I've Got Feeling, If I Sang This Loud Enough, You Would Sing It Back To Me

I Took a Walk For the Very First Time; On the Dark Side of the Dance Floor

The words to Shaken Up Sodas flowed off my lips, as I stood on Devon's porch, in front of easily a hundred people. The song came to an end with the crash of Matt's drum stick to the crash cymbal. We each took a gulp of water from the Orzarka bottles that sat at our feet and I took a deep breath of air before I turned back to the crowd.
"Thanks for at least acting like you like hearing us. and for coming to a party where we're celebrating the fact that we will be on next years Vans Warped Tour!" I nodded my head with the hoots and hollers. "That was our last song, so we're now going to blast some more successful musicians on these here amps."
I then walked over the stage empty handed, following the guys all carrying their instruments and the snake like wires, that connected to foot pedals and amps, were wrapped around their body.
"That's always fun" I said walking Devon's basement to put everything there.
"Yep. Can't wait to be on tour again." Trevor says after putting his guitar on the rack.
"Me too." I said beaming up at him.
"It's gonna be awesome." Ben said joining the conversation.
"Duh" Trevor said like a little girl and then walked up the wooden stairs to the party again.
I rolled my eyes the followed after him.
Ben close at my feet.
Devon close at his.
And Matt trailing behind everyone.
I fled in to the crowd of people not really wanting to watch drunk teenage girls get into my friend's pants, I moved into the kitchen, looking at the selection of drinks.
"Hey Zenna!" I hear from behind me and quickly turn to see my friend Tyler.
"Hey Ty!" I say and walk over to her.
"Great show." She replies over the loud roar of The Smiths.
"Thanks, You should come see us sometime during warp." I say with a smile.
"That would be amazing." She says, matching my smirk.
"I would totally get you back stage with All Time Low." I say, giving her something she can't say no to.
"You serious?" She askes while bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Yeah but you got to bring Bailey, she'd totally kill me if I let you backstage and not her."
"She definitely would." Tyler says, laughing.
"Well I got to go look for Adrianna, so I'll see ya later." I say moving out of the kitchen.
"Okay tell her I said hi" She calls after me.
"Will do." I say walking back into the dense area of the living room.
I looked for Adrianna, spotting her near the sliding door that lead to the back yard talking with some guy, who had just walked into the house.
"Hey." I said just know recognizing him as Tyler's friend Zack.
"Hey." He said looking away from Adrianna and to me, "Did Tyler find you? Once we left the back yard, she dartted into the kitchen to find you?" He says laughing at his friend.
"Yes she did." I say with a smirk "She told me to tell you 'hi', Adrianna." I say looking back over at my best friend.
"Cool, Zack tell her I said 'hi back'."
"Alright. See ya. And congrats for warped Zenna." He says slowly moving away from us.
"Thanks" I say before he moves into the crowd.
I turn to Adrianna.
"In the words of Ryland Blackinton 'Let's get Wasted!'" I say with a smirk.
I woke up in a twisted position on Devon's hard green couch in his basement.
I slowly rolled off the couch and on to a slim figure on the ground.
"Fuck, What the Hell, Zenna?" Adrianna mumbled into the the pillow under her head.
"Sorry." I said, pulling myself off the beer stained carpet and stumbling up the wooded stairs.
I opened the door, and the smell of beer and puke filled my nostrils.
I groaned as I moved into the kitchen, searching for a pain killer and a bottle of water to down it.
I turned away from the cabinet when I heard giggles filly me ears, to see Gabby in one of Devon's over sized t shirts and Devon quickly behind her in his blue plaid boxers.
Such a fun sight a 8:30 in the morning.
"Hi guys." I say letting them know they're not the only ones awake.
"Oh, Hey Zenna. Didn't know you were awake." Devon said looking up from his long term girlfriend.
"Yeah, well your pretty oblivious, Devon when Gabby's around you, Which is pretty much all the time." I say turning back to the cupboards behind me.
Devon and Gabby laughed at the truth in what I said.
"Aspirin?" Devon asked behind me.
"Yeah." I said
"Over there." He said and I turned to see where he pointed.
I moved past Devon, who stood in the door way of the fridge and over to the cabinet he pointed at.
"Don't forget about our meeting with James." Devon said as I hip-chicked him out of my way.
"I didn't." I said pulling out a bottle of water. "What time is it at any way?"
"10"Gabby answered.
"Thanks Chica." I called to her as I walked out of the kitchen and into Devon's living room, where Trevor, Matt and Ben laid on the ground.
"Hey boys!" I yelled, jumping onto couch and turning the TV onto some Cartoons on Nick.
"Aww Zenna" Ben groaned putting his hands over his ears.
Matt rolled over and looked at me. "Zenny?" He asked, squinting up at me.
I giggled "Yeah Matty."
"I broke up with Erika." He said, pulling himself off the ground and next to me on Devon's couch, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Really?" I said with a smile on my face.
"Really." I hear Trevor say and I looked up to see him smiling.
"Thank god." I say pulling Matt into a hug. "That girl was a hoe. She didn't not deserve to be with the famous Matt Owens."
"She's right." Trevor said walking over to us.
"Of course I am." I say and stand up. "I always am." I walk away to the door before calling out to the boys.
"See ya guys at James' at 10." I chuckled as I walked out of Devon's house, ignoring the calls of the 4 boys I just ditched.
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Check out my Friend, Rawr Not Roar's story about We The Kings' Travis, It's called With Love, Travis.
She got the idea when we met him at the Glamour Kills Tour this Friday. It was Awesome!
I hugged Alex Gaskarth!