Do Not Look Over The Edge

The One and Only.

I stood at the edge. I could hear the water. I could hear the water falling. It flowed over the rocks into the mist at the bottom. I took a deep breath. The only warmth I felt was my hand. My hand that was encased in his. I looked over at him. He was looking down into the water, something I dared not to do. I gave his hand a quick squeeze, and he looked over at me. I smiled. He smiled. We held each other's gaze for a moment and then he mouthed those words. The words that convinced me this was right.

"I love you."

So I said back, "I love you, too."

He averted his gaze back to the crashing waters below. I still did not follow with my own eyes. I did not want to bare the truth. I had promised. And I loved him. I would do anything for him. Would I?

I wanted to take a step back, but I wanted to take a step forward as well. Instead of doing either, I stayed where I was. I was looking at everything other than the water, other than the rock I was standing on. Eventually I looked back over at him. The wind was hitting his face to make him more beautiful than I have ever imagined. I did love him. I did.

I stared at him until he asked, "Are you ready?"

I gulped a large amount of brisk air and looked above his head. "I don't know."

"You can do it. Everything will be okay. You trust me."

"I do."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. He gave me a brief kiss and released me.

I loved him. I could do this. I gripped his hand as he said, "One."

I held my breath as he said, "Two."

I let eyes brim with tears as he said, "Three."

And with one swift moment, I felt his hand jerk my forward. I felt my own feet step forward. I felt my own mind go numb.

With that we fell. We fell down into the fog and mist, where we could be together forever. As I fell, I did not think about the ones I was leaving, or where I could have been in the future. All I could think was, "I really do love him."

I do... I do...
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I actually cried writing this.