
Gerard is depressed. When wasn't he? He also sees things he's never seen before. A boy who likes to talk to him, and only sees him when he's depressed. He calls himself Frank, and he keeps Gerard feeling safe when nobody cares about him.

But then Gerard meets somebody just like his vision, same eyes, same face, same attitude, at the Super Market buying bagels.

How fucked up is that?
  1. "When Did You Know You Were Depressed?"
    "When Smiling Felt Like A Bullet Through My Heart."
  2. "You Hear Voices?"
    "If I Say Yes, Will You Promise Not To Call Me Crazy?"
  3. "The Voices Tell Me What To Do..."
    "What To Wear, How To Act, and Compliment Me When I'm Topless."
  4. "You have to take a chance."
    "I don't ***ing care."[i]Listen to her damnit[/i]