If Zacky Was a Drug, Would You Be Above the Influence?

Eye Twitch

I awoke for school just a little bit more tired than I normally would have on any other normal morning. Last night had almost seemed like a dream, but I had a token of exhaustion that proved it to be real. I moved a lot more sluggishly and at a slow speed. Once I hit the shower the hot water made my need to sleep more even more pronounced. Oh, god, but at least I had the simple comfort of herbal essences to pull me through.

“What’s up, Madre?” I asked my mom as I stormed down the stairs. “Did you make coffee?”

“Of course I did. Do you want...?” Mom trailed off as just turned to see me pouring a cup and drinking it black. “I don’t even like it like that. Feeling tired figlia?”

“I just didn’t sleep well last night.” I told her and snatched a piece of toast off of the counter and gulped as much of the nasty black stuff as I could.

“Alright figlia, you need to hurry or you’re going to be late.” I looked up at the clock and took a last bite of toast and grabbed my keys and bag then dashed through the door.

I really did have to rush for school. Once in the parking lot, I then really had to super rush to make it before the tardy bell. I made it to my Physics class in one piece and no bleeding. That was pretty good rush luck for me.

“Julitta Aversa.” The teacher called my name off of the role.

“Yes, I made it!” I said sort of out of breathe and falling into my seat.

The teacher smiled at me. “Quite delighted that you made it, dear. Alright, pass up last night’s homework, please.”

With that encounter over I dug through my bag and passed up my fully completed assignment. The teacher then began to lecture on today’s lesson, and it must have either been really boring, or I was just that damn tired. I didn’t even remember putting my head on the desk, only waking up.

Someone was clearing their throat, quite rudely. My eyes flew open and I was shocked that I had fallen asleep so fully. I looked up in front of me to see Matt. I didn’t even realize he sat in the seat right there.

“Did you not get your beauty rest last night?” Matt asked sweetly.

I laughed. “I didn’t even know that I had you in this class!”

Matt pouted mockingly and narrowed his eyes. “You mean to tell me you never even noticed this object of hotness that is sitting less than six inches in front of you?”

I shrugged and patted his shoulder. “I really am sorry.”

“Well then! I’m sorry for you. I sympathize for your lacking ability to not sense the muscularity in such close proximity.”

“Wow, Matt. Those sure are some lengthy words for such a pretty thing like you.”

“Aw, shucks, dude.” Matt laughed and swatted his hand playfully at me. “Behave!”

Matt and I sat turned to each other talking until the teacher explained on our class work that we could study in groups. “Are you any good in this class?”

“Yeah, I’m a pretty big nerd,”

“STUDY BUDDY!” I heard someone shout and collapse in the seat right beside me and Jimmy’s arms wound around me and yanked me and my entire desk to his.

“Huh, well look at that. Normally he hibernates pretty hard in this class.” Matt told me while Jimmy still embraced me.

“Hey, Jimmy.” I told him squished to his chest.

“Why hello there, my pretty. Now why don’t you just stay close so just maybe I can soak up some of that juicy knowledge of yours?”

“Sure,” I choked out.

“Goody. Move in, Matt. We might learn something yet.” Jimmy said gathering his pencils.

“I doubt it,” Matt told him and scooted his desk close to us.

I began working on the graph and tried to explain to Matt and Jimmy what was going on. Which was pretty hard to do considering they had never stayed conscience long enough to understand me much since Physical Science, freshman year.

“So.. do you guys get it?” I asked after I had explained it for the second time.

Matt’s eye twitched.

“Repeat the last part.” Jimmy said.

I sighed.

“Maybe we should just sharpen pencils and apply the paper and staples.” Matt added with a dimpling smile.

“Yes,” I laughed. “That would be quite helpful.”

The last bell rang and I walked out to the parking lot, books in hand. I walked up to my mustang to find all five of the boys hanging around it. I chuckled and pressed the button on my key chain to unlock the doors. Jimmy leaped into the passenger side screaming, “Take me to your maker!”

Apparently, that was the plan.

“Hey, Jules.” Zacky said walking to me and gathering me in a hug. “Do you mind if we come and chill at your house with you?”

I was still sort of in a catatonic shock from Zacky suddenly being my friend again. I had gotten so used to being without him or anybody. This was quite a pleasant change.

“Sure guys.” I said smiling.

“Alright, who’s riding with me?” Matt asked and gestured toward his late model Tahoe.

“Shotgun!” called Johnny and did a similar ninja-leap that Jimmy had done into the passenger side of the Tahoe with Brian yanking at his ankles until he gave up the front seat.

“I’ll sit in the back with Julitta.” Zacky said and I moved the seat back so he could duck inside.

“Let’s rock and roll!” Jimmy shouted. Zacky and the rest of us stared at Jimmy. “Or roll then rock. Whichever you picky people prefer.”

We both pulled into my driveway and my mom was outside watering her plants. “Hey Madre!” I called to her. “Are you okay with me having friends over?”

“Oh,” Mom said, taken aback. “Well, of course dear. Are you all staying over for dinner?”

The guy’s continuous hum of bickering silenced.

“Food?” Jimmy questioned, breaking the silence.

“Oh, yes ma’am. We men crave red meat!” Johnny added.

“Yeah, we hanker for sustenance.” Matt nodded gravely at my mother.

My mom then laughed heartily. “Welcome to my Italiano household. I do miss a full house of men to cook for.” She laughed again at the delighted expressions on the guy’s faces. “I’m Ms. Costanzia. Oh, Zacky, its nice to see you around again.”

“Its nice being back,” he smiled brightly at her.

My mom smiled at us again and went up the wooden porch steps and through the front door.

“I think I’m moving in,” Johnny announced and we made our way to the backyard.

“Well, Julitta officially has a side man to cook for,” Brian said slinging his arm around my shoulders. Brian was then tackled from the side.

“Not if I get her first!” Jimmy shouted, on top of Brian who was now flat on his back on the ground. Brian gave him a deathly look.

“Run,” he told him.

“Gotcha,” Jimmy said standing up, then squealing and running into my backyard with Brian close at his heels. Matt and Johnny then ran after them the referee and keep points. Zacky hung back beside me.

“Yeah so I’m sorry for ditching you.”

I looked at him, surprised that he finally said it out loud. “Its alright.” I told him, then added “Why did you come over to get me last night?”

He shrugged. “I knew you were upset with me. Hell, I was upset with me. And I knew if I surprised you then you wouldn’t ask questions and go with it. You tend to be more cooperative when your drowsy.” He chuckled at his last comment.

I laughed with him. “Well, I’m glad. It got awful lonesome in this place.”

“Everyone needs some Baker in their lives.” Zacky winked at me and my breath caught in my chest.

“Come back here, you flaming cheetah!” Brian shouted, nearly laying on the grass in exhaustion. “How can that dude run so much, and smoke so much!”

“I’m not a flaming cheetah.” Jimmy announced. “I’m a flaming Jedi.”

Matt looked at them astounded. “Wow.”

“That word is worth a thousand more words, man.” Johnny agreed.

My mom called for dinner and the whole crew crowded the house. Mom set the table for eight and my stepdad, Philip, was just only a little shocked.

“Julitta brought friends over honey.” Madre told Philip unnecessarily as we all sat and the long dinning table.

“She brought boys over, darling.” He retorted and Madre gave him the eye, and he hurriedly passed the salad bowl down our line.

There wasn’t much said during this period. It was quite a sacred time that required absolute silence. I guess male digestion is like that. After the meal, though, the guys groaned and scarcely said anything more than three words at a time.

“That was amazing, Ms. Costanzia.” Matt told my mom and she smiled at him.

“Thank you, Matt.” She told him.

“That was amazing.” Johnny agreed as we made our way to the living room where they collapsed on the couches and recliners.

“I need a nap.” Said Zacky.

“I need to marry Julitta.” Brain said, next to him.

Jimmy shot him a look, but remained quite. Sacred Silence Time was still a go. Peace was finally kept with our crew
♠ ♠ ♠
second chapter of the day! happy easter!
