Splintered, A Chronicling of Memoria

Journal - Sepia

March 7th, a Thursday

Today was spectacular to say the least, Aila took me to a rose garden to meet her daughter, Stephanie, she was a sweetheart, very pretty too, but she was taken. I loathed the fact that her boyfriend Steve was with us. I would have preferred to be alone with Aila. I feel like when I woke up this morning, color suddenly burst into existence, bringing my life from sepia into a full scale color chart, it was truly eye-opening. Aila and I were laughing all day about the man we saw yesterday; we finally agreed on Prunes as a nickname, we couldn’t stop laughing at that name. I can’t speak for Aila, but I was laughing at the fact that he was old, and his face wasn’t the only thing pruned…a ball joke indeed.

March 19th, a Tuesday

Work starts next week, Monday, at the Small publishing company down the street. I have to thank Aila for pushing the people at United Memory Allies for a job involving books. They got me one right away. Its 7 in the morning right now, earliest ive been awake in a few weeks, And im going to need to be awake this early every weekday, not particularly looking forward to that fact. I don’t like waking up early with the shit coffee maker that I have… I need an upgrade. I cant be waking up at 5:30 just for a lousy cup of coffee, and boy are they lousy. On a side note, I found something great this morning… I found out my birthday. Finally I feel human. On the back of my picture that was in my jeans, it said “happy 24th birthday Alex!.” And was dated, December 3rd, 2008. Finally…

March 22nd, a Friday

Stephanie called me a little while ago, she was upset about something or other… when I first picked up the phone she was just a little shaky, but with every word I said she seemed to sob more and more… I couldn’t understand her after 5 minutes of pleading with her to slow down. Lousy day in general, woke up early again, then dealt with a sobbing girl for 2 hours on the phone. I think Steve needs a nice firm slap from a ringed hand…that is one thing im looking forward to, if that day comes, I’ll be there. I don’t have anything personal against him, he’s just “that guy” the guy that no self-respecting sensitive person wants to be… the guy that good people tend to call “scum”, and look at him with disdain for the world. I have grown to realize that I’m one of the people who look at him and say “what a douche,” or “what a tool”. I’m the sensitive type according to Aila, she says I'm going to make a girl happy one day… I laughed when she said that and replied “I’m not worried about it, ma.”
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i accidentally named the first journal wrong, this one is sepia, im changing it now