Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 13

Our bodies touched. Electric sparks ran down my spine.

What the fuck is going on?


She brushed my cheek with her fingers. A shiver traveled through my body.

This has got to be a dream.

The bus door opened.

"What are you doing?" Octave's voice floated to my ears.

Casually, Hayley pushed herself off of me.

"She had something in her eye and I was helping her get it out," she answered.

... She just lied...

"And you had to pin her against the bus for that?" asked Octave.

"Your sister doesn't know how to stop moving."

My jaw dropped.

I what?

"I have to go to my bus," she turned to me, "Take care of that arm and if you ever need something taken out of your eye, call me."

Seconds later, she was gone.

"Well then," Octave started.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"Looked like Hayley Williams was about to rape you in broad daylight... Then again, you weren't saying no very well."

"But she... And I... And it... And and and."

Why can't I form a coherent sentence?

"Its okay," he stepped down from the bus. "We all know you'd jump in bed with her."

He picked up my suitcase and was on the bus before I could register his sentence.

Wait a minute.

"Octave," I yelled, storming onto the bus.

Three sets of eyes landed on me.

"What?" asked Mina.

"Octave's an ass."

"Are you just mad because he broke up your soon-to-be love making session with Hayley?"

"Shut up."

"That's a yes."

"No, it's not."

Nurse giggled. "You looked like you were going to have a panic attack out there."

"Sorry I wasn't expecting her to hold me to the bus with her body."

"Sarcasm isn't nice," Mina pointed out.

I glared. She hid behind Edward. Eyes ended the glare and glanced around the bus.

Couch, kitchen type thing, table to eat at, bunks, bathroom, TV, game systems. Nice.... Where's Damien?

"Where did Damien go?" I asked.

All hands pointed to the bunk section. I nodded. My body rested against the wall of the bus. A sigh escaped my lips. The bus lurched forward.

"So how long is it going to take to get to the next stop?" I asked.

"A while," answered Nurse.

"Which means?"

"A few hours."

"Which means, pray Damien doesn't wake up till it's over," Edward added.

"Are we there yet?" asked a groggy voice.

We all turned to the doorway where Damien stood, weak and miserable.

"We just left," Nurse stood up.

"Come sit down," I commanded, grabbing his arm lightly and leading him to Nurse's seat.

He collapsed in the seat.

Words tried to form from his mouth but refused to come out. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Why is Octave hiding in his bunk?" It came out as a barely understandable croak.

"Because he's an asshole. Do you want water?" I asked.

His head nodded. My feet walked to the mini-fridge and hands pulled out a bottle of water. I walked back to him while unscrewing the cap and handed him the bottle. He took it, nodding his thanks. As he drank, audible gulps came from his throat. A few drops of water landed on his shirt. He took a breath when he finished drinking; then shook his head, causing his reddish brown hair to stand it different directions.

"What did he do?" asked Damien, voice full of child-like curiosity.

He sounds so innocent.

"He made a rude comment about me wanting to sleep with Hayley."

"I thought you did want to sleep with Hayley."

"Damien," I growled.


He stared up at me, his hazel eyes looked even bigger compared to the stretched skin on his face and visible cheek bones. I felt myself soften.

"You need to eat."

His nose scrunched up. Nurse brought him a bowl of cereal.

He sighed, "Fine."

A few bites of food were shoveled into his mouth.

"Are we there yet?" he asked, mouth full.

"No," answered Edward.

Damien frowned, and continued shoveling food into his mouth. Crawling on all fours, Octave entered the room. He rolled and lay on his back for a second before back stoking across the bus floor.

"This isn't a swimming pool," I said.

"Shhhh. You're not supposed to see me," Octave hit the edge of the TV with his head and yelped.

"You're too loud not to be noticed."

I walked over to him and stepped on his stomach.

"I love you?" Octave tried.


I kicked him in the side. He clutched it and began rolling around.

"I didn't kick you that hard, you pansy."

"The energy of your lack of love for me hurts the most," Octave exploded with fake tears.

I shook my head. Damien jumped from the couch, waving the empty cereal bowl.

"I have a question."

"What, Damien?"

"Are we there yet?"

"No, damn it," Edward answered.

"Oh... Let's play videogames," he exclaimed, jumping up and down.

I see he's gotten his energy back.

"Okay, Damien, we'll play video games," I said.

Damien pumped his fist in the air. "I will own you all."

Why is there never a dull moment with him?
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for iSkyx.
Thank you very much for commenting... twice on the same part. lol
I don't know if this went down like you expected.
I hope everyone enjoyed.