Status: Update very soon... and THANK YOU so much for the comments... love ya

Dark Secret Love

Chapter 17. Don't wanna miss a thing


Finally the album was done and everyone who worked in this project took their seat. We started to listen the album from start to the end. I saw Ville look at the people nervously, it meant so much to him. Clare was holding his hand in hers. I was totally jealous at that moment. I wanted to be in his life…as his girl, not Clare.

Officially Clare and Ville started to go out, everyone knew. In these past few weeks a few things changed. Ville spend much time with Clare than he did with me. Movie nights weren’t there anymore. Mige told me not to make anything stupid, meaning not to try seduce him. Even though he wanted me to be happy with him, somehow even he saw it was a lost cause. But I still didn’t wanted to stop. Tonight we were having our last dinner with everyone who was involved in the album process.

“This is amazing guys, well done” Matt stood up and shake each members hand. Ville’s face lighted up and looked over to Clare. I wanted to rip her away from him. I hung my head to the ground…

“Only a few days left till Finland” Linde announced to the band, he was happy that finally it was done and they could have at least a few days off before the chaos starts again.

“Yeah finally” Ville tabbed his leg with his hand. “How you gonna see Clare now, Ville? Did you think about it?” Burton asked casually.

“Well, she’s thinking of having her vacation in Finland” he said “I thought I could spend more time with her before the tour starts.” He added.

“Where she gonna stay?” Bella asked, little harsher “With me of course” he answered. “Can’t she take a hotel?” she was little angry. He didn’t understand “What’s matter with you, you’re a little harsher to her” he said.

Bella looked to the others and left the room, smacking the door on the way. “I really don’t understand her sometimes” he said.

“Oh come on Ville, really you can’t understand her?” Linde said and moved to grab his stuff. “What?” Ville asked to him. “Nothing” Mige said.

Linde grabbed his guitar “She is in love with you… everyone can see it, idiot” he said and left. “WHAT?” he shouted. “Is he serious?” he asked. “He’s just annoyed…” everyone else said and left the room.

But it stuck in Ville’s mind, he thought about it over and over.

“Congratulations man” Seppo said and raised his glass. “The album is done and now see how the fans gonna take it” he sipped his drink. Bella was sitting beside Seppo, away from Ville and Clare. Somehow Bella couldn’t stop from glancing at his side every few seconds. She saw how tired Ville was, how Clare was telling him something but he was only giving a simple nod.

The way Clare was putting her arms around him, the way she could kiss his cheek. She was getting angrier each second, but remained calm.

Suddenly Clare’s phone started to ring, after a chat she whispered something in his ear. “Sorry guys, but I need to go” she smiled and stood from her seat. Bella smirked and Ville caught that moment. He started to believe that she might was indeed in love with him. He feared for that idea.

She kissed him once more and walked away.

The dinner was joyful, some were singing along a song, some were dancing and some were laughing at what they were hearing. Bella didn’t enjoy any of it.

“I’m off to the hotel now, guys” Ville announced and stood from his seat. Everyone cheered to him and said they goodbye’s. Bella stood from her seat after Ville walked away. She started to go after him ‘I wished he was drunk’ she thought to herself. “Would be much easier to seduce him, oww I’m so evil… I need him” she said and continued to walk after him.

“Ville!” she shouted after him, he turned and looked at her. “Bella, what’s wrong?” he asked. She stood in front him “Can I come with you? I don’t want to be alone tonight” she tried to look sweet enough. Ville thought, “Sure” he put a arm around her and they walked together.

She pretended to sleep until he was out. She left her bed and walked toward his. Trying best to not to make a sound, she crawled in his. She looked at him, he was absolutely stunning. She put her hand on his chest and closed her eyes.

It was her who woke up first, she yawned and looked down to the man who was still lightly snoring. She giggled and watched him breath in and out for a few second. Then she went to the shower, she checked his stuff laying on the table. She smiled to herself “So this is how you feel to wake up with a man you love” she smiled and went under the shower.

After she finished with cleaning, she put her clothes and turned the radio on. She didn’t wanted to wake him up yet, so she turned the volume down a little.

Aerosmith filled the room with their song ‘Don’t wanna miss a thing’

She smiled and climbed on the bed once again. She watched him intensely, she pushed the hair, which was covering his beautiful face. It was so hard for her to see him with someone else, specially be touched by someone else. She felt pain for a second, thinking of Clare with him. She knew Clare was nice person, but she didn’t want to lose him to anyone.

She sometimes felt selfish for thinking like that. Maybe Mige was right, she thought. If he’s gonna be happy with someone… then you should let them go. But it was easy said than done.

She push herself closer to him and came close to his face. She knew she was about to do something very risky. But she didn’t care.

With gentle and careful movement she kissed his lips. She breathed out when he didn’t woke up. “I love you” she whispered and climbed out of the bed.

After the door opened and closed, Ville opened his eyes. “Linde was right” he said and looked down.

“How my favorite poet doing?” she hugged Ville and kissed his cheek “Doing well sweetie” he wanted to act like nothing happened. Like he didn’t hear her. “Finally going home” she smiled to him.

The flight assistant announced that they arrived to Helsinki. The group promised to each other to get back in touch soon. Bella hugged the guys and looked over to Ville. “You take care of yourself big guy” she said and hugged him. For a strange reason Ville hugged her tighter. “See you soon” she winked and walked away.

It’s been almost a week since they saw each other. All 6 of them were talking about the art and such a thing. Together they walked toward Seppo’s place, but they saw a man with his back toward them talking with few of Seppo’s friend.

Bella looked closely to the man who was laughing with them, she knew this sound…she heard it before.

The man turned his head to the group who was walking toward them. His eyes lit up and his lips curled more. Bella was in shock.

He walked toward her “Hello Lover” he said then grabbed her face and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

♠ ♠ ♠

Hi guys, I'm sorry for letting you wait for so much. I decided to post more...
Pure morning is on hold...I will post it don't worry. PLease let me know that you still enjoy reading this. BTW I might think to do something for Halloween... but no promises.
Thanks to my beta....

THIS STORY HAD BEEN REPORTED>.... so there is a chance that this story could get being delete it. I'm sorry guys but I don't think I wanna continue right not... obviously one of my readers doesn't want me to continue and pull this shit. I'm sorry but Mibba is making me crazy sometimes. As you know I have a beta...and without her checking first I don't send it.

SO PLEASE FOR LOVE OF VILLE... comment here and tell me where you see the mistake... I don't have the superman laser eyes.

If this continues ... I might stop sending here anything...too bad cause in the future I had many fiction....
