Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 23

We made it to the next venue safely and in time for the tour interview. The interview was being held outside with all of the bands as participants. Paramore sat on a bright orange picnic blanket. Panic At the Disco had a picnic blanket with designs of an oriental rug. Our blanket was completely black. Video camera equipment was set up around the open area. The interviewer, a young man, sat in a lawn chair.

"Let's start this interview, shall we?" the interviewer asked.

"Sure thing," Hayley answered.

I don't think she's paid any attention to what I'm wearing. Stop being such a guy, Hayley!

The interviewer started by asking the normal questions just as Nurse had predicted and each band took turns answering them. He shifted through his notes for a moment after asking the tour-related questions.

"Hayley, you said earlier you have an announcement for your fans. What would that be?" he asked.

Oh, no more tour questions?

"Yeah I did say that. Um, I really wanted to get this out there because I know letting fans know who you are is important. I'm gay. I expect fans to respect that and even support me in my sexual preference. If we lose fans because of this, then that says a lot about the stupidity of people."

She seriously just came out on live television.

The interviewer seemed unfazed. "That shouldn't be too big of a deal. Asylum Inc. here has two gay members and their fan base loves them still. It's about the music, or it should be."


"Yesterday, you told fans you had a crush on someone. Any clues as to who?"

"This girl with red hair and bright blue eyes. I call her Arial. She's just all around amazing from what she's been through to who she is today. Media can be a little harsh on her sometimes by comparing us when we're basically nothing alike. That, itself, caused some problems between us but we're good now."

"Do you know if she likes you too?"

"I don't know. Sin, do you like me too?" Hayley asked me.

"Yes, Hayley, I do," I answered.

She smirked, her eyes traveling up and down my frame.

"Well apparently she likes me too," she told the interviewer.

"You like Sin St. James," the interviewer asked incredulously.


I dare him to bad mouth me.

"Surprising. You two are complete opposites."

Hayley nodded.

"So I have some questions for Asylum Inc. There have been some rumors going around about your band. Would you care to play a little true and false with them?" the interviewer asked us.

"Okay," I answered for the band.

"Alright, well the fist one is that Damien has an abusive boyfriend; true or false?"

That's relatively personal.

"False. He's my ex-boyfriend now," Damien answered, confident.

"Next: Edward, you worked at a gay bar for a year; true or false?"

Maybe I should have said "no" to answering these.

"True," Edward answered offering no explanation.

"Mina, you were a prostitute for a while."

Where did he get this information?

"That's true. I needed money to pay the bills," Mina answered.

"Fair enough. Octave, you were a drug addict in high school."

Don't ask that.

"I was. I'm not anymore. Drugs are horrible things to get involved with and no one should ever do them. To make things worse, I have Stereotypic Movement Disorder and the drugs didn't react well with that," Octave said.

"At least you're off them. Your recovery should inspire others," the interviewer stated. "Sin, even though you are adamantly against people hurting themselves, you are a self-injurer and have tried to kill yourself multiple times. That’s why your band called off a tour some time ago. Is that true?"

Of course.

"True. I'm not a hypocrite though. The things I do to myself are scary. I don't think anyone should have to go through it."

"You're not the only one who has some form of problem though. There is a reason your name is Asylum Inc. It's rumored that Damien and Edward have eating disorders. True?"

"It is," Edward stated.

I love his short answers.

"I'm anorexic and Edward is bulimic," Damien said.

"What about Mina?"

"What about me?" asked Mina defensively.

"Any addictions?"

"I'm an alcoholic," she stated.

"That's relatively common."

"A lot of things are."

I guess that's good to get off our chest.

My eyes looked passed the camera man where Nurse stood, her face livid.

Or not.

"I'm pretty sure those are the only rumors I've heard. Thanks so much, guys, for clearing that up," he smiled.

So maybe this stuff will end up in the tabloids. We can handle it... right?

"Well that's all the questions we have. Thanks for taking the time to answer them. It was great talking to you all," the interviewer stood and shook everyone's hand.

He left to help pack up the equipment. Arms snaked around my waist.

"You are really sexy; you know that, right?" Hayley breathed in my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied.

"I'm referring to this little get up of your's. Very nice choice of clothing," she complimented.

"So you did notice?"

"It's kind of hard to miss."

"Are you calling me fat?" I teased.

"Oh, yes, because you're so big I can't even wrap my arms around you," she joked back, laughing.

"I knew it," I cried out dramatically.

"But you're ass is nice," she squeezed the mentioned body part.

"Sin St. James," Nurse yelled.

She stomped towards me. Hayley kept her hold on me.

"I'm eighteen; you can't tell me what to do," I yelled back.

"Why did you answer those questions truthfully? You know your answers are going to be in the tabloid," she yelled.

"Oh... that's what we're talking about? I'm not the only one who answered truthfully."

"I already fussed at them as a group."

"So you attack me while I'm alone?"

Her eyebrow rose.

"You're not alone. You currently have Hayley Williams molesting you in broad daylight."

Hayley's eyes widened. She cleared her throat, removing her arms from my body.

"I see you two are busy. I'll take my leave," a fake British accent coated Hayley's voice.

Her lips pecked my cheek before she skipped to her band mates.

"Did I just ruin a moment?" Nurse asked.

"Yes," I grumbled.

Nurse shook her head. "So now you're willing to admit you like her?"


"Asked her out yet?"


"Are you going to?"

"I don't know."

"I think you should."

Shoulders shrugged.

"You're not mad anymore?" I asked.

"If you guys think you can handle the negative media, then no. If any of you crack, I will be so pissed off."

"Of course."

"Sin," a female's yell met my ears.

Why do people keep yelling at me?

A blonde woman ran towards us, her chest bouncing in her flimsy white tank top. The wind picked up her pink skirt, showing off her lacy underwear.

"Is that..." I started.

"Crystal," Nurse said.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to musik_mstr, MemphisandCollege, Synder Ella Gates, AlexHitOnZackATL, The Pretty Monster, Babe_Rawr_Funky, bette davis eyes., tHeLiFeOfLoVe, and xxX.MZ.BUbbLEZ.Xxx.
You guys are spectacular.
And thank you to all new subscribers.
I love you guys.
I hope you enjoy.