with my own to cover the hole I smirked at the pink lip stick that was smeared slightly around the mouth piece.

Her pale, pink lips were pouted, her tongue was sliding against my hot skin, I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head as her long, slender fingers wrapped around my throbbing member, her large, brown eyes were sparkling up at me as her lips wrapped around the tip.

"Yo, you alright bro?" Smirking I nodded, placing my mouth around the opening and inhaling, I felt her eyes on me, those chocolate eyes that haunted me all night, her legs uncrossed and crossed again teasing me as she always did.

Shifting my eyes to Dustin I nodded and passed him the colorful object, "Perfect."

Her fingers were wrapped around each other and placed neatly in her lap, her bottom lip sucked into her mouth as her eyes scanned over the small, dull room, what was she thinking? What was going on in her mind? Or was she thinking about anything at all?

Debating with myself I pushed myself up from my seat and made my way towards her pulling up my light, tan Dickies on my way.

"Hey." I nodded at her, twisting my black flat billed cap to the side.

Rolling her eyes at me she flipped her hair over one shoulder before laughing, "Hi."

Looking beside her at the empty space I nodded towards it to ask her if I could sit.

"Sorry but this seats taken." A smirk played on her beautiful lips, the lips I wanted to feel so bad, to have on me, to kiss, to touch for myself.

It felt as tho I was still in high school chasing after the popular girl, the one that was always out of my reach, the one I had no chance with but if she were out of my reach or I had no chance why would she be in such a place like this?

Nodding I smiled at her, rubbing my arm I felt my nerves start to set in, the nerves I lost a few years ago, I rarely got turned down or said no too, it was always my way or no one's way and that's the way it should be but when the time came and I met those people that didn't roll the way they should, I felt the butterflies in my stomach, the sick, ill feeling in my body.

"You can go away now cutie." Winking she nodded and turned her head back to her friend.

I didn't know what came over me, if it were anyone else I would of tried harder, kept talking, flirting but the way she looked at me, the way her eyes devoured me made me feel well..... weak.

Sitting back down in my spot between Jeremy and Dustin I nodded to myself and looked at Jeremy, a dopey grin on his face as he pointed and laughed.

"Fuck you fool." I spat at him picking up my beer off the coffee table and chugging it down.

Looking away from my friend I noticed her, as if I never did before right? I couldn't keep my eyes off her no human man could, no human person could for that matter, I wanted her, I needed her I could tell she knew what she was doing, knew she could take care of me by the way she handled the green plant between her fingers, the way her mouth covered the hole or the way she could inhale and leave nothing in the shaft of the bong.

The way she moved, even tho it seemed as if it were slowed down was wonderful, the way she would glance around the room and smiled at everyone even tho she might hate half of them, she seemed as tho she didn't have a care in the world but really everything bothered her.

A sharp pain shot through my arm, a hard punch from Dustin took me out of my daze, "Fuck off zoning out." He chuckled.

"Sorry man I can't fucking help it."

I couldn't, she bothered me, not in a bad way but everything about her, everything that surrounded her seemed to set me in to flames, my insides felt as if they were being turned inside out, as if my dick wanted to rip it's self from it's baggy cage.

Time went on, everyone laughing, cheering, B and Jeremy played ping pong as I sat on the sofa my arms crossed against my chest, my foot tapped against the hard wood floor, if you were to look at me you would of thought I were an angry parent but I was far from that, I was an angry man who is surely going to get what he wants... and needs.

Taylor's Point of view

"I'll see you guys at home." Kissing Raychel on the cheek I pushed the strap of my purse up my shoulder and waved before leaving through the front door.

It wasn't as warm out as you would of thought it would be on a summer night in Cali, it was quite chilly.

Pulling my shorts down slightly, I laughed as I thought of the funny, boy back on the sofa, I felt slightly saddened that I probably hurt his feelings but I wasn't no hoe and I surely wasn't no bro banger.

Sighing to myself, I smiled and made my way down the white, stoned path, a small giggle leaving my lips, Why? No reason at all.

I felt a thug on my arm, my body being pressed against the side of the tan, brick house, "What the fuck?" I screamed my arms going out hitting the chest of the person between me and my way home.

"Shhh." I saw his smirk, his vibrant blue eyes, the tattoos that adored his neck and hands.

"Agh don't do that to m-" His lips pressed against mine, ruff and needy, my hands moved to the back of his neck as his grabbed at my shorts covered ass.

"Don't you ever do that again." He breathed out between heated kisses his hands working on the large, black button of my shorts, mine pulling down his pants.

I felt him against my inner thigh, a low moan passing his lips as he pressed against me, I felt the hard, ruff edges of the bricks against my bare back.

His lips ghosted over the now hot and heated flesh of my neck, my name slipping from his lips only for his own to pass through mine, "Colin."

We had an odd relationship, no where near fuck buddies and no where near girlfriend and boyfriend but somewhere in between, no matter what the passion and the feelings that we shared for each other were surely enough to hot box the world.
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Hope you like it Tay tay!=D
Bawhaha I quite enjoyed writing that....finally;)