
Chapter 2

A year passed in the dream-like home, during the year we went to private school, it wasn’t that different from normal school if you ask me. My father was convinced it was much better than any old school, but whatever. I had two close friends at school, Heather and Carter. We hung out together a lot, we played games at each other’s homes and talked about who was hot and not, those conversations were mainly between Heather and I. We were inseparable.

One day when I was dropped off by Heather’s mother, I noticed an odd car in the driveway. I ignored it for a minute, walked inside, and noticed an usual smell. I followed it, it smelled like jasmine, it was so pretty. The smell lead me to a tall blond, Barbie doll looking woman sitting with my father in the living room. “Why hello Shelby” my father said with a huge smile on his face “ have fun at Heather’s?”

“Yeah dad, we had a blast.” I said to him, but I was still eyeing the Barbie.

“Oh, this is Miranda, she’s a good friend of mine” my father spoke putting a hand on her knee. Something in my mind broke, father used to do the same thing to mom, he told me it was his way of saying I love you when I asked. My heart sank and I turned quickly and ran upstairs, not caring if it was rude or not.

That night my father came up to my room while I was recording the day in my journal. I quickly shoved the book in my bedside table draw when he knocked on the door. “Come in.” I sang. My father came in and sat on my bed.

“Shelby, what is going on? When I introduced you to Miranda you just ran. Why is that?” he asked.

“I don’t know. It’s just seeing you with her makes me upset.” I say in a small voice.

“I know you miss mother, I do too, but I need to move on, and you should too. Miranda is helping me get through this just like Heather and Carter are for you.” My father explained.

“You’re right dad, if it makes you happy, I’m happy” I smiled and hugged him, “I’m going to bed now, night dad.”

“Night my little woman,” he said as he turned out my light and left the room.

The next few months, I tried to get to like Miranda but I just can, I can tell Haven doesn’t like her either. I really don’t see what he sees in her, she’s a complete idiot. Oh well, whatever makes him happy. I can play this game for a little while longer, shortly he’ll dump her and will never see her plastic face again.

Haven and I were in the backyard with our new puppy, Hannah, when my dad called us in. We raced each other inside, wondering why dad called us in. Hannah won, Haven came in second and I was in dead last. Out of breath I asked “ What’s going on dad?”

“Well, I’m getting married, to Miranda.” He said cheerfully. I looked at Haven and gave a small shrug.

“That’s great dad, when’s the wedding?” I raised a brow.

“November 15th, of this year,” he declared.

“Really? Five days after my birthday?” I asked shocked. “That’s so soon.”

“I know, but its for the best. Trust me. I got to go now, we have to start planning.” He smiled, kissed our foreheads and left. Leaving Haven and me lost in the dust of this confusing epidemic.

On my birthday, my father, Haven and my friends went to this jumping place. We had so much fun I didn’t want it to end. When it was time for presents I was filled with so much wonder I couldn’t pull away the paper soon enough. I got a drawing pad, drawing pencils, a couple books and a locket. The necklace was from my father, it was in the shape of a heart, it was sliver it had a single diamond inside of it. It was just beautiful. By the end of the fun filled day I was Spent.

November 15th, came way to fast, I was a junior bridesmaid, dressed in a green dress. The chapel was dressed in all sorts of flowers it looked just gorgeous. Miranda was in a long, white princess dress, she truly did look like Barbie. It made me sick to see her walk toward my father. During the whole wedding, I plastered on a small smile and tried to look happy. Happy for father, he finally moved on, I would to, but I don’t know how to.

The following week Miranda moved in, with her two twin daughters. They were about the same age as me, and they looked odd, with there blond hair and there other features. They had the room across from mine and always wined that I had the better room, even though they were the same. I learned to hate those girls quickly.
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