Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 14

After an hour of video games, I stood from my seat on the floor. Bones cracked in protest. My back stretched and I sighed.

"Is the computer set up to the internet?" I asked.

Nurse nodded from her seat at the table, glancing up from her book to look at the lap top across from her.

"Sweet. I need to update the LiveJournal for the band."

My body sat across from Nurse where the laptop was setup. I turned it on and logged onto LiveJournal.

This is going to be difficult with one arm.

Hello fanbase!

This is Sin St. James again. How are you party people doing? No broken bones or random fainting spells I hope. Well, I broke my arm yesterday, being the idiot that I am. Yeah, it's a long story. Damien passed out this morning. He's still a little weak, so wish him luck on a speedy recovery. Anyway, Asylum Inc. is officially on tour!!! With whom, you might ask. Paramore and Panic! At The Disco. Buy tickets and come see us. Oh and visit our merch table/booth/tent thing. We'll be signing stuff there after our performance. ~ Sin

"Anyone else want to write on this thing?" I asked.

Damien immediately stood, dropping his controller. "I want to!"

So much for being weak.

He pushed me out of my seat.

Yo yo yo, this is Damien in the hiz-ouse. Like Sin said, I passed out this morning. I should be non-wozy by the time we get to the first venue, which we hit in a few hours (I thinkkkkk). Hope to see you all there. <3 Damien, enchanting sex god

"I'm done," he stood and walked back to his controller.

"Anyone else?" I asked, still on the floor.

Octave stood. "I'll do it."

He sat at the computer.

So as you can tell our band is cursed. I'm hoping no more incidents take place. Right now we're just chillin' on the bus, waiting to get to the first performance area. I'm about to grill Sin about her crush on Hayley. It's actually really funny to see them around each other, especially since Hayley almost raped Sin today. [not seriously, that's just what it seemed like] They'd make a cute couple, right guys? ~Octave

Octave returned to his controller.

"Anyone else?" I asked, standing up.

No answer.

"I'll take that as a no," I muttered to myself.

My body sat at the table again. Eyes skimmed over what the Damien and Octave wrote.

"Octave," sugar coated my voice.


"Why did you write about my crush on Hayley when I'm not crushing on Hayley?"

"But you are crushing on Hayley."

"No, I'm not."

"Sin, shut up. We all know you are," Edward said, standing in the doorway to get to the bunk and bathroom area.

Damien screamed.

We stared at him.

"What the hell, man?" asked Octave.

"He popped out of nowhere and now there's blood on the corner of his mouth. He's a vampire I tell you," Damien declared.

Nurse looked up at Edward.

"Why is there blood on the corner of your mouth, Edward?" she asked him.

"Well, you see... This human wouldn't stay still so I had to kill him violently," he replied.

"In other words, the vomit wouldn't stop coming up and you started vomiting blood," Nurse interpreted.

"Pretty much."

She sighed. "Are you guys even going to try to stop?"

"I haven't done anything yet," pointed out Octave.

"'Yet' being the key word. Do you guys want to die? In all seriousness, that is what's going to happen. Do you enjoy hurting yourselves? Do you think people wouldn't care if something happened to you? You guys are a successful band now. I've pulled you out of the situations that made you start your behaviors and you're all still doing them. Do I have to treat this like a psych ward? If that's what's going to help, I can do that."

No one said anything.

"Well?" she pushed.

"I can try to stop, but it won't work. You can pull me from a situation, but you can't pull me from my brain," Damien said.

Damien being serious, that's scary.

"Is that what its like for all of you?" asked Nurse.

We nodded.

"Does the counseling help? If it doesn't, we can find something else."

"I personally don't like the counseling," I spoke up.


"Councilors are paid to fix you. They don't really care about you as a person; they care about you as a money supply."

"What if... I can find someone else for you to talk to? Not someone I pay. Just someone, other than me, that you can confide in and who can give you a non-biased opinion. Someone who cares"

Glances were passed around. We all shrugged.

"Let's give it a shot," Edward said.

It might help.

"Okay, I'll contact Pete about it right now."

And I have to post a LiveJournal entry.

"Did anyone else want to write on LiveJournal?" I asked.

"Nope," Edward answered.

Mina shook her head.


With a simple click, I posted the entry. A crackling noise came from Nurse's direction. I looked at her over the laptop. In her hands was a black walkie talkie.

"Yes?" asked a fuzzy voice from the other end.

"Hey, Pete, it's Jennifer. I just wanted to talk to you about an idea for making the band follow the tour constitution," Nurse said.

"Oh. Do you want to talk about this in private or over the walkie talkie for everyone to hear?"

"We can talk in private."

"Sounds good."

"That's all I needed to talk about."

"Alright. Hey, Hayley's been ranting about something she thinks Sin said in the elevator."

Nurse looked over at me.

"What did she do to her now?" she asked.

I didn't say anything.

"Apparently, Sin said something about making someone dirty and Hayley took it as being directed to her."

"I said that out loud?" I whispered.

Octave snorted.

"I assure you, Pete, she didn't mean that as an insult," a smirk was placed on her face.

"That's not the point. Hayley's plotting ways to get that girl alone in the dressing rooms, trying to figure out why Sin is such a bitch to her if she likes her, wondering if Sin actually does like her, and proclaiming that she hates her."

"I don't like her," I yelled.

"I'm so sure," Pete said.

"Sin, everyone knows you like her. Just admit it," said Nurse.

"Who are you talking to?" asked another fuzzy voice from the walkie talkie.

"Jennifer," answered Pete.



"Tell her to tell Sin I hate her."

"Hayley says she hates you, Sin."

"You can tell that bitch to burn in the fiery pits of hell," I replied.

"Well that wasn't very nice," Mina whispered.

I glared at her.

"Go fuck yourself," Hayley said.

"Why don't you do it for me?" I retaliated.

Well that didn't come out right.

"Is that an invitation?"

I'm not backing down now.

"Maybe it is."

"Their conversation completely turned around," remarked Pete.

"Yeah... I think we should end it here before they start having walkie talkie sex," Nurse said.

"We aren't going to have walkie talkie sex," I said.

"She's right. I'd never have walkie talkie sex with her," Hayley agreed.

That kind of hurt.

"So we'll be at the venue in an hour and a half. Sin, remember you have to get a cast when we stop," Pete cut into the conversation.

"Okay," I said, not paying attention.

Blah blah blah.

"Hayley will bring you."

What did he say?


I'll just agree and ask what happened later.

"Bye, Pete," Jennifer said.

"Bye, Jen," Pete replied.

"Bye, Arial," Hayley said.

"Bye, Red."

The walkie talkie turned off. Octave stared at me, confusion written on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You just said yes to going with Hayley to get your cast."

"No, I didn't."

"Yeah, you did."

"When did I do that?"

"Just now. Were you not paying attention?"

"Obviously not."

I need to pay attention more often.

Octave shook his head.

"I'm going to take a nap," My body lifted itself from the seat.

"Have fun," Mina said.

Feet brought me to the bunk area. Hands pulled back a few curtains before I found the one with my name on the wall.

The bottom bunk?

Body laid down and eyes closed.

"Are we there yet?" I heard Damien say before drifting to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to Sky.Jumper, whoa!letsgo, and Synder Ella Gates for commenting.
I hope everyone enjoyed this.