Status: Finished, Just A One-Shot

Secret Crowds

Chapter 1

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I looked up just in time to see the whip slash against the bare, sun-baked skin on my back. I jerked involuntarily as I fell to my knees, Vanna had stopped working and was at my side which pissed off the guard even more.

“Fucking bitches, get back to work, Master doesn’t keep you scum alive just to sit around.!” he yelled before stalking off to go torture some other helpless slave. I tried to get a look at the damage on my back, it wasn’t that bad. I guess he was feeling generous today.

“If I had my own world,” I started but was cut off by Vanna’s hand over my mouth. She was struggling to help me back up. I looked for the guard but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so I took a moment to recover. Vanna was staring at me with worried eyes as she nervously sat next to me, checking my back. With every single move it stung like hell but I still couldn’t help but think of what life would be like if it wasn’t like this.

“Shhh, Alex. They might hear you.” Vanna whispered. “They could come back any second.”

“If I had my own world, I’d love it for all that’s inside it. Instead of treating everyone like scum. No one would have to work ever. We would all live in peace.” I expected Vanna to agree but she looked at me in horror.

“I can’t believe you would say that. We have it so good here, you shouldn’t challenge Master, he gives us so much by letting us live all these years.” I stood up, Vanna was acting so strange. I can’t believe she would think living like this was good compared to what life used to be like. She may not remember it because she would’ve only been a child but I was old enough to remember the day they took me from my parents.

“If I had my own world, I’d build you an empire, from here to the farmlands, to spread love like violence.” I whispered as I pulled her up to stand next to me.

“No, Alex. Stop it, we have to get back to work.” Vanna said nervously as the guard was now coming back in our direction. We both picked our tools back up and went back to work, as he passed by making his snide comments.

“Come on Vanna, You know this isn’t how life is supposed to be. Remember all those times when we would think about leaving.” I whispered, so that only she was able to hear me. “Let me feel you, I know the old you is in there somewhere.”

“Alex, just stop it okay. You’re going to get us in trouble.”

“Vanna just listen, we’re not the only ones who feel this way. I’ve been talking to the others, we have a plan. Just watch our words are going to spread hope like fire.” I waited for her to respond but she carried on with work like what I was saying didn’t mean anything. “The secret crowds will rise up and gather. It doesn’t have to be like this anymore.” I grabbed her face and forced her to look at me. There was no sign that she was actually taking all this in.

“Just keep working.” She mumbled.


It was time, I looked around at everyone to make sure we were all on the same page. It was almost time for “Master” to come in and tell us about his day. I dreaded this but for some reason, today felt different usually the guards would be in by now to take a count but where were they. I tried to look around for Vanna, I had explained her role, which was the thing that would pull it all together. This woudn’t work without her.

“Alex, what’s going on? The guards should’ve counted us by now and He should be here be now.” I looked at Kaylan, with nothing to say. I could feel that something was wrong, but what?

“Just tell everyone to hold off for a second and forget the plan. I say once He is in sight everyone go after him. Someone is bound to hit him.” I could hear the horns that usually accompanied “Master”, we all got into kneeling postion, as if it was a normal day.

“Kneel Scum!” he bellowed, we all kept our heads to the ground until they laid his throne down in front of us. I was the closest to him, it would be perfect I was going through it in my mind, to be sure that I wouldn’t freeze up. All I had to do was jump up right at the time when the guards were least excpecting, 3...2.…1.

All at once the entire crowd lunged, all aiming for [I[him. I got there first I wasn’t sure if I had actually hit him until I heard him scream. Everyone continued to stab and cut him with the crude knives we had made especially for this occasion. His face wrap muffled his screams but I wanted to hear him in pain, for him to see his killers.

“We did it!”

“We’re free!” Yells were coming from all directions, the guards had fled and their “Master” was bleeding to death right before our eyes.

“Let him see us!” Kaylan yelled, I was closest to him so I took on the responsibility of cutting his wrap off. “We want him to know the pain that we lived through everyday.”

“You made our lives hell! You killed our parents! And for what? This isn’t what life should be!” I screamed out, I could feel the hot flow of blood coming from his face as I grabbed at his wrap, he was whimpering. What scum.

“Take it off him Alex, pull him off the throne! He doesn’t deserve to sit there!” Someone yelled out, so I did. I grabbed his robes and used it to throw him to the ground. I could hear his bones crack as he landed awkwardly on his arm. I kicked him in the side and motioned for him to get up. With one swift movement I cut the wrap off and managed to but his cheek in the process.

I froze, horrified at what I had done.

“What a good show that was?” I could hear laughter coming out from the hall, it was Him. “Pity it didn’t last longer. I expected you would at least torture her a little before killing her.”

I fell to my knees and pulled her close. Vanna was bleeding profusely, I quickly cut away at the ropes binding her hands together and slowly pulled the tape off her mouth. She was barely conscious, moaing in pain at every little touch. I could feel the hot tears rool down my face as he just laughed and laughed. Everyone had dropped their weapons while they slowly started to crowd around us.

“Silly scum, she thought she would be spared if she ratted on you. Go on, I won’t stop you. If it was not for the wench you would all be free and sadly I would be lying dead.” ”Master” was laughing as he picked up one on the knives that someone had dropped, I didn’t even want to look at him. He kneeled next to me and put the knife in my hand. “Come do it, She deserved it.”

“No,” I whispered as I hugged her close, while he just looked on.

“If you have any decency, you would put her out of her misery. It’s the least you can do for her.” He said as he stood up and pulled out a knife of his own. It was bigger, sharper, and deadlier. I reached up to grab it and held it in my hands for a moment. Vanna was shaking in pain as blood started to seep out of the corners of her mouth, I didn’t want her to suffer anymore.

“I’m so sorry Vanna.”
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Hope You Like It.