Sequel: We Say Summer
Status: One-Shot. Completed.

We Say Summer

We Say Summer

"You have to go soon," Dani said, her brown hair sweeping above her eyes. The cold breeze was enough to cause them to retreat under a blanket, as they sat at the edge of Cape Coral's Music Camp's small lake. The waterfall was chucking it's water over, as if there was no time to spare. The water splashed down noisily, and although it was noisy, it was comforting.

The trees surrounded them and the cabins around them, engulfing them in a sort of secure resort where the music they played would never escape and the memories they made, locked in the heart of the forest, keeping them safe and storing them until next summer.

They sat by the lake, their bodies wrapped in the red blanket. Although it was still summer, today was a colder day, showing signs that summer was coming to an end; they knew this, everyone knew this. He sat with his arms wrapped around her, the feeling of knots in his stomach. He didn't want to go home, he wanted to stay here with Dani, with the girl that had made his summer.

"I know," he breathed, his brown eyes shutting and trying to stop any signs of feelings for her show too much. He wanted to come across as if he didn't care, but she could see past this, she had spent two months with him.

"Alex, please don't get upset," Dani said, stroking his face and leaning on his chest, "It's been a fantastic summer, let's remember that," she continued and Alex nodded his head in agreement.

"It's going to be difficult," he said and Dani stayed quiet, not moving or replying to him. Alex remembered back to the beginning of camp, the day he met Dani.


"Right, so next is All Time Low," James, the main camp leader, said. He was of medium-height, smaller than the All Time Low boys, and had brown short hair, similar to Rian's. He had a positive look about him and just gave off a warm vibe; the boys knew he could be trusted.

The crowd cheered and the boys walked onto stage, welcoming the applause. This was there first time for playing at the camp, they were going to show the starter bands just how good they could be if they tried. Just as Alex went to take his position at the microphone, a girl came rushing in.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she said, coming back and dumping down a giant rug sack. Everyone turned to look at her, their eyes warming when they saw her.

"It's quite alright, Dani," and the girl smiled, enlightened by James's forgiving nature. "We were just about to hear All Time Low," he said and she gave him a quizzical look.

"A starter band?" she asked and everyone gaped at her in surprise.

"No Dani, the famous band helping us out..." James trailed off, confused that she hadn't yet found out they were famous.

"Oh..." she breathed.

Alex found himself laughing into the microphone, causing her to look at them.

"Don't worry," Alex started, directing his words at her, "you were bound to hear us soon!" and everyone cheered his statement.

"Arrogant and cocky, I can tell," she said and turned away, not willing to hear them play.


"You were so cocky," Dani breathed, remembering the memory too. It was as if she had shared Alex's flashback. He grinned, surprised that she knew what he was thinking about. This was why they couldn't leave each other, they were too good together.

"I apologized though, and look where we are now," he breathed and Dani nodded her head in agreement, not saying anything else.

Alex breathed, remembering the first time he kissed her. It had been magically, he had romanced her until he couldn't anymore and under that starry sky, he managed to kiss her.


"You think you're so cute," she said, laughing as she shoved him gently.

"I know I am though," he muttered in response and she stopped, turning to look at him.

"You keep thinking that, Gaskarth," she whispered and they stared at each other, their eyes locked onto lips and Dani leaned forwards, kissing Alex, who made no protest. He kissed her softly and gently, feeling content and the butterflies in his stomach tried to escape, a knotted feeling in his stomach.

It was stereotypical, but Alex could honestly say he felt fireworks go off when they kissed, it was magical and lovely. Warm and affectionate, and just the right length of time.


"You had extremely soft lips that night," Dani whispered and Alex smiled, as they shared another flashback. "I felt the butterflies too," she murmured as she kissed his cheek.

"Our time has been spent well," Alex muttered as he laced his fingers with hers, their hands fitted perfectly together, so why shouldn't they be?

"Let's remember these moments forever," Dani said quietly and Alex shook his head, anger filling his body from head to toe.

"Why can't we just continue it?" he started, his voice growing louder, "I'll be on tour anyway, so you could stay home then, and when I get home, you can come see me and I can visit you, it'll be easy," he rushed out, hoping she'd see the way he saw it.

Dani shook her head, her eyes threatening to spill tears, but she wouldn't cry, not in front of Alex.

"Alex, it's a summer romance," she breathed and Alex shook his head, tears filling his eyes and starting to run down his cheek. He batted them away with his hand, standing up to move away from Dani.

"It's more than that, please say it's more than that," he breathed and Dani shook her head again.

"It's not, Alex," she said and it was her turn to stand up. "Don't make this difficult," she continued, "I'll be away to my home in the morning, and so will you."

Alex shut his eyes, feelings washing over him, emotions he had never felt before. He was in love, it couldn't just be a summer romance, it just couldn't be.

"I love you," he whispered and Dani shook her head.

"No, you loved this summer," she said and walked away from him.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Hannah's Shuffle Contest .

I loved writing this!
I was so lucky I got a summer-ish song, I wanted to do something like that.
If you liked it too, then let Hannah and I know! :)