Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 1

Hello, growing fan base!!

This is Sin St. James reporting on Asylum Inc.'s status. We just released our new CD and will [hopefully] be touring soon. However, that's all up to Jennifer [more commonly known as Nurse]. Can't wait to see you all. We'll try to reply back to any comments you guys post because YOU are important to US. Cheesy, right? ~Sin

For a lyricist, she is pretty cheesy. Hah. <3 Damien, the hazel eyed beauty.

Ignore him. He has no brain and needs to deflate his ego. Anyway, everyone here is just chilling out, playing video games, the usual. We're super excited about the upcoming tour... if there even is one. Cross your fingers! Hope we have a good turn out. *Mina Yakovleka

Well, you have three of us reporting because the other two members are glued to the TV screen. Who knew Twilight Princess could be so addicting? I'll jump Damien later for what he wrote. Have an awesome day guys! ~Sin

"What are you doing?" a voice said by my ear as I posted our LiveJournal update.

My body flew out of the chair and landed with a thud on the floor.

"Don't do that, Octave!" I exclaimed at the red head laughing on the ground.

"Aww, did I scare you?" Octave taunted through his laughter.

Stupid older brother.

"Shove it," I growled.

"How about I don't?"

"Go be your straight self somewhere else!"

"Why don't I just keep bugging you?"

"Because you're twenty, grow up."

He rolled his purple eyes. Then walked away, swinging his hips. A whistle came from the black haired male sitting on the couch.

"Work it, Octave!" he exclaimed.

"Edward, don't encourage him." I told him

Octave stopped and posed. "That's hot."

"No it's not," said Mina, flipping her blonde curls over her shoulder.

"You're just mad because I have sexy yellow pants and you don't," Octave stated.

"Not really."

"Just admit you're jealous."

"Oh my," stated Damien, walking in with a cup of coffee.

"What?" asked Octave.

"The reflection off your ass is blinding me."

Laughter consumed the room.

"I think that means go change," Mina stated once the laughter died.

"Hayley Williams has sexy yellow pants and her band mates don't make her change. Why can't I keep mine on?" asked Octave.

"Because Hayley Williams has no fashion sense and she—" I started.

"Sin, be nice." Mina scolded.

"I can't help it. I don't like Paramore." I said, crossing my arms.

Mina shook her head. "You always say that."

"I bet she doesn't know a damn thing about self-injury. To Write Love On Her Arms my ass," I mumbled under my breath.

"Sin!" Mina exclaimed.


"I hope you never have to meet Paramore. You'll kill them verbally," said Octave, shaking his head sadly.

"It's a shame, too. The Farro brothers are hot," said Damien.

"Keep it in your pants, Damien," said a tall brunette as she walked into the room.

"But they're hot. I need to meet them, Jennifer."

"What do you want me to do about it?" asked Jennifer.

"You're our manager. Figure it out," Damien flicked his wrist.

"Well, when your singer stops hating Paramore, I'll find a way to get you to meet them."


She nodded.

"Sin, stop being a bitch and love Paramore now!! Please. I'm begging you." Damien got to his knees.

My eyebrow rose. "No."

He scrunched his nose.

"Anyway, you remember how I told you all last week to make sure your bags were packed?" Jennifer asked

We nodded.

"Did you all do what I said?" Jennifer asked.

We nodded, again.

"Good. We're leaving in ten minutes to go to the hotel. From there, we'll stay for a day with the rest of the bands that are going to be on tour with us. The next day, we'll get on the bus and go tour."

"Sweet!" Edward exclaimed.

"Go get your stuff from your apartments and meet back here," said Jennifer.

Once again, we nodded. Damien, Edward, and Mina left to get their bags. Octave and I walked to our rooms.

The perks of sharing an apartment with your brother.

I picked up my bag from its spot on the floor and walked back to the living room, followed by Octave. Mina, Edward, and Damien returned moments later.

"Do I need to check anyone's bag?" asked Jennifer, looking directly at me.

"Oh get out of nurse-in-a-psych-ward mode. We're smart enough not to bring anything to hurt ourselves or others," said Octave.

"You said the same thing last time. I think you remember what happened." Jennifer's hands rested on her hips.

Why is she still bringing that up?

"Look, I didn't pack anything dangerous. If I'm lying, I'll let you put me back in the psychiatric ward. No fuss." I said.

"We all make that promise," said Damien.

"Okay. I trust you. Let's go to the van." Jennifer walked out of the door.

I'm a damn good liar.

We followed her to the large white van, our bags in hand. The bags were thrown into the trunk and we sat in the van.

"How long is it going to take to get there?" asked Damien

"About thirty minutes. Why?"

"I don't think I can stay still for that long."

She sighed, started the car and pulled out of the apartment building's parking lot.

"Are we there yet?" asked Damien.

"Dude, it's only been one minute," replied Octave.

Damien sulked in his seat.

"Who are we going on tour with?" asked Mina.

"You'll see when we get there," replied Jennifer.

"Do you have our medicines?" I asked.


"They should have a medicine that makes you like Paramore. Then I'd be able to met the super fine Farro brothers," mumbled Damien.

"Get over the Farro brothers, Damien," Edward said.

"But I can't help it. They look so good in tight pants."

"What about Jeremy?"

Damien's eyes looked toward the sky and a smirk planted on his face. "Mmm, Jeremy."

"Hayley must feel left out," remarked Mina

"If I were straight, I'm sure I'd be in love with Hayley. She's gorgeous. If I had her looks, I'd have all the guys," sighed Damien.

"If you had her looks, you'd be a girl. Sorry, but it won't happen," replied Edward.

"I could get a sex change."

"You wouldn't do that. You're afraid of doctors."

"So... Are we there yet?"

"No, Damien we're not there yet," said Jennifer.

"Drive faster, Nurse, or we'll never get there," said Damien.

"Damien, you need a life."

"I don't wanna marry a girl."

"I said life, not wife."

"Oh... That was mean." Damien pouted.


That's different. It's nice.

"Are we there yet?"

"No, Damien," we chorused.

♠ ♠ ♠
This was originally two seperate chapters but I decided to put them together just because I wanted to.
So enjoy and tell what you think.
Just to note, Damien is my favorite character to write for. His personality is just awesome.
Oh yeah, don't skip over the blue part (for those of you who did); that's their livejournal post.