Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 29

Nurse laid out a vest and skirt for me when she returned earlier; she left after, most likely to help prepare our male counterparts for the dinner. I've refused to put on my clothing till last minute.

"I can't believe you still haven't dressed yet," Mina said, gazing upon my current attire: shorts and a white tank top.

I think its perfect attire for the moment.

"I honestly don't care about this dinner," I replied.

Other than the fact that this is the last phase in getting Hayley back.

"Hayley will be there though."

"I know."

"And you don't care about making yourself absolutely gorgeous before?"

"All I'm wearing is this short black skirt and this vest. If you haven't noticed, I don't have a shirt to go under said vest. I think my clothes are good enough to get her attention."

"You and your hooker clothes."

"I took them from your closet."

She laughed. "Yeah, I may have taken that off a few times for cash."

"I knew it. I could feel your stripper energy through this vest."

"Going to take it off for Hayley?" she asked.

"The minute I find a pole," I joked. "When does this thing start?"

She glanced at the clock.

"In about thirty minutes," she answered.

Thirty minutes till my master plan comes to an end. I hope this wasn't in vain.

"I should probably get dressed," I mumbled, standing.

"Considering Nurse will be here any minute to do your make up, yeah you should."

Grumbling obscenities to myself, I pulled down my shorts and pulled on the pleated skirt. Mina pulled my tank top off and slipped on my vest. Finger buttoned it with ease.

"You're like a Barbie Doll," Mina laughed.

Eyes rolled at her comment.

I hardly look like Barbie.

The hotel room door swung open. Nurse rushed in, makeup bag in hand.

"Sit," she commanded.

I collapsed onto the bed. She kneeled in front of me. Her hands worked quickly, finding the liquid eyeliner and eye shadow in seconds from her huge bag. She lined my eyes with the eyeliner and applied grey eye shadow. Her body rose from its kneeling position.

"Done," she said, sighing heavily.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just rushed. You know how you're doing your thing tonight?"


"Oh, that's right; today is the end of trying to win Hayley over," Mina stated.

I nodded.

"Good luck with that. I really hope things work out for you."

"I do too," I said.

"Well, everyone is finished getting ready. The guys are waiting for an elevator. Let's head out," Nurse instructed.


Nurse led the way out of the door. Mina followed her. I followed Mina. We walked down the hallway in our line. In minutes, we were at the elevators, standing next to the males from the band. They stood around, slouching and silent.

Why aren't they hyper?

"What's wrong with you guys?" Mina asked.

"Hungry," Octave grunted.

That was a very Neanderthal-like response.

The elevator opened with its usual ding. We squeezed inside. Nurse pressed the button marked "1". The door slid shut.

I'm going to guess the other bands are already on their way there. Or already are there. We had to leave last so my plan can go into effect.

The males of our band leaned against the sides of the elevator, clutching their stomachs.

"Eating like a normal person hurts," Damien whined.

I shook my head.

"Well we're about to leave to get food. You should be excited," Nurse stated.

"I'm not," he whined again.

The elevator slid open. We stepped out, followed Nurse out of the hotel and to the van parked in front of the entrance. I entered the van last, closing the door behind me. My forehead rested against the cold window.

I hope this works.

The ride to the restaurant was quite, considering our most hyper-active member was too worried about his hunger pains. The van stopped in front of the restaurant. We piled out. Nurse turned to me.

"Okay, we'll find out where the table is and we'll hide you somewhere near it or near the stage. Just follow behind us until we get to the reservation desk. Wait there for me to move you," she said.

I nodded. I did as told, following behind the group into the restaurant. We stopped at the reservation desk. The woman behind the desk immediately recognized the band.

"Mr. Wentz is expecting you. Right this way," the woman walked through one of the openings.

I watched the band walk through the entrance and disappear from sight.

Now to wait for Nurse.

Nurse came back within minutes.

"Come with me," she said, leading me through the back halls.

She stopped us next to an opening.

"Our table is through there. So is the stage. You'll have to sneak behind the pillars or wait till Hayley leaves the table," she said.

"I'll figure something out," I replied.

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit," she stepped through the opening.

"Hey, where's Sin," Hayley asked.

She noticed I'm not around?

"Not here," Nurse replied.

"Why not?"

"Because she couldn't make it."

"What happened?"

"She just didn't show up to get dressed."

"And you're not worried? She could be dead."

"Sin can take care of herself. She's not a baby."

That's not what you said earlier.

"Are you worried?" Edward asked her.

"Well, yeah. She could be hurt."

She's worried about me.

It was quiet. Footsteps approached the table.

"Hi, my name is Marie; I'll be your waitress. What can I get you guys to drink?" an unfamiliar female's voice reaches my ears.

Each person recites their drink order.

"Alright, I'll be right back with those," she says, her footsteps can be heard leaving the table.

I can't wait any longer.

I slipped off my heels and held them in one hand.

I'm going to sneak in there ninja style.

I tip toe quickly through the opening and behind the first pillar.

Hopefully no one notices me.

Eyes looked toward the next pillar, sizing up the distance. Back leaned against the pillar. The rough edges threatened to snag my top and rip it.

Why is this thing so sharp?

Lungs took a breath of air. I rushed to the next pillar and hid behind it. The stage was the next checkpoint, as well as the end of my ninja journey. I took another deep breath.

So close.

Feet lead body calmly to the stage.

I don't care if people see me at this point.

I walked up the steps and to the microphone set in front of the stage. Throat cleared itself, the microphone echoing the sound through the restaurant. The crowd in the restaurant turned their attention to me. A few people gasped or squealed. Cameras flashed

"Um, hi. I'm Sin St. James from the band Asylum Inc. This goes to Hayley, wherever she may be. I can't see past all the lights," I laughed nervously.

"Anyway. Hayley, like I've said a thousand times, I'm sorry. I like you a lot. I guess it kind of borders on obsession at this point. In response to the note on my cast, I love you too. I can say that honestly. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your hair. I love you charm and wit. I do love your body. I love the way we fit together when we hug. I love your kisses. I love your laugh. I love your voice. I love everything about you and I hope you still love me too," I finished.

Lights cleared from my vision. Eyes glanced around the room, looking for the red-head addressed. She was no where in sight.

"Guys, where's Hayley?" I asked into the mic.

"She went to the bathroom," Octave answered.

So she didn't hear any of that? Fucking great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to she floats., MemphisandCollege, whoa!letsgo, The Pretty Monster, DestructionOfAStatue, xXRipMyHeartOpenXx, Synder Ella Gates, WonderlandRABBIT, Babe_Rawr_Funky, xxX.MZ.BUbbLEZ.Xxx, Ezo Ookami, and Rags Romance.
Finally over 100 comments =]
And thank you to any new subscribers.
This is actually really close to being finished.
Sad isn't it?
Anyway, enjoy.