If Zacky Was a Drug, Would You Be Above the Influence?

Space Monkey


My name carried on a voice that had been too luxurious for my ears to behold two months and a week now. I knew; I had counted. Though, it had to be a dream. Zacky hadn't tried to talk to me since his friends had come home over summer break. Then when their camaraderie was once again a unit, me, the new girl on the block, became just a familiar stranger in his emerald eyes. It hurt to see those eyes pass me over like he never knew me, like my name had never been placed on his lips.

“Julitta, wake up. I feel like a creep out here.”

I awoke then, I could no longer doubt that realization. I untangled myself from my sheets and ruffled my hands through my bedridden, long black hair and walked to my bedroom window where Zacky stood. I fumbled with the old fashioned window latch until it creaked open. Zacky's body bent to enter into my bedroom. Then, standing there it hit me. The familiar sight of him standing there brought pain again.

It had been so normal and so natural for him to be in here. It had been. Used to. Utter past-tense. Now the fear of him disappearing or just running and jumping face first out of my window like a freaked out space monkey were my thoughts.

“So,” Zacky began, looking at me. “What have you been up to?”

I laughed. And it was just that easy, I felt comfortable with my best friend again. “Nothing much, just school and things like that. Looking for a job since Mom bought me a car and I barely go anywhere because I don't have the money for gas.”

“Heard you there. I don't even have wheels and I'm struggling to find money for gas.” He laughed with me.

The tension was gone in the room between us and I was surprised at myself for accepting a friend back that had abandoned me so completely. Though it wasn't just that, I had fallen hard for this boy and I had been dumped. But now here he was making me smile and laugh once again; I guess that was what friends are for.

“Come on, dude,” Zacky said grabbing my wrist. “We have places to go.”

“At two in the morning?” I questioned, but I let him pull me towards my open window with him.

“When's a better time than now?” he asked like this wasn't totally out of the blue.

“You know that nothing good happens after midnight with two people of the opposite sex alone together.” I informed him and he chuckled at me.

“Yes ma'am. Aren't we living proof of that fact?”

“No, you're living proof that rubber still leaks.”

“Yeah, well, hope is not a method. As you're parents discovered.” He shot back playfully.

“Hey! I was a gift from god, so hush.” I said as a come back.

“At least my parents made a gorgeous mistake.” Zacky said closing his eyes and basking in his gorgeous glory.

I snorted. “Whatever, Fabio. Didn't you say we had places to go? Or someplace to drag me to?”

“Oh yes, I was going to take you to the park.”

That was a surprise, too. Zacky had told me about the park, but we had never gone together. Apparently it was sort of sacred for him because that was where he and “the guys” like to hang out a lot. Whichever way, I was down for anything with Zacky. Perverted thoughts included.

It was a short walk to the park. It had a pond and benches with picnic tables. It also had a lot of untended shrubbery that had grown into a miniature California-style forest. He led me deeper into this tiny jungle until no one from the pond or street would know we were here.

“So what are we doing here? Isn't this the He-Man Woman Hater Club headquarters?” I asked.

Zacky laughed loudly at my input. “We're actually meeting up with the guys here.”

Of course. Before I could say anything I heard rustling from a trail behind us. We both turned to see three figures.

“Yo, Zacky. Have you found a sufficient place to hide her body yet?” a teenage boy said with thick black hair shielded by a white bandana.

“Nope, not yet dude.” Zacky chuckled.

“Damn, get with the program, man!” He laughed and looked at me. “I'm Brian, and no harm actually meant.”

“Yeah, 'cause we know just the place to conceal a body.” another guy chuckled that was quite short compared to Zacky and Brian. “I'm Johnny, just so your ears know what to call me. When you need me in your pants.”

“Dude! How rude of you, at least let her know that you have some kind of will power.” The third said playfully pushing Johnny in the shoulder. “And I'm Matt, and if I didn't have a girlfriend I would tell you all about how I can control every muscle in my body.”

“How nice to meet you,” I giggled. “Every muscle? Really?”

“This is Julitta, guys.” Zacky interrupted quickly. “And where the hell is Jimmy?”

“You know how he gets lost,” Johnny said.

“On purpose” Matt added. “But you have to admire his sense of adventure.”

“Are those my rascals my ears do perceive?” A voice shouted from trail.

“Here he is!” Brian yelled and this Jimmy made his appearance. He was tall and kind of gawky, but he had a delighted smile that made me smile without realizing. He was a very happy guy. He walked over to us and they began questioning him about the whereabouts of the booze he was supposed to have brought along with him.

“What the hell, Zack!” Jimmy screamed looking at me. “She's pretty!” and he smacked Zacky in the forehead. “You should have had a damn V8!”

Right then I knew I had found friends.
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oookayyyy. this story is back and i'm trying to make it work for my dear, Cindy!
thank you for the banner, my woman.

please comment to let me know if this is any good!