Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 10

I shook my head as I walked out of the hotel room. A loud sigh escaped my lips when the door was firmly closed.

Great. Just great. We tell them and they'll tell the press.

Slowly, I crossed the hall and knocked on the door. Feet thumping against the floor could be heard. The door clicked, then screeched open. Octave stood in the doorframe, eyes half closed and hair poking up in random places.

"What?" he mumbled.

He looks sick.

"Nurse wants us in there," I motioned to the door.

"Why?" he asked, rubbing exhaustion from one of his blood-shot eyes.

"Our secrets out."

He chuckled. "She already knows about that, idiot."

"Yeah, she does; but Pete, Ryan, and Hayley don't."

"Well, duh they don't."

"They're asking questions, moron. Nurse wants to tell them everything."

Octave's eyes opened wide.

"Exactly," I placed one hand on my hip.

A glaze covered his eyes.

Trying to come up with an idea?

His eyes lit as they landed on my broken arm

"I need to take you to get a real cast," he stated, smirking.

Oh, clever.

"We need to do that immediately. Nurse will understand," I played along.

"Now is the best time to go."

"We'll just yell through the door and tell them that we're going."

"Good idea. Why waste time by going in there?"

We smiled.

Looks like we're safe for now.

"Oh, Nurse. We're going to get my cast. Be back in time to leave," I yelled.

"And now, we run," Octave said.

Our feet took one large step forward before the door to my room swung open.

"Hold it right there," Nurse said.


I froze—legs spread in mid-run, one arm bent, the other held uncomfortably in the makeshift cast. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Octave balancing on one foot, lips pursed.

"Get in here. NOW," Nurse commanded, one hand pointing inside the room.

My muscles relaxed and allowed me to walk to the room with my head hung low. Octave shuffled behind me. As we passed Nurse, she tapped the top of our heads. Heads still facing the carpet, we took our spots against the wall.

"As I was saying, they all suffer from different disorders and addictions that have landed them in multiple asylums and rehabs, hence the name Asylum Inc.," Nurse said as she reentered the room, letting the door slam behind her.

Do we have to do this?

"So they're still dealing with their problems?" asked Hayley.

Yes, little miss perfect.

"That is correct," answered Nurse.

"Do those problems have to do with the reason Sin wouldn't sign the contract?" asked Pete.

Nurse nodded.

"Since no one's asked yet, what are the disorders and addictions," asked Ryan.

Nurse smirked. "I'll let them answer for themselves."

"What?!" exclaimed Mina.

"The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem," Nurse replied. "Mina, go first."

Mina's jaw dropped. Edward reached over and closed it.

"Fine, I'll go first," Mina grumbled to herself and stood. "Hi, my name is Mina and I'm an alcoholic. I'm bipolar and I refuse to take my meds"

"It's like group therapy all over again," groaned Octave.

"Octave, your turn," said Nurse.

Octave glared at her before pushing himself off the wall. "Hi, my name is Octave. I suffer from Stereotypic Movement Disorder and Clinical Depression. I am in the recovery stage of a drug addiction."

Pete, Hayley, and Ryan sat still in their seats, shock evident on their faces.

"Everyone say 'Hi, Octave'," joked Damien.

"Thanks for volunteering, Damien," Nurse smiled.

"Fine, but I'll be dramatic," Damien stood. In a weepy voice he continued, "Hi, I'm Damien. I—," he burst into fake tears. "I'm sorry, it's just so hard."

"Damien, hurry up," Nurse commanded.

His fake tears promptly stopped, "Hey, you can't rush someone during group therapy."

"This isn't group therapy."

He huffed. "I'm anorexic, gay, and my boyfriend's abusive."

Ryan's mouth dropped.

"You guys say this stuff like its nothing," Hayley stated.

"It's just what we're used to," answered Edward.

"Edward's turn," said Nurse.

"Hi, I'm Edward and I'm addicted to making myself vomit. What's that disorder called? Oh, bulimia. I am bulimic and manic depressive," Edward introduced himself.

"Sin," Nurse said.

I'm not giving in that easily.

"Hi, I'm Sin, yes it's my given name. I have no problems," I stated.

"Sin," Nurse raised her voice.

"Yes," I asked, innocently.

"Tell them."

"Tell them what?"

"As you can see, she's really difficult," said Octave.

"Oh, shove it up your ass," I said.

"Sin, tell them now, or else," Nurse warned.

"Or else what?"

"I have the psychiatric ward on speed dial; don't test me."


"Okay. Geez, you don't have to threaten me. I'm a self-injurer and I'm suicidal," I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Or that's what my psychologist says."

"You and Hayley have something in common," Pete announced.

"Shut up, Peter," Hayley growled.

"What?" I asked.


"Hayley is a self-injurer," Pete blurted.
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Thank you to whoa!letsgo for commenting... again. lol
I think that makes a bajillion and one now.