Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 15

"Sin," Octave yelled.

Eyes reluctantly opened.

"What?" I asked.

"We stopped and Hayley's here to bring you to the doctor," he pulled back the curtain.

"Ya know, I could have been sleeping naked so maybe you should knock next time," I reprimanded him, eyes closing.

"Arial, can anyone help that you have such a smoking body that even your brother wants to see it?" Hayley's voice entered my ears.


My eyes shot open. I looked to the side. Hayley was standing next to Octave with a smirk on her face. Octave's face was contorted in disgust.

"That's gross," remarked Octave.

"No its not; her body is bangin'," Hayley retorted.

"I meant the incest part."

"Oh... Yeah that is pretty gross."

Hayley looked at me. "So, you ready to go?"

"Go to hell," I burrowed under the blanket.

"Are you going to be there waiting for me in a sexy devil costume?"

"I hate you," my voice came out muffled by the blanket.

"Aww, I hate you too."


The top half of my head poked out from the blanket. I glared at her.

"Sin, stop flirting and go to the freaking doctor," Octave ordered.

"I don't wanna go," I complained.

"Sin," Octave's voice was stern.

You're not my daddy!

His eyes dared me to argue.

"Fine," I grumbled, getting out of the bunk.

I stretched my back.

"You slept in skinny jeans?" asked Hayley.

"I was taking a nap. Why should I change for a nap?"

"Well, you could just sleep nude. Then you wouldn't have to change."

"If people didn't walk in on me while I'm sleeping, I would."

"Would you two go to the doctor already?" asked Octave.

"Yeah, yeah. We're leaving. Keep your granny panties on," I said, while slipping on shoes. I looked at Hayley, "Let's go."

Hayley and I exited the bus.

"Have fun," called Octave after us.

Yeah, whatever, freak.

"So, um, when is the appointment?" I asked Hayley.

"In about an hour."

"Where is this place?"

We turned around the corner of one of the buses.

"Right there," she pointed across the street.

Why the hell did we leave so early then?

"And the reason we left so early was because?"

"So that I could do this," she shoved me roughly against the bus.

This is awfully familiar.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Showing you how much I hate you."

... That didn't make any sense.

"What the he—" Her lips pushed against mine, cutting off my sentence.

Body squirmed, ignoring the enjoyment coursing through its veins. Her weight pushed against me, all movements forced to stop. Submission flooded the body. She released my arms, allowing one to wrap around her neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist. She tugged on my bottom lip with her teeth before pulling away. I could feel my face flush as I looked into her eyes. A smirk placed itself on her face. She leaned in again, lips lightly brushing mine. Something flashed to the side of us. Hayley pulled away slowly and turned her head; I did the same. Pete stood there casually holding a camera in his hand. Octave, Zac, and Brendon stood behind him.

What the fuck did they do?

"Aw, gay love is so cute," Pete said.

"That was hot," Brendon remarked.

"Did you take a picture?" asked Hayley.

Pete nodded.

"I want a copy of it."

Is she serious?

"Sin, you want a copy?" asked Octave.

"Absolutely not, you ass. I hate her. Why would I want a copy of a kiss forced on to me by a crappy singer?"

"You hate her?"


"So why are you still holding her?"


The hold on my waist was tightened. Eyes looked down; then looked up at her. Arm removed itself as if her neck was on fire and hand pushed her away.

"I'm not holding her."

Wish I could still be though.

"You know you liked it," Hayley whispered in my ear, grabbing me around the waist from behind.

Yes I did.

I pouted and crossed my arms. She kissed behind my ear; then kissed the side of my neck. Fire lit in the pit of my stomach.

"Don't do that," I squeaked.

"Is that a hot spot?" she asked.

"No, its not."

She kissed my neck again. "Are you sure?"

"Stop it."

"Maybe I don't want to." Her teeth nipped at my neck.

The fire exploded inside me. I bit my lip.

"Okay, that's enough. Go to the doctor already," Octave commanded.

"Fucking kill joy," Hayley mumbled, releasing her hold.

"Well she needs to get a cast. You can have all the fun you want after."

Did he really just give her consent to do that?

Hayley's face brightened. "Okay."

Her hand grabbed mine and she dragged me towards the doctor.

"Remember, tell them it was a skateboarding accident," Octave called.

"I don't even know how to skateboard," I muttered.

"So you use that excuse often? I remember you used it on Pete," said Hayley.

I nodded.

"Wow... Why don't you make up a new one?"

"Like what?"

"Like... You and I were having passionate sex and you hit your arm against the headboard of our bed."


"You're right, you should use that excuse when it actually happens."

My jaw dropped. She reached over and closed it for me as we crossed the empty street.

"That's not going to happen," I argued.

We stopped in front of the entrance of the building.

"Its obvious you like me, so just give up."

♠ ♠ ♠
So I have new people to thank for comments O.O
Ahem, thank you to Synder Ella Gates, MemphisandCollege, and Playing God;
I don't remember if I had any new subscribers and I haven't been keeping track...
SOOO thank you if you did subscribe.