Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 28

Our bus pulled up to the hotel we would be staying in.

"We're here," Nurse stated.

Damien yelled in excitement from his seat on top of the tv. Edward looked at him.

"Seriously, you're going break it," he stated.

Damien stuck his tongue out at him. I shook my head.

"Let's get off this bus before Damien actually does break something," Mina suggested, standing.

"I second that," Octave said.

"I'm a dinosaur," Damien exclaimed, jumping off the television and running out of the bus.

"I say we never give him sugar again," I said, eyes traveling around the partially destroyed living area.

Five minutes and he causes that much destruction.

"Agreed," Octave nodded.

"Come on. We have to check in," Nurse instructed, walking off the bus.

We followed her. The sun immediately blinded me. My eyes had been seeing through artificial light for so long that they needed to readjust to natural light.

"Should we find Damien?" asked Mina.

My eyes scanned the parking lot, landing on the male in question. Damien stood on top of an SUV, shielding his eyes from the light.

"Found him," I replied, pointing at him.

Their eyes followed my finger.

"Oh wow," Octave said in shock.

"Damien, what are you doing?" asked Nurse.

"I'm looking for Treasure Island," he yelled.

"Get down from there," she told him.

He pouted and did as instructed, sliding down the side of the vehicle and landing on his feet.

"Now the sharks are going to eat me," he complained.

"Let's go inside," Nurse walked toward the hotel, ignoring Damien's complaint.

Again we followed. I looked up at the hotel.

Pete must have a thing for Hilton

Air rushed through the automatic doors as we entered, blowing our hair in multiple directions. I made no move to fix it.

I didn't spend time on it this morning.

Nurse walked to Pete, leaving us standing awkwardly in the doorway. Across the waiting area stood the vibrant red head I was trying to win back. I willed her to look up at me with my mind. Her head remained down, staring at her shoes.

"Okay, your rooms are 584 and 585," Nurse started, pulling me from my trance.

I didn't even see her come back.

"Paramore and Panic are on either side of you. I'm not sure what their room numbers are; just be aware that they're there," she finished.

A plastic, credit card shaped key was handed to the boys. The other remained in Nurse's hand. I trailed behind the group as we walked to the elevator. Eyes looked back at the spot Hayley had been standing. Mood depressed when my mind comprehended she was no longer standing there. Hands itched to hold a razor blade, to cause pain to any patch of skin.

I can't think like that. I need to get better. I need to stop.

I tried to kill the feeling. It persisted in the back of my mind. The elevator door slid open. We stepped inside it and it slid closed. Nurse pressed the button to get to the designated floor. A few short, silent minutes later, the elevator slid open. We piled out and walked down the hall. From a distance, my eyes made out Hayley's form, outside her room door. My feet froze. The rest of the band continued forward. She bent down and picked up the vase of roses, reading the card attached. Her red mane moved as she shook her head. She paid no attention as my band walked into the rooms we were assigned too.

She doesn’t like it.

My heart pained. Hayley opened her room door, balancing the vase in one arm. Her body disappeared into the room. I resumed walking, stopping outside my room door.

"Oh my," I heard Hayley gasp. "Guys, come here," she yelled.

Immediately, all three boys from her band rushed from their room into Hayley's.

Well, I may as well stay out here and listen.

"Whoa," Zac marvaled.

"I know," she replied.

"Who did this?" asked Jeremy.

"Sin," she said.

"Wow, she's really trying to get you to talk to her."


"Well, what do you think about all of this?" Josh asked.

There was a pause.

Please like it.

"This is the most amazing thing anyone has done for me," she replied.

A smile spread on my face. Warmth filled my stomach.

I'll have her back soon enough.

I knocked on the door in front of me. It opened, revealing Nurse.

"You finally decided to join us?" she asked.

"I got a little sidetracked," I replied.

Feet maneuvered around her and into the room. Mina looked up at me.

"Listening to your handy work?" Mina asked.

"You know it."

"She sounded pretty happy."

"Yeah. I just hope she’ll talk to me soon."

Nurse walked past me and sat on one of the bed's.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"It’s a break day. Do whatever you want as long as its legal and you don't get hurt. We have a publicized dinner around five so be here in enough time to get ready for that."

"Sounds good," I laid on the unoccupied bed.

Now to figure out what to do.

"There's a little store downstairs with food and stuff if you want to check it out," Nurse stated.

"I might just do that," I said.

When I decide to get up.

"I'm going with Damien to get some food for lunch. We saw a Burger King down the road on the way here. You two want anything?" Mina asked.

"Fries and a Dr. Pepper," I said.

"Number nine with a Dr. Pepper," Nurse told her.

"Alright. I'm leaving. See you guys in a bit," she left the room.

"Edward and Octave are going to go shopping with Ryan and Brendon. I'm going with Pete to make sure everything is set for the next performance. So you'll probably be alone. I'd rather you not leave the hotel by yourself. Keep your phone on you. Here's a key to the room," Nurse tossed the plastic card at me.

"I'm not a baby," I said.

"You're eighteen; the youngest member in our band; the youngest person on this tour. You are the baby."

"That's lame."

"Not caring. I have to go. Bye," she waved and left the room.

I'm alone. In a hotel room. I could do so many cool things if I had an imagination.

A haggard sigh emitted from my lips.

I guess I could go check out that store.

Hands pushed body to a standing position. Feet took body out of the hotel room and to the elevator down the hall. Finger pressed the button with the arrow pointing downward. I waited.

I wonder if Hayley saw the video.

The elevator opened, allowing me entrance. I stepped in and pressed the button marked "1". The doors closed. Low music played in the elevator. Quiet hums came from my throat.

I think I actually know this song.

The elevator opened. I stepped out.

Where the hell is the store?

Eyes searched the surrounding area, stopping on the store's sign. Feet walked toward it, carrying the body with it. I waved to the cashier as I entered and immediately walked toward the candy isle.

So maybe I am a bit of a kid.

Focused on the multiple candies in front of me, I bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," I said, jumping to my feet.

I held my hand out to the person laying on the ground. Mind processed that it was Hayley, a rose placed in her hair. She looked at my hand; then back up at me. My breath held, waiting to see if she would allow me to pull her up. Her hand reached up, grabbing mine and using it to stand. She smiled at me, waved, and left the store. I stood, frozen once again.

She acknowledged my existence. Be still my heart.

"Hayley, look what I found," Zac's yells could be heard in the store.

He ran to the candy isle, excitement clear on his face. His smile dropped.

"Where's Hayley?" he asked me.

"She just left," I replied.

He nodded to himself and remained standing next to me.

"She saw your video," he said.


He nodded again.

"What did she think?" I asked.

"She loved it. Just like she loved the flowers and candy," he stated.

I smiled in triumph.

♠ ♠ ♠
So I felt like the one I posted earlier was a long filler.
I decided to post a second because of that.
Thank you to whoa!letsgo, DestructionOfAStatue, xxthefanxx, and MemphisandCollege.
And to any new subscribers (though I doubt there were any in the short period of time the one before this was up)
I hope you enjoyed.