Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 16

Eyes traced the outline of shoes, memorizing the details and avoiding the person in front of them.


I looked up at her from under my fringe.

"You like me," Hayley stated.

Cocky bitch.

Eyes glared.

"No. I fucking hate you," I walked through the automatic doors.

My feet took a few steps before turning around. Hayley stood outside, mouth open still looking at where I was standing.


Her mouth closed and formed a smirk. Mischief took refuge in her eyes. She walked through the automatic door, confidence overwhelming her being.

What is she planning?

My arms crossed over my chest and weight leaned on one foot. She stood next to me.

"Let's go. You have an appointment," Hayley walked in the direction of one of the waiting rooms.

I glared at her back. Eyes traveled down.

She has a nice ass.

I mentally slapped myself.

Follow her, damn it.

Feet took quick paces to catch up with her. She stopped abruptly, causing my body to slam into hers. Her head turned slightly to look at me.

"I knew you liked me but I didn't know you liked me that much," she commented.

Hands pushed my body off of hers.

"Let's just sit down," I mumbled.

She nodded and led the way into the completely empty waiting room. Her eyes traveled the room before she walked to a set of blue plastic chairs near the receptionist desk. My feet followed her. Casually, she took her seat; then looked up at me, as if watching my moves. I sat in the uncomfortable, plastic chair across from her. She looked at the empty chair next to her and looked at me.

"Is there a reason you're sitting across from me?" she asked.


"And that would be?"

"I hate you."

She rolled her eyes. Silence. My fingers began tapping on the arm of the seat. Hayley watched in amusement as I began to fidget.

This is uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Hayley asked, enjoyment filling her voice

"Nothing," I replied bluntly.

"You'd be more comfy if you sat in my lap."

"I'm not sitting in your lap," I growled.

"Aww, why not?"

"Why the hell would I sit in the lap of the worst singer on the face of the planet? You might rub off on me and fuck up my singing."

"Oh, Baby, I might rub you but it won't be to give you my singing skills."

Mouth dropped. The door next to the receptionist desk opened.

"Sin St. James?" announced the woman in nursing attire.

"That's me," I said, standing.

Hayley stood.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm coming in with you?"

Excuse me?

"I don't need your help. I'm eighteen years old; I can handle this on my own."

"But, baby, I want to be there for you when they put your cast on. I want to be the first one to sign it. Don't you want your girlfriend to sign it?" Hayley asked, putting on a disguise of sadness.

The nurse let out a small "aw". My head jolted to look at her.

"I'm not dating her," I said quickly.

The nurse nodded, "Its okay, I understand. You don't want the public to find out. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you. I appreciate it," Hayley said.

"It's absolutely no problem," she smiled. "Follow me."

She turned and walked through the door.

"Oh, you are such a bitch," I whispered to Hayley while following the nurse.

"I try," she countered, walking next to me.

The nurse led us to a room, placing my chart on the outside.

Why didn't she take my weight and stuff?

I sat on the seat the nurse motioned to. A rolling chair was placed next to me.

"Here ya go, hun. You can sit here next to your friend," the nurse said to Hayley and winked.

"Thank you so much," Hayley sat down.

"The doctor will be here in a moment."

Hayley placed a hand on my thigh, "You have been such great help. Thank you."

The nurse nodded happily and left.

"Get your hand off me before I bite it," I growled.

"Mmm, feisty" Hayley removed her hand.

"Are you having fun sucking up to the nurse?"

"I'm trying to play the part of worried girlfriend."

"You're not my girlfriend."

"Don't you want me to be?"



"Well you act like you do."

"I don't."

"Yeah, you do."

"Not really."

"Just because you flirt like a grade school boy doesn't mean I can't tell when you like me."

"I don't flirt like a grade school boy."

"Sure you don't."

The door opened, ending our conversation. A man in a white coat stood in the doorway looking through a manila folder.

"Hello, Ms. St. James. I'm Dr. Edwards," he said, without looking up.

"Hi," said Hayley.

His eyes left the papers and landed on Hayley.

"Who are you? Only family is allowed to be with patient while they're getting a cast" Mr. Edwards stated.


"I'm her girlfriend," Hayley cut me off. "I was so worried that I couldn't let her go alone. We're engaged, if that helps."

I swear I will kill her.

"Oh, okay. I'll let it slip this time."

"But she's not my girlfriend," I said.

"Baby, it's okay. We don't have to hide our love around the doctor," Hayley grabbed my arm.

"Get off me," I told her.

Hayley looked at the doctor. "You have to understand that we have to keep it a secret around most people. With the paparazzi and all, things get difficult."

"I understand completely. So I see we're giving you a cast today, Ms. St. James," he said.

I sighed. "Yes sir."

"Okay then. This will take about thirty minutes," he turned to Hayley, "You can stay with her or leave. There's a fast food place across the street if you want to get food for the two of you."

"Would you like me to get you some food, baby?" Hayley asked me.

I glared in response.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll see you in thirty minutes."

She stood. "Thank you for giving her the cast doctor."

"It's no problem at all."

"I'll see you in a bit, baby. I love you."

"I hate you," I replied.

She giggled.

That was so fake.

"That's her way of saying she loves me around the paparazzi," Hayley explained to the Dr. Edwards.

He nodded.


"Okay, I'll leave now so you can get that cast on her," she walked to the door. "Bye," she waved while closing it.

"That's a sweet girlfriend you have there," Mr. Edwards said.

"She not my girlfriend," I exclaimed.

"Uh huh," he winked.

What's up with people and winking?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to MemphisandCollege, Synder Ella Gates, whoa!letsgo, and midnightwalker.
You guys rock my rainbow socks.
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You guys equally rock.