Meet the Armstrong's!

Family Trip before the pop leaves

June 4, 2010 10:00am

I woke up to Nirvana playing loud from downstairs. I stretched and got up, opening my door. I walked out into the hall and downstairs. Joey and Jakob were blasting nirvana live at the reading on TV. I walked into the kitchen only to see mom and dad making out.

“Eww, we eat in here guys.” I said. They coughed and stopped. Dad smiled.

“It’s not like you and Drake don’t make out somewhere.” Dad said.

“Not in a place where food is made.” I said.

“Sure.” Dad said sitting at the island.

I went to the fridge and pulled out the box of toaster struddles in the freezer. I took one out of the box and stuck it in the toaster.

“So, what are you doing today?” Mom asked me.

“Probably going somewhere with Drake. I haven’t seen him in awhile.” I said

“You know I’m about to leave on tour.” Dad said.

“I know. In two weeks right?” I asked. He nodded.

“Maybe we can all take a family trip before your dad leaves.” Mom said.

“Sounds awesome.” I smiled. “Where to?”

“I don’t know. Where do you kids wanna go?” Dad asked.

“Let me go get Jakob and Joey.” I said going into the living room. They were still rocking out to Nirvana.

“Hey guys, we’re going on vacation.” I told him.

“Sweet. When?” Jakob asked.

“I don’t know. Come in the kitchen to talk with us.” I told them. They got up and followed me into the kitchen.

“Alright. We are going to take a vacation before your dad goes on tour. So we can all spend time with each other. So, I wanted to know, where do you all wanna go?” Mom asked.

“Texas.” Joey said.

“Texas?” I asked. “What’s in Texas?”

“I don’t know but we hardly go there.” He laughed.

“How about Colorado. There‘s this resort called the Cooper Mountain Resort and they have a bunch of stuff to do. Like bungee jump, slingshot, bumper cars, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boating.” Jakob said.

“They have all that stuff?” Joey asked.

“Yeah. I remember Jakob showing me that website awhile back saying he wanted to go.” I said.

“So is that where we’re going?” Dad asked.

“Sounds good to me.” Mom said. We all agreed on going to Colorado for two weeks. Mom and I went into the office to book flights tickets and a room at the hotel.

“Ok, 5 tickets.” Mom said clicking on the ticket quantity.

Then filling everything else out. She then went to the resort website and booked a suite for all of us to stay in. It had 2 rooms in it. A bed in each. I’ll just make Jakob or Joey sleep on the pull out couch in there. After all that, I went over to Drake‘s. His parents car wasn’t there but his was so I was assuming he was the only one there. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before I seen Drake standing right there. He was wearing a Famous Stars and Straps tank top, Volcom mesh shorts, and his hair was spiked up. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

“I missed you so much.” He said as we walked into the living room.

“I missed you too baby.” I said kissing him.

“How was New York?” He asked. So I told him about New York and how much money my brother and his friends had made.

“Wanna go up to my room and watch a movie?” He asked.

“Sure.” I said standing up with him.

“I’ll make some popcorn and get some drinks and I’ll meet you up there. Ok good looking?” He smirked. I laughed.

“Ok baby.” I said kissing him on the cheek and going up to his room.

For a boy, he has a clean room. It was a big room too. He has his drum set in one corner. Two singed guitars hanging on his wall. 3 lined up on the ground. A 54’’ plasma LCD TV, 2 shelves with DVDs in them, game systems with a bunch of games, A huge closet, and guitar bed sheets. I sat on his bed and waited for him to come up. He soon did and sat the popcorn and drinks on his nightstand next to his bed.

“What movie will it be?” He asked.

“Surprise me.” I smiled.

He winked and looked through his movies. He picked out one and put it in. He came over and sat next to me. Handing me my coke and putting the popcorn on his lap. I then saw the menu screen for Zombieland. He pushed play and we watched the movie.

(2 hours later)

“I hope you have fun on your trip.” Drake said. He didn’t sound to happy I was leaving again.

“Drake, I know I haven’t really been home lately. But I don’t mean to be. It’s either my brother’s band or my dad. I’m sorry.” I said.

“I know it’s not your fault. You’ve got a busy family.” He said.

“My family does not like to sit at home a lot. That’s mostly why we take these family trips. Maybe I can talk my parents into letting you come. I‘ve missed you so much by taking these trips away from you.” I suggested.

“I’ve missed you too baby but I don’t want to impose. Your parents will probably just say, oh he can’t stay away from you for one second. He’s too clingy.” Drake said.

“They will not Drake and you know it. My family loves you. They think of you like a son. I’m gonna talk to them and your coming with me.” I said standing up and grabbing his arm.

Although I know he wanted to pull away, he followed me out of his house and across the street to mine. We walked into the living room to see dad and Joey sitting in there.

“Drake you sit with Joey. I’m gonna talk to my dad.” I told him. He sat down next to Joey on the couch.

“Dad, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” I asked. He smiled and nodded, following me into the kitchen.

“What’s up?” He asked sitting at the island with me.

“You know how we’ve been gone all the time recently either for your band or Joey’s?” I asked. He nodded.

“Well, I haven’t been able to get to see drake almost ever.” I said.

“You miss him and you want him to go huh.” Dad said.

“How’d you know?” I asked looking up at him.

“I’ve had my share of high school relationships Lexis.” He said.

“Can he?” I asked. He looked down as he thought about his answer.

“I know you two have been together for almost a year. Hell, all I had was two week flings in high school. A year is a long time. I know you love him and he loves you, therefore your gonna miss each other like hell. When I went on tour for Dookie for 6 month, your mom cried like a baby before I left. It wasn’t but 2 days she flew out to my hotel with little you and stayed with me the whole six months. Joey was conceived during the dookie tour.” He said smiling at that last comment.

“Dad, gross.” I said.

“Look, what I’m saying is yes, Drake can go. I don’t want you two to break up because of all the separation. I see how he makes you happy and smile every time you see him.” Dad smiled. I hugged him.

“Thanks daddy. I’m still going to hang out with you as much as I can though.” I told him.

“Well I hope so, I’m gonna miss you kids like crazy when I go on tour.” He said. We walked back into the living room.

“I’m gonna tell your mom to add another ticket.” Dad said going upstairs. I told Drake about going and he was ecstatic. We went up to my room and chilled. After about a half hour, dad knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I said. He came in and sat down on my computer chair.

“I looked at the times for the flight and we leave at noon from LAX. So we will be leaving here at 9:00am.” Dad said.

“Sounds good. What time will we be in Colorado?” I asked.

“4:00pm. The flight is not long at all.” He said. I nodded.

“So Drake, since it’s already 9:30pm, you can stay over. Alexis, you wanna go over to his house with him so he can pack?” Dad asked.

“Sure. Come on Drake.” I said.

We got up and left to his house. His mom and dad were still not home but his older brother was. We went inside his house and up to his room. His brother was in the living room watching TV. I sat on Drake’s bed and watched him as he pulled out a suitcase and put clothes in it. I helped him with his stuff and went downstairs.

“Tell mom and dad I’m leaving on vacation.” Drake told his brother Dan.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Colorado with Alexis’s family.” He told him.

“Cool. Have fun bro. I’ll tell them.” Dan said. “Bye Alexis.”

“Bye Dan.” I said waving and helping Drake with his stuff back to my place.

We sat his stuff by the stairs. Everyone had gone to bed. We went up to my room and I shut the door. I went into my bathroom and changed into a blue tank top and Volcom shorts. I came out of my bathroom to see Drake laying in my bed. I went over to my IHome and set it for 8:00am. I them laid in bed with Drake. I reached over to turn off the light then cuddled with him.

“I love you Drake. I’m glad you can come with me.” I said looking up at him.

“I love you too Alexis.” He said kissing me. We both soon fell asleep.